(from here)
1. What's your name, kid? KID?!?!
2. Have you ever taken part in the act of grand theft auto? No, neither IRL or on a video screen.
3. Do you have a crush on your best friend? I hate this question. I am not crushing on my female friends. My husband is one of my best friends.
4. What was the date your mom popped you out of her vagina? WTF--I'm sensing a trend here, and it's not a good one. Moving on, in hope.
5. Do you ever have thoughts about severely hurting people? Not in any serious way.
6. What's your favorite band? U2.
7. Do you like to give high fives? Sometimes. Just when I need to let my inner geekazoid out.
8. Who do you want to win the presidential election? Not McCain. Not Nader. Not R. Paul (not RuPaul, either, for that matter...).
9. Do you think crack is wack? I can't think of a time when the concept of crackitude isn't wack.
10. Do you think Davey Havok is girly? (I linked, since I had no idea who the hell he is) I don't think he's girly. I think he's PFBBQ gorgeous!
11. Who do you want to fuck like an animal? I...wow. Uh. How exactly does one fuck not like an animal? We are, after all, animals. And, yeah, um...moving on.... ROFL.
12. Do you watch the show Rob and Big? (Once again, I linked, because I'm a pop culture moron) The fact that I had to go look it up sorta answers that question.
13. How in hells kitchen do you end up with 21 cents? When you hand over a $5 bill for something that cost $4.79. What a weird question.
14. Have you seen the chocolate rain video? I have now. OK, bit boring, musically. (that would be irony) Guy has a great voice, though.
15. Do you think Donald Trump is hot? Good God, no!
16. Do you like the song Lua by Bright Eyes? A little too emo for me, thanks.
17. Do you find vampires to be some sexy blood sucking hotties? No.
18. Are you HIV positive? No.
19. Are you a virgin? No.
20. Do you believe in God? Yes.
21. What's your current favorite song? I'm still liking "Grace Kelly" by Mika.
22. What are your fears? Tornadoes. Failure.
23. Do you ever just start crying randomly? No.
24. Are you ready to cry because Panic at the Disco took out the '!' out of their name? because I am: Hello. Get a life.
25. Do you like screamo music? NO.
26. If you could would you ever go to outter space? I'd go to the place with one 't'. I dunno where Outter Space is. Are there otters involved? I like otters.
27. Do you like The Used? Never heard of 'em, but I like this song. Go figure.
28. What's your favorite kind of shoes? Comfy, but cute is nice too.
29. What was the last song you heard? The Used song I linked to above.
30. Have you checked the children? Not recently. Mine is in the basement watching Nickelodeon or something equivalent.
31. When you are walking alone outside in the dark do you ever think that someone is going to come and kidnap you in one of those rapiest [?] vans and then take you to some kind of warehouse and then kill you and chop you up into little pieces and put you in their freezer? Since I have no idea what a "rapiest" van is...no.
32. Do you die in your nightmares? Not yet. Isn't there some sort of thing that says if you die in your dreams, you'll actually die?
33. What are you doing right now? This, and watching AFV on mute while Beast talks to his mom. He's got the remote, yo.
34. Are you sad the Heath Ledger died? I'm sorry he's gone. I don't think I ever actually aw him in a movie, so it's not a personal thing for me.
35. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? No.
36. Who's better: Batman or Spiderman? Bat.
37. Who's your superstar fantasy boyfriend/girlfriend? MacGyver.
38. Have you ever dropped acid? Yes. Oh, but not in a druggie way. I'm just a klutz.
39. Do you get annoyed easily? Yes.
40. Fill in the blank, so long and _____: thanks for all the fish.
I really should read those books someday.
