Thursday, March 12, 2009


(Found here)

1. Unoriginal question..what color Apples are your favorite? I prefer Granny Smiths or Jonathans. The color is immaterial except insofar as it identifies the type of apple.
2. If you got to choose one wild Animal as your pet, what would it be? Wolf
3. Who do you Admire most? FIL.
4. Would you ever consider becoming an Actor/Actress? I'd be surprisingly good at it, but I wouldn't want to have to do it.
5. When did you last get Angry? I'm pretty ticked right now about something that happened at work today. Angry, and sad.

6. Are you scared of Bees? I have a healthy regard for them, but I'm not actively fearful of them.
7. Have you ever kissed anyone with the name of Ben? Only on the cheek, if at all. I can't remember all the cheeks I've kissed.
8. Do you like the color Brown? Yup.
9. What does your favorite Bag look like? It's a freebie I got at ALA last summer, I think from Demco.
10. When was the last time you had a Barbeque? I made BBQ Beef sandwiches on Tuesday.

11. Do like Cats? Why or why not? I have nothing personal against them as a species, really, except that I'm pretty allergic to them.
12. When was the last time you went Camping? 2005? Maybe 2004. Never, ever, again.
13. What is your favorite article of Clothing? Jeans.
14. Have you ever collected Coins? Yup, but not intensively.
15. Is Christmas your favorite holiday? I like Thanksgiving a whole lot better.

16. When you were younger, did you play with Dolls a lot? I played with doll, but I wouldn't say it was "a lot."
17. Do you own any Dogs? Not anymore {sniff}.
18. Do you like the name Devon? I like the locale better than the name.
19. Have you ever swam with Dolphins? I can't swim. I'd like to see dolphins up close and personal.
20. How often do you say the word Damn? Daily? Probably. Less than I say "fuck."

21. How do you celebrate Earth Day? Don't.
22. Have you ever ridden on an Elephant? No, somehow I don't think that would be properly respectful.
23. How do you like your Eggs? Over easy, with toast.
24. What is the Easiest subject for you in school? English and Social Studies.
25. Do you have your Ears pierced? I do.

26. When was the last time you had chocolate Fudge? I think I had some not-very-good stuff in December.
27. Do you know anyone named Frankie? I used to, about 10 years ago.
28. Why did you last have a Fever? Because I was sick?
29. Tell me a Flaw about yourself? I talk too much, without thinking first.
30. Do you ever get Frostys from Wendy's? I rarely get anything at all at Wendys.

31. Are/Were you a good student in school? I was overly conscientious, so yes.
32. When did you last feel 100% Great? A couple of days last week were good. Today wasn't awful.
33. Would others describe you as Goofy? Possibly.
34. Gummy worms or Gummy bears? Sourpatch Kids.
35. Have you ever seen a Ghost? No.

36. Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? In a very non-traditional sense.
37. What is your favorite Holiday? Still Thanksgiving.
38. Describe to me what your dream House would be: I like the house we have now. The only thing I'd change is that I'd like a hot-tub. It would be lovely to have a small (like 800 sq.ft.) cabin somewhere secluded and peaceful.
39. What is your favorite Hat that you own? I have a very cool leather cowboy hat, but I almost never wear it.
40. Have you ever ridden a Horse? If yes, did you like it? I did, but only once and it was a lot scarier than I thought it would be. Very bumpy.

41. On a scale 1-10, how much do you like the name Isabel? 2 or 3. Not a fan.
42. Are you Italian? Nope.
43. Do you like Ice in your drink? I don't mind it.
44. How many times have you been Ice skating? Twice. Hated. It.
45. What is the best Idea you've had this week? Youth Sunday-related stuff.

46. Did you ever own a Jack-in-the-box? Yes. 100% dorkilicious.
47. Where is your favorite Jacket from? I got a free fleece for reupping with EW a couple of years ago. It's HUGE, and warm and light.
48. Do you use Jam on your toast? No. I always have to buy some when we have company.
49. Do you have any Jack-o-lanterns hanging around your house at the moment? In March? No.
50. Have you ever been on a Jet plane? A few times (duh).

51. First question that came to mind..who did you last Kiss? Sparky, just a few minutes ago when he went to bed.
52. Have you ever been Kayaking? No thanks.
53. Who holds the Key to your heart? God.
54. Would you ever want a Kangaroo for a pet? No. Sounds rather dangerous.
55. Have you ever seen a real King before? Only people with that last name.

56. Do you like your Lips? They're fine.
57. What was the last game you Lost? Spoons?
58. What is your favorite Letter? S
59. What's your favorite color Leaf? Red oak leaves in summer.
60. How many Lamps are there in the room you're currently in? Five, including the kerosene one. There's also an overhead light fixture, and two floodlights.

61. Where is your Mom right now? Probably getting ready for bed, if she's not already there.
62. Do you own any scary Masks? Not life-size.
63. What is your favorite type of Meat? So, not PC: veal.
64. Would you ever want to live in a Mansion? No. We already are using space badly.
65. Are you a Maneater? Emphatically NOT!

