(Again, swiped from Kwizgiver, who lives in my blogroll)
What is your fave color? Blue
What is your fave movie? The Super8 of me hula-hooping when I was 8.
What is fave play? No Exit. Someday I'll see it performed. Oh, wait...I am, regularly. ;-)
What is your fave TV show? TAR
What's your fave food? Sugar cookies. Damn it, someone go get me some!!!
What's your fave dessert? Wedding cake.
What was your fave year in high school? Sophomore year was pretty hard to beat.
What was was your fave year in college? Hmm, junior? But kinda senior, too.
What was your fave vehicle? My current truck.
What was your fave alcoholic drink? LIIT
Who is your fave friend? ~plock~
What was your fave animal? ...as in pet? Shade. Hands down.
What was your fave CD? By number of times played? Howard Jones.
What was your fave yankee candle? (what's with "was"?) Linen.
What was your fave Pro Football team? The Pack, of course.
What was your fave girl name? Josephine.
What was was your fave boy name? David.
What was was your fave piece of jewelry? My wedding ring (note: NOT the engagement ring).
[seriously, "Was"????]
Pick one or the other
Coke or Pepsi? Diet Pepsi
WalMart or Target? Target.
Lamps or candles? Lamps.
Debit or credit? Cash. Sorry, I guess debit.
Fingers or toes? WTF? Fingers, by a nose.
Desktop or laptop? Laptop @ home, desktop @ work.
Blinds or curtains? Blinds.
Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla.
Tall or short? Who??
Love or money? Love.
Taste or smell? Taste.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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