The Ultimate Survey About You
Made by Beccy at DarkestStar_Surveys [do not remove please]
01. Where were you born in the world? I was born in the world of the pre-Beatles 60s.
02. Do you still remain there? No. Does anyone?
03. Do you have any foreign blood in you? If so, elaborate: All my blood is my own. I've never had a transfusion.
04. What year were you born in? According to the Chinese zodiac, it was a rabbit year.
05. Were you early, on time or late? 7 days late.
06. Looking back, do you believe you had an easygoing childhood? It was easy...but it wasn't easygoing at all.
07. Was it a happy one and full of great memories? Overall, it was happy, I guess.
08. Or - does your childhood pain you to even think about? There were moments.
09. What particular birthdays stand out? My 16th was pretty awesome.
010. Did your parents throw parties for you and invite all your friends? HELL NO! OMG-the thought...
011. How old were you when you started school? Preschool: 4 (I think). Kindergarten: 5.
012. Did you look forward to it or did your mother have to drag you there kicking and screaming? I hated preschool. Kindergarten was a piece of cake, but I was still scared. I was always terrified the first day of school, all the way through.
013. What subjects did you enjoy in these periods? What periods? I liked all subjects, pretty much.
014. What activities and hobbies did you enjoy outside school? Reading, jacks, jumprope, puzzles, TV (sitcoms, and game shows) music (lots and lots of music).
015. Were you very active or did you spend most time sitting in front of the TV? Both.
016. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? 12.
017. What were your favourite toys? Barbies, toy cars, books, jacks.
018. How old were you when you started puberty? I honestly don't remember. 12 maybe?
019. Did you start before all your friends or after? Right in the middle.
020. How have you changed since those early days? Of puberty? Or childhood in general? I'm just way more sure of myself.
021. Are you a social outcast or outgoing? Well, that's an interesting choice I'm given. Nice. I guess I'm an outcast.
022. Would you say you were intelligent? Still am, too.
023. Do you want to do well and get a good job? Too late. ;-) ROFL.
024. Or are you more of a traditionalist - would you want to be a housewife bringing up your family? I never wanted to marry a house. I hate the whole concept. Dude, if I were Samantha Stevens, I'd be doing witchcraft at a record pace to keep the house under control, regardless of Derwood.
025. How old are you now? 44
026. Do you still feel like a kid or are you more mature than most kids your age? I don't really feel like a kid, usually. I'm probably both more and less mature than others, depending on the subject in question.
027. What are your current ambitions? Be healthy.
028. Do you think they will change or will you get what you want in life? Evolution is natural. My ambitions change on a regular basis.
029. What would be the perfect career for you? t What job would pay me to sleep?
030. What do you plan to study in college or university? I had a double major in Communication and History, and a Master's in Library & Information Science.
031. Do you think you are more academically minded or just clever? Both, babe, both!
032. Do you like to think you are unique? We're all unique.
033. Do you loathe the idea of conforming, like just being another victim of fashion? As far as fashion, yes. I don't loathe the idea of conforming, but I'm not good at doing it.
034. Are you open minded? Of course. Except in areas where I'm not (like my child's behavior).
035. Will you be friends with anyone, despite the way they dress, etc.? Fashion is not my first criteria in choosing friends. I get along with most people, overall.
036. Don’t you just hate cliques and labels? I'm not a fan, it's true.
037. Are you still in education? (If so, what school): I'm now, sorta, an educator.
038. Do you want to travel the world? I'd love to.
039. Where would you most like to go and why? Kenya, Australia, Peru, Prague....
040. Does religion play any role in your life? Uh, yeah.
041. What do you think of Christianity - do you believe that Jesus really existed? Wrong verb tense. I believe that Jesus was, is, and will come again.
042. What would be your worst nightmare? Schedule Nazi and Crazy Cat Lady become co-directors at my library.
043. Has it ever come true? Schedule Nazi is (nominally) in charge when the director is gone. It's not good.
044. Do you dream a lot? I go through stages of mega-dreaming. Lately, it hasn't been a big dream period.
045. Do you think that your dreams are important - do they inspire you in anyway? They frequently clarify stuff that is going on. I don't know about inspiring me, though.
