Our Third Meme About Blogging
1. How did you come up with your blog title OR what does it mean?
My main blog is based on lyrics of a song playing off what I know to be true when I write it. This blog is also based on a song, as a pun.2. What are your general goals for blogging?
Kill time, rant, keep a diary, pass along info, bookmark things for myself for future reference.... It all depends on the day.3. Do people "in your real life" know that you blog and do they comment on your blog OR is it larely [sic] anonymous?
How often do you post (x per week)?
Some people know. Most of my extended family does NOT, and there are several work colleague who don't know. Some do. However it's set up as pretty anonymous--I don't use ANYone's real name. I usually post, somewhere, every day.4. How often do you read other blogs (x per week)?
Every day. I have 152 feeds in Bloglines and most are updated at least twice a week, and many of them are nearly daily. I need to weed again.5. How do you select blogs to read (do you prefer blogs that focus on certain topics or do you choose by tone or…?)
I used to have close to 75 library-related blogs that I read. I'm down to less than 20 now, and those are where the weeding will commence. Several dozen of the feeds on Bloglines are memes, so those will stay. I mostly stick with people I either know IRL or have met in Blogland and gotten to know, and I like people with a sense of humor and humility and intelligence.6. Do you have any plans to copy your blog entries in any other format, or do you think that one day, you’ll just delete it all?
About four months ago, I started moving things to WordPress. I should probably just dump everything into a Word document and save it that way. It'd be just as fast.7. What are the things you like best about blogging?
I like to write. Blogging also saves me from blathering on and on to my husband; I use up my daily quota of words here instead of on his ears.8. What are the things you don’t like about blogging?
Well, transferring to other formats is annoying because it's all done LIFO rather than FIFO. And some blogs are incoherent, self-important, and/or pointless.9. How do you handle comments?
Way back when I started, Blogger didn't have comments, so I use Haloscan. I still prefer the Haloscan 'look' much more than Blogger's gacky layout. I think I've only ever banned one person, and that was eons ago. Have never had a problem with spam. Ever.10. Do you have any burning thoughts to share on blog etiquette?
Be nice on other people's sites, especially if you don't know them. Talk to them as if you were standing in their living room, not shouting at them from a protest march on the street.11. Any desired blog features?
I've pretty much done what I want to do.12. Have you suffered blog addiction?
Yup. Badly. It's ongoing.
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