Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday Weirdness

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Story Time Edition

1.) Tell us how you picked the blog nickname that you write under. (IE: I am Pink Vodka Bubbles) Were you considering using a different pseudonym or was the one you wound up with your first pick?
I started my blogs using my real first name. Quite soon, I changed to "The Cataloger" and then shortened it to "Cat." though I still use The Cataloger on my work/book blogs.
2.) Tell us about your worst oral sex experience.
3.) Tell us about the most fun night you've had in the last two months [sic] time.
There've been several youth group meetings that have been pretty fun. Also, if it still falls in the right timeframe, the night at the pub with Amy and my boys was pretty spectacular.
4.) If you were in a restaurant sitting down ready to order and you saw something that grossed you out enough to make you get up right then and leave without ever ordering, tell us about what you saw to make you react that way.
I haven't ever had that happen, but any kind of vermin would do it. I'd leave at any point during the meal, and I so wouldn't pay, either!
5.) Tell us about your favorite childhood toy.
It sorta depends on the year. When I was really little, it was probabl Raggedy Anne. Then I got a Barbie, and a Skipper, and there were Dawn Dolls too. And my brother's metal toy cars (i.e. Hot Wheels). Mostly there was the jump rope and jacks, though. I used both of those incessently!!
6.) Tell us about the weirdest sexual proposition you've ever been faced with.
Over the years, I have been directly and indirectly propositioned by guys while working at the Reference Desk. They've all been icky, except one. Well that was sorta icky too since Teh Girlfriend was standing right there. And there was the time when my husband informed me, after I was done, that a patron was checking out my legs while I was helping him; that was sorta awkward.
7.) Tell us about one of the not-so-good dates you and your current (or ex if you have no current) significant other have gone on.
There was the time I mentioned in a post recently when we were refused admittance to a popular bar on the south side of Milwaukee--the city in which Harley-Davidson engins are built--because we were wearing (clean, newish, unadorned-with-patches) H-D jackets. No other gear. Just the jackets. On a Friday night.

Cuz, yeah, bikers are so baaaad. Btw--never owned a motorcycle (not yet). And we could not possibly have looked more like yuppies-wearing-leather.

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