Saturday, February 28, 2009

Another 40

(found here)

1. What color is the floor in your room? This is not a good sign...when I'm annoyed by the first question...most of the floors in the house are wood laminate or carpet, some know, a bit of everything.

2. Where do you usually get your hair cut? HQ

3. What do you think of guys that wear tight pants? If the guy is skinny/well-built, and if the pants FIT, I'm ok with it. If they're just too small, yuck.

4. What's your doctor's name? Which one? I have several. Let's go with Dr. Patel. (track me down from that, yo)

5. What's your favorite internet slang word? OMG. Or LOL.

6. Do you have a ceiling fan in your room? There are 5 in our house, including one in each bedroom.

7. Do you know how to swim? Nope.

8. Have you ever been to Oregon? Not yet.

9. Ever experienced jet lag? Yes. Oh yes, bigtime. I spent a full-month jet-lagged and overserved.

10. What's the last show/concert you went to? ...why can I never remember the name of the bands...? It was a Christian rock thing last spring.

11. What color are the chalkboards at your school? I'm not in school, but we do have several white dry-erase boards at work.

12. What was the funniest thing that happened today? Does telling someone with strep that it was ok not to be at work count?

13. What are you listening to? I'm watching taped Oscar Red Carpet coverage in tandem with Untold Stories from the ER.

14. What was the title of the last story you wrote? Huh. Pass. Next:

15. What about the title of the last song you wrote? Have never titled a song....

16. What was it about? It was lyric-free, and whistled.

17. What was the last thing you argued with someone about? Um...haven't for several days. Can't remember. Must not have been that big a deal. The last one I actually remember is the usual insane "tone of voice" argument.

18. How are you feeling today? This is surreal; I did something funky to my foot at work today. And the previous answer on this question: "Fine, thanks. Other than my motherfucking foot aching like hell, fine." So...ditto.

19. Who do you hate right now? My forgiveness of Josef Stalin has not arrived yet. [I don't really hate anyone, though I'm terminally annoyed with several people.]

20. What color pen ink do you like best? Non-splotchy. Whatever--I'm easy.

21. What are you doing tomorrow? Taking Sparky to Sunday School, then heading over to order new lenses and get our glasses straightened, probably stopping at FIL's to answer a computer question for him.

22. Have you ever rode a horse? AWESOME grammar! Yes, I have rode me a horse.

23. Do you know anyone named 'Brianna'? I do. She's 3 and her parents said she "can do whatever" she wants, as she told me two weeks ago at church. heh

24. What would you like to tell someone now? "Try, try, try, to find a spark of joy every day and hold tight to it. Complaining without doing something about things isn't working--have you noticed?"

25. Have you ever seriously considered suicide? Uh... define "seriously."

26. What's your favorite chocolate bar? Butterfinger.

27. What other windows do you have open? It's winter! Oh, wait, ok, I've got tabs for Facebook, Twitter and Gmail open besides Blogger.

28. Who was the last person you talked to online? Sparky. Physically, we were 7 feet apart at the time. ;-)

29. Is there anything you're looking forward to? Mission trip.

30. What do you think of guys that wear eyeliner? I try hard NOT to think about them, but really, I don't care. Too much eyeliner on boys OR girls is a terribly ugly sight.

31. How do you act around the guy you like? I don't. Act, that is.

32. Do you collect lamps? WTF--NO!

33. What's your favorite sport to watch? Football.

34. What movie theater do you usually go to? Uh...the last three movies I've seen (over two years) have been at three different theaters....

35. Do you trust people easily? Sometimes, about some things.

36. What do you think of the person who posted this before you? I don't know her.

37. What brand are the pants you're wearing? Lee Jeans. Yes, I wore jeans to work today.

38. What are you serious about, but no one believes you? Sleep.

39. What was your dream about last night? No clue. I'm sure it involved the mission trip. I can't stop the anxiety dreams.

40. What was the last thing you wished on a star about? Again stealing from the person before me: "I don't."

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