046. Do you speak any other languages? I can fake my way through a conversation in Spanish.
047. Do you think it would be interesting or fun to make up your own language? There are days when I think I have.
048. Do you have a vivid imagination? About some things, yes.
049. What are you most frightened of? Plock.
050. Are you an active person - or are you lazy? L A Z Y.
051. What is your favourite form of exercise? Walking.
052. What are your favourite things to do when you have spare time? Blog, read, do puzzles.
053. What do you love to do but never have the time? Travel.
054. Are your parents strict with you? Not so much, not anymore. They were when I was a kid, though.
055. Do you have any piercings? Plock.
056. If not, do you want any? n/a (and no)
057. What are your goals as of now? I dunno. I'm kinda goal-free right now.
058. What are you most looking forward to this month? Youth Sunday.
059. Do you live life to the full? Seriously, how does one define this? I think I do. Would I say I didn't?
060. Have you ever been seriously ill? Yes'm.
061. Do you find life too difficult at times? Yes.
062. Have you ever been diagnosed with depression? I diagnosed myself, with Beast's help.
063. Does music play an important part in your life? Yes.
064. What kind of music do you choose to listen to? Mostly rock, reggae, world, electronica...but I can listen to almost anything.
065. Where are your favourite places to be by yourself, besides your bedroom? I'm not alone in my bedroom all the time! This is a hard question for me. I can be alone anywhere, whether or not there are people around.
066. Do you believe in love and soul mates? I believe in love. I'm not sure about the soul-mate thing.
067. Are you a romantic sort of person who wants their knight in shining armour? Oh, PUKE! No.
068. Do you believe in yourself? Usually.
069. Do you have low self esteem? There are those occasional bad days/moments.
070. Do you spend a lot of time hating yourself? (if so, why?) There are times when I know I could have done better. I don't hate myself, but I get annoyed with myself.
071. Do you give good advice to people? No, I spout nothing but HORRID advice whether it's requested or not!!! (duh)
072. If I asked you to describe yourself in words, what words would you give me? Coracle, fetch, nares, windhover, apportion...
073. What do you hate? Evil.
074. Who are your best friends? Beast, Jenny, Amy....
075. Do you like to express yourself through writing or art? If this isn't evident by now, you should really get your IQ checked.
Beccy, DarkestStar_Surveys [do not remove please!]
1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank? Reisling, last week.
2. Do you follow college football? Not really. I follow it more than I follow anything besides football, NASCAR and golf, I guess. But it's really up to Beast to keep me updated.
3. How many miles does your car have on it? About 92,000.
4. Who was the last person to send you a text message and what was it about? Beast...on his way home the other day.
5. When was the last time you went swimming in a pool? 18 months ago in Galena.
6. Are you happy? Yes.
7. Where was the last place you went shopping? Walgreen's yesterday (pop, chocolate bunny, and Rx).
8. How do you feel about your hair? It's pretty spazoid tonight.
9. Last thing you said? "I'll take a look for it in just a second."
10. Do you wish you were someplace else right now? No.
11. Last time you drank alcohol? See #1.
12. Do you have any expensive jewelry? Yes.
13. AIM or MSN? Neither of those. I meebo.
14. What classes are you taking? None.
15. How many hours on average do you work a week? 30ish.
16. What is your favorite brand of makeup? Plock.
17. Favorite football team? Packers. derrrr
18. Do you watch the Olympics? I watch some of the events.
19. Last bar you went to? I haven't been to a bar in eons.
20. Who was the last person to call you? I have no diea.
21. What's your sign? Scorp.
22. Do you have a favorite number? Yes.
23. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donation? Last Sunday night.
24. When did you wake up? About 5:20.
25. Where does most of your family live? We are ALLtheFUCK over the place!
26. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? Sibs.
27. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? A bit. OK, a lot.
28. Ever been called a bitch? Yes.
29. Guilty pleasures? Blogging and iced sugar cookies.
30. Do you drink beer? No.
31. Have you ever experienced true love? Yes.
32. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? Sorta.
33. Ever ordered anything online? Uhmm, yeah. {eyeroll}
34. Myspace or Facebook? Fb.
35. Do you have T-Mobile? No.
36. What was your favorite subject? Myself.
37. Where have all the cowboys gone? This song always really annoyed me. See the question above about knights. Ick. Can we try being vaguely realistic please??
