Monday, March 2, 2009

65 Maybe

(found here, but amended by me as there were a LOT of numbers missing!)

1) Where did you get the shirt your currently wearing? I dunno. Possibly it's a hand-me-down, possibly not. It's a gray mock-neck and I like it, but I've had it a long time.

2) Who do you currently like? See my friends list on Fb, to name a small percentage.

4) Sunrise or Sunset? Either. OK, in all honesty I prefer sunrises, but I can't seem to get excited about them unless it's warm weather.

5) What time did you go to bed last night? 10:50-something.

6) Time you woke up? About 6:30.

7) What movie is in your DVD player? None. Sparky just removed the last CSI:Miami disc for me to take back to work tomorrow.

8) What month were you born in? The eleventh.

9) Who's your favorite sportscaster? Al Michaels, I guess.

10) How old were you when you figured out your parents weren't heroes? I still think they are in many ways, but I figured out they weren't perfect when I was about 8 (for Mom) or 10 (for Dad).

9) What one band/singer can you just not listen to, even though everyone else thinks they are all that + chips? Rush, specifically the lead singer.

12) Have you ever been to Mexico? Yup. Would like to go back, too. (hint hint, Beast)

13) Do you make your bed daily? I'd say about 85% of the time it gets thrown back together.

14) Your favorite movie? Plork

15) Who last called you by something other than your name (i.e. "dear" or "babe")? Sparky called me Mom earlier, and before that...uh, I dunno.

16) Single or taken? This week, single. hah

17) Do you own slippers? Two pair. Keep forgetting to throw away the nasty ones.

18) Can you skip stones? Yes, I can, but only 2 or 3 times per stone, usually.

19) Do you remember the first time you were VERY sick (fever, etc.)? I got the chicken pox when I was in Kindergarten. We had a terrible snowstorm at that point which cancelled school for a day or so and took out the electricity. I just remember being BURIED under piles of itchy blankets to keep me warm.

20) How many piercings do you have? 2 minuscule holes in my ears.

21) What do you think of Tom Cruise? So bizarre. Hard to believe I used to think he was all that.

22) What brand of computer are you using? Gateway.

23) From where you are sitting, how many picture frames can you see? I count 9.

24) Do you use the spiral light bulbs that save energy or the regular bulb-shaped ones? We're gradually switching over as the older ones die, in the places we can. Some light fixtures are designed so that only the old ones fit.

25. Who was the last person you called? Doctor for an appt. for Sparky.

26) Who was your favorite teacher? Becky Sherrick.

27) Are you afraid of the dark? No. I love the dark.

28) Can you roll your tongue? Nope. Surprisingly (NOT!) neither could/can my parents.

29) Who was the last person to call you? Beast.

30) Best fast food? TB

31) How was your day? Relaxing when I wasn't cleaning.

32) What is the last game you played? Catchphrase at youth group last night. Or, well, BubbleTown on Facebook today.

33) Have you ever eaten at T.G.I. Friday's? Yup.

34) Can you skateboard? No, I can fall off them with alacrity, though.

35) How about play an instrument? Yeah, how about it? (I've taken both flute and piano lessons in my lifetime)

36) How much money do you have on you right now? None on me. My wallet's in the car, probably with about $60 in it.

37) Song you're listening to right now? Sparky has the volume on RuneScape (a.k.a. Run! Escape!) turned up while he increases his fishing and cooking skills.

38) Who's in your house? Me and the kid and the rats.

39) What are you doing today? At this point, I'm thinking the constructive bits of the day will involve running a bath, putting away clean laundry, and going to bed.

40) Who did you get this survey from? See top line.

41) What side of the bed do you sleep on? I'm at the left, though this week probably more towards the middle.

42) Who was the last person in/on your bed other than you? Beast, duh!

43) Where was the best hotel you've ever stayed? Ydra. Inverness. Vegas.

44) Your favorite season? Fall. However, I am currently anticipating spring with longing.

45) Do you look more like your mom or your dad? Dad. Hopefully, I act more like him--in most ways--as well.

46) Where are you going on vacation this summer? Dunno. Not sure yet that we are going anywhere.

47) What sport do you hate the most? I'm not a baseball fan, but I'll go with anything that is "fight" based: boxing, etc.

48) What color was your bedroom when you were 5? Pink. It scarred me for life.

49) What was the first radio station you remember listening to? Mom & Dad occasionally listened to KOA when I was little, but the one I first chose to listen to on my own was KHOW.

50) Something you're looking forward to in the future? All of it, except the painful parts.

51) Have you ever had something stolen from you? Did you get it back? I can't remember anything, although our mountain cabin got broken into when I was little and it was cleaned out pretty thoroughly.

52) Campfires: better in summer or winter? Summer. I wouldn't want to be around a campfire in winter!

53) What were the names of your next door neighbors in the dorms in college? Freshman through Junior years: Ann & Mary on one side, Louise and...(?? I can see her face, but her name is gone right now) on the other. Senior year: Sherri on one side for a sememster, then Laura (I think?). The other side...she always had her boyfriend over and they'd either fuck or fight loudly every night for hours. I've erased her name from my memory banks.

54) Fishing, or hunting? I've fished. I think hunting is a little too intense for me. Fishing is boring...until you catch something.

55) What color is your bedspread? White with blue patchwork.

56) Brick or siding? BRICK!

57) Have you ever watched Aqua Team Hunger Force? No. And don't intend ever to do so, either.

58) Favorite current song: Bleeding Love.

59) Have you ever been to an art museum? My parents took me ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME when I was growing up. Could not have been more bored.

60) Do you like Mexican food? Some.

61) Are you a loyal person? Depends. If I get loyalty, I return it.

62) When's the last time you showered? It's been awhile. Probably good that you aren't in the room with me. hee

63) When is the last time you mowed the lawn? About ten years ago, while Beast was out of town on a business trip. Yes, 'tis true: I suck.

64) What do your pants look like? They look like jeans...cuz they are.

65) Favorite cartoon to watch? I'm not a fan of the genre.

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