How do you usually celebrate Valentines Day? If you don't celebrate it where you live, how would you like to celebrate it?
We usually go out to dinner. I mostly just feel guilty because Beast always does a better job at gifting than I do.Lunch
Chocolate or flowers?
Flowers. I'm not that big a fan of chocolate, but I'll take other candy.Dinner
What is your most unique or fondest memory of Valentine's Day?
I don't really have any memories. Valentine's Day is not really that big a deal to me.Midnight Snack
What would be your dream Valentine date?
See previous reply. I just want to have a quiet night, maybe dinner out...possibly a movie? I'm pretty low rent.Recipe for the Week (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for this week?)
Hang in there: spring is coming. I hope.
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