Monday, March 23, 2009

Weird Question Meme

(Swiped from Allison) [edit: 7 a.m. 3/24--I missed some questions on the first pass. I shouldn't meme while sleeping, I guess.]

If you got trapped in an elevator with someone, who would you want it to be? Someone who knows how to fix the elevator, who isn't wearing gallons of scent, and who isn't claustrophobic.

What is your favorite cereal? Froot Loops.

Do you own any cowboy boots? No, but I need to get some.

What is something you would never do in public? Run around naked.

Have you ever had really strange dreams? Is there really anyone who would answer this "no"?

Name a friend or loved one who has passed away. Dad and Ellen, and some friends.

What’s your earliest memory? Sitting on the couch in the living room writing in Mom's address book.

Have you ever broken a bone before, and if so, how? My middle fingers are pretty bent, but there hasn't been an official diagnosis of breakage.

Have you ever stepped in dog poo? Yes. Part of the deal when one has a dog in the family.

Ever bitten your toenails? Not that I'm aware of. Babies do this, and I'm not that flexible anymore.

Who is your all time hero? Dad.

What colors do you think mix well? Brown and almost anything.

What did you eat recently? Enchiladas

What was your favorite cartoon movie as a child? I don't remember seeing a cartoon at a theatre (remember, I grew up before video) until Cinderella and I was certainly nearing double digits by then.

What’s your favorite movie now? Heathers.

Do you paint your toenails? Only if they are going to be visible in public.

Is your computer a fast and awesome computer? MINE is! lol

What do you do, or want to do for a living? I teach high school social studies. I work in a library. I'm sure this comes as a big surprise to anyone who reads this site regularly....

If one of your long lost exes called you and asked for you back, would you take them back? that ain't happening No. Three's definitely a crowd.

Have you ever been a heart-breaker? Yes.

What’s your favorite instrument? To play: flute. To listen to: cello.

What is a country you want to visit badly before you die? Egypt.

Have you made a bucket list? Nope.

What things in history amuse you the most? People were just as stupid then as they are now.

Have you ever eaten lipstick? Not intentinally, and I rarely wear it anyway.

What are 3 accessories you have to be equipped with when you go out? My glasses, my cell phone, and Chapstick.

Have you ever licked a window before? I may have done when I was just a little kid.

If someone dared you to run across a busy street for 1 thousand dollars, would you? Sure. Done it before for free, so why not!?

Would you kill someone for 9 million dollars? Not just for the money.

Who is your worst enemy right now and why? Greedy politicans, mostly those who insist on playing around while the economy tanks, i.e. Republicans.

Have you ever been in a physical fight with anyone before? Yup, but not for a LONG time.

What brand of cell phone do you have, and which service provider? LG (I think), Sprint

Do you wear slippers or socks? Socks. My slippers suck.

Do your feet stink? Not usually.

Have you ever picked your butt in public? Probably, again with the "when I was a kid" stuff.

What is the strangest pet you’ve ever owned? Well, the sex-changing guinea pig was pretty amazing.

Do you love life or hate it? Mostly love it.

Who is the hottest person in the entire universe, in your opinion? Uh, passing on this one.

What do you do every night before bed? Take off my glasses Changed my mind when I reread the question. Before bed, I brush my teeth. Before sleep, I take off my glasses.

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