Saturday, February 21, 2009

Patrick's Place

(Link in blogroll)
Saturday 6

1. When you write a note to a friend, do you tend to write in cursive or manuscript?
Is manuscript the same as printing? I actually vary how I write within words at times, but generally I use cursive for 'serious' things, but print if I'm going for clarity (like at work in the books, or to make sure a person's name is spelled right in a note).
2. Think back to grade school when you learned how to write: which manuscript letter gave you the most trouble?
I think I learned to print early enough that I don't remember any of them being more difficult than another. I suppose the S would have been hard. I always had issues with anything not involving a straight line.
3. Did you find cursive easier than manuscript?
No, but that may be because I can remember learning to write cursive. Those Gs and Qs...I still hate the "Palmer method" way of doing them! I quit the Q by the time I was in junior high, in fact, and have never gone back. It's a #2 for Pete's sake, not a letter! lol
4. How do you type on a computer: the four-fonger [sic] "professional" method, the "hunt and peck" method, or something in between?
I took typing in high school; my parents required it of all their kids. So I use the "home row/four-finger" method, except in terms of numbers and shifting and spacing.
5. Take the quiz: What’s Keyboard Key Are You?
Amusingly, I was "Esc" when I did this last month. Quite appropriate for the winter!
6. As a general rule, how often do you use the key mentioned in the answer to the previous question?
Almost never. Like twice a week at most, and usually only combined with Ctl & Alt.

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