38. Do you usually fall for the BAD guy/girl? No.
39. Were you an outcast in high school? No.
40. Last time you saw your parents? Mom: last March. Dad: 13 years ago.
41. Do you have any talents? Yes, I do.
42. Ever been to a wedding? A few, yeah.
43. Do you have any children? Yes.
44. Last movie you watched? ...no idea...
45. Last song you sang? Something from church this morning, I guess.
46. Did you take a nap today? No.
47. What was your high school's mascot? We were the Pirates. Arrgh.
48. Ever been on a cruise? No.
49. Favorite vacation spot? Hydra.
50. How many pets do you have? There is one guinea pig in the house.
51. Do you have any wealthy friends? Yes.
52. Ever met anyone really famous before? Not particularly.
53. Favorite actress/actor? Denzel Washington and Helen Mirren.
54. Who are you talking to? Beast, off and on.
55. Are you multi-tasking right now? Not really...well, I'm talking to Beast, watching TV, and doing this. I guess I am.
56. Could you handle being in the military? No.
57. Are you hungry or thirsty? I'm overly full of food.
58. Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Bell.
59. When was the last time you were there? Last week sometime.
60. Are you gonna go? To Taco Bell? Probably.
61. Do you own a camera phone? Nope.
62. Ever take a sobriety test? Don't think so.
63. Do you believe in Karma? I'm sure she's a lovely person.
64. Can you speak any other languages? Yes.
65. Last time you went to the gym or worked out? Not in recent memory.
66. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Thirty, maybe?
67. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use? Yes.
68. Last place you drove your car? I drove the truck home from work yesterday via Wal-Mart and Walgreen's. I drove the car back and forth to church, twice, today.
69. What is your college mascot? It was stupid.
70. Do you like college? I did like many many parts of it.
71. Nicest hotel you ever stayed in? I've stayed at the Palmer House in Chicago. It wasn't really All That.
72. Have you ever bought condoms? I think so. Not recently.
73. How much money did you make today? I have no idea. It's all interest.
74. What are you gonna do with the money? ...?
75. Have you ever been gambling? Yes.
76. How old are your parents? Mom is currently 86. Dad would be 88 if he were alive.
77. When is the last time you updated your blog? Just bfore I started this.
78. Do you have your wisdom teeth? In a box somewhere. They were pulled when I was about 16. (Pulled, not surgically removed.)
79. Best lip gloss? Don't wear it.
80. Have you been to San Antonio? Nope.
81. Favorite sit down restaurant? Six Balls.
82. Ever been to Mobile, AL? No.
83. Favorite cartoon character? Opus.
84. Last thing you cooked? Ham & mashed potatoes.
85. How is the weather today? Beautiful blue sky and warmish temperatures.
86. Do you e-mail? A LOT!
87. Favorite store? I love office supply stores.
88. Purses, shoes, or sunglasses? SHOES!
89. Last voicemail you received? Don't remember.
90. Do you drunk dial? No.
91. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Dropped in the sink last week.
92. What is the best city in the state that you have lived in? Plead the Fifth. If you email me, I'll give you my suggestions though; just not here.
93. Favorite band? Still U2.
94. Last time you were sick? Just finishing up (I hope) with a cold and an eye thing.
95. Are you bored right now? No.
96. Last concert you attended? Newsboys, et al.
97. Do you watch reality tv? Survivor and TAR.
98. What are your plans for tomorrow? Eye dr., some shopping.
1. Do you find Sour Patch Kids to be really that sour? How about sour Skittles? Once in awhile there's a zinger. Generally, though, they aren't that much anymore.
2. Do you think Digiorno pizza really does like delivery pizza? Never tried it.
3. Are you going to sport the wide-legged jeans this fall season? I will be wearing whatever fits.
4. Do you wear push-up bras? Yes.
5. Have you gone to that Heritage site to find your celebrity look-alike? Who did you get? No. I don't have any photos of myself.
6. Do you have cankles? No.
7. Have you been to In-N-Out burger before? Did you like the food there? No. Maybe in June....
8. Don't you hate it when girls don't wear bras under their shirt in public and you can see their nipples? Oh, dear God...YES!!! It drives me NUTS!