66. Are you really Nice? I'm so fucking nice it pains me.
67. Have you ever caught a butterfly in a Net? Nope, though I think I may have tried when I was young.
68. Do you write Notes often? All the time.
69. Are you scared of Needles? I do not like them at all, but I'm not scared of them.
70. Do you Never say Never? I try not to exclude any possibilities.

71. Do you like the brand O'neill? No clue.
72. How many times have you swam in the Ocean? Don't swim. Hello? I have been in the Atlantic AND the Pacific up to my knees.
73. Do you like Oaster crackers? I like oyster crackers. I know nothing of "Oaster."
74. Are you scared of Octopus'? Octopi? Well, seeing as (again) I can't swim, they aren't really a concern of mine. I find them a little ooky.
75. Do you enjoy Olives? Just olive oil.

76. What do you do to celebrate St. Patrick's Day? I bought a corned beef and some potatoes for the holiday, and I try to wear green on the day. That's it.
77. Pens or Pencils? Depends, though I lean toward pencils.
78. Do you think Pigs are cute? Like most mammals, they are adorable when they are small.
79. When was the last time you Packed to go somewhere? Saturday night for the lock-in
80. Would you ever wear a Parka? Yup.

81. Do you like taking online Quizzes? Sure, if I have the time.
82. What is a Question that many people ask you? "Do you work here?"
83. How many Quarters are in your wallet? Maybe 5 or 6?
84. Would you ever want to be Queen? I am Queen!
85. Do you remember Quail boy from Doug? Nope.

86. Is your favorite color Red? No, ma'am.
87. Do you often spit Rhymes? Not intentionally.
88. What was the last book you Read? Finished a Swedish mystery this morning, can't remember the name. It'll show up on the book blog soon.
89. Is currently Raining? Nope.
90. Are you wearing any Rings? Three.

91. Do you have a Sweet tooth? Yes, and I gave up sweets for Lent, so I'm completely dying.
92. What is your favorite Smell? Baby.
93. Don't you love Summer? I'm not fond of humidity, but I like heat.
94. Where do you hang the Stockings during Christmas? They hang by the chimney, of course.
95. Would you ever want to Sail the Seven Seas? Fuck. No!

96. Have you ever played a Trombone? As a matter of fact, I have!
97. Do you ever say Tisk Tisk? Not seriously.
98. Have you ever slept in a Tent? Yes. Not fun.
99. Turtles or Tigers? They each have their own good points.
100. Do ever eat at the dining room Table? Yes, regularly, but not daily.

101. Will you stand under my Umbrella? Sure, if it's raining hard enough to need one.
102. Where are your Underwear from that you're currently wearing? And what color are they? I think I bought them at Kohl's, and they are red. Don't ask!
103. Would you ever like to visit Uranus? Too much to see on Earth, I doubt I'll have time.
105. Do/Did you have to wear a Uniform to school? Nope. Thank God.

106. Are any of the clothes you are wearing now Velvet? I own no velvet, or velour for that matter.
107. What was the last Vacation you went on? Vegas in January.
108. Do you own a Van? Not anymore.
109. Are there any Vases in your house? Too freakin' many!! Anybody want some??
110. What is your most Valuable possesion? My wedding ring?

111. What is your favorite Word? Moink.
112. Do you still own a Wagon? Yes. All the outdoor toys are in it.
113. Where was the last place you walked to? Other than the room you're in now: The bathroom for Sudafed for Sparky.
114. When you were younger, did you have a 'magic Wand'? Yes, I did. Sometimes it was a stick, or a long block, or a Lincoln log...
115. What is happening to the World? Greed. Greed is happening.

116. What was the last X-ray you got? Why? Probably the last dental one, or the mammogram I had last year.
117. Have you ever played a Xylophone? Yup.
118. Do you like the name Xavier? Not particularly.
119. Do you know what Xerography is? More or less.
120. Are you aware that not many words begin with the letter X? Am I aware of this? Yes, of course.

121. Do you believe that kids your age are too Young to be in love? I'm 45. I hardly think this applies. I don't think anyone is too young to love, or too old, but I do think that some people aren't able to see beyond today.
122. Do you own a Yo-Yo? Haven't seen one around here for years.
123. Do you like the color Yellow? Not really, thanks to C.P. Gilman.
124. When did you last Yawn? Don't remember. Yawned a LOT yesterday.
125. Have you gone in your backYard today? Nope. Nor the front yard either.

126. Don't you just love the Zoo? They're ok.
127. Do you like Zebras? I do.
128. Is there a Zipper on any of your clothes right now? Just my pants.
129. Do you watch the Suite Life of Zack and Cody? Not.
130. How come nobody's favorite number is Zero? I don't mind zero. A long row of them after another number is quite nice. ;-)

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