9. Do you read those featured Xanga blogs? I never, but NEVER, go to Xanga.
10. Have you seen the Super Size Me documentary? How about Fast Food Nation? What's your take on fast food joints? I have not seen any of them. And I love me some fast food.
11. Tell us about your worst cooking experience: Taco shells + toaster oven + 45 seconds = FIRE!
12. Have you ever been to Red Robin? Yes. Good burgers.
13. What was the last movie you watched on the VCR? I haven't used the VCR for movies in eons.
14. Your pick: Southpark, The Simpsons, or Family Guy? Power OFF.
15. When was the last time you got whiplash? Doesn't it hurt? I've never been diagnosed, but I'm sure it does hurt.
16. Have you ever played Ouija? Yes.
17. Do you like Thai food? Or is it too spicy for you? I've never had it. We should remedy that one of these days.
18. Do you know anyone who still uses dial-up or AOL? Yes. My bro & sis-in-law are on AOL. And in this area, there is no broadband available. It's dial-up or wireless.
19. When was the last time you went out to eat? Where and with whom? Breakfast @ Six Balls this morning.
20. Do you know how to make orange juliuses? Nope.
21. Are you subscribed to Reader's Digest? Nope.
22. Does your school allow off-campus lunch? Where Sparky goes to school, only juniors and seniors are allowed to leave the campus.
23. Do you like egg salad sandwiches? Yes. Occasionally.
24. Have you ever had to tell your boss you had to quit your job? What did you say? Yes. I turned in a letter of resignation giving two weeks' notice.
25. Have you ever myspace-stalked someone and read his/her comments all the time? No.
26. Do you own any Keds? What kind? No.
27. Do you cut off your old jeans into shorts? Not usually.
28. Do you own any Dora the Explorer items? No.
29. Is your room all coordinated and matching? What kind of theme is it? It's generally watery.
30. Do you like to shop at Urban Outfitters? Or is it super expensive for you? Never been there.
[ www.xanga.com/srvy ]
1. Who were you with last night? Beast.
2. What woke you up this morning? Radio.
3. Where are you? On the sofa.
4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? I hope so!
5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today? Yes.
6. When was the last time you cried? Don't remember.
7. Ever thrown up in public? Yes.
9. Would you take a bullet for anyone? Sparky.
10. Where would you like to live? Someplace warmer, but with seasons and no giant-ass bugs.
11. Made out with anyone on your top 8? No Top 8.
13. What do you want to be when you grow up? Mature.
14. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Working, maybe even full time? And volunteering outside church.
15. Who is your number one? My number one...what?
16. Have you kissed your number one spot on your top friends? Plock.
17. Who was the last person that left you a comment? Allison.
19. Do you like candy necklaces? I haven't had one of these for a VERY long time.
20. When was the last time you fell over or ran into somethinng? I ran into one of the guys in the kitchen today.
21. Do you listen to music every day? I try to.
22. What was the last thing you ate? Jelly beans.
23. Are you a fast typer? Yes, thank God.
24. About how many people have you liked? Plock.
25. How many have you loved? Plock.
26. What are you doing this weekend? The weekend, she is ovah.
27. What's Your favorite type of pop? Diet Dr. Pepper.
28. Have you ever won an award? Yes.
29. What do you want to do right now? Dunno.
30. Are you listening to music right now? Nope, watching TV.
31. Do you like someone right now? How sad it would be to say, "No, I don't like ANYONE!"
32. What's a quote that you love? "What is your DAMAGE, Heather?!"
33. How long 'til your birthday? 7.5 months.
34. When were you the saddest in your whole life? Each sad time has been the worst.
35. What time is it? 8:42 p.m.
36. Do you use eBay to buy or sell? No.
37. What makes you mad? Stupidity.
38. Have you ever had a song written about you? No, but I've had a few SUNG to me.
39. What song makes you cry? "Barcelona" by Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballé.
40. What song makes you happy? "The Sweetest Thing" by U2.
41. What do you like to do before you go to bed? Take a bath.
42. Do you have a job? Yes. Many.
43. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Periwinkle.
44. What makes you happy? Beast, and what he just said. It's not repeatable.
45. What's the next CD you're going to get? 46664.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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