Saturday, March 15, 2008

131-135 (LONG!)

(from here)



Q. What is your salad dressing of choice? Bleu cheese (real bleu cheese)
Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Bell.
Q. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Six Balls.
Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Iced sugar cookies....
Q. What are your pizza toppings of choice? Cheese (lotsa), Canadian bacon (or regular if I have to), onions.
Q. What do you like to put on your toast? Butter, or oleo.

Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer? Off to the right here:
Q. How many televisions are in your house? Two.

Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed? 100% right.
Q. Had anything removed from your body? Wisdom teeth, four other molars, a baby, uterus and ovaries, appendix...I think that's it.
Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted? Groceries? My work bag?
Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious? No. I have a very hard skull.

Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? Sure.
Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I think it would almost have to go to Cat now, wouldn't it?
Q. What color do you think looks best on you? Black, tones.
Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? Of course. Haven't we all been toddlers?

Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? I'd like a definition of "kiss" in this instance before making that determination.
Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000? No. I have disability insurance worth a little more than that.
Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000? Noop.
Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? I dare you to find someone to take that dare for me!
Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? No, but I've done a shot of 180-proof vodka on an empty stomach for free. Didn't get partcularly drunk either, even though everyone else--male & female--who drank any of it was throwing up all night. What that says about me and my gut is pretty frightening to consider.
Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000? If that person were about to (or had already) badly hurt my child, I'd do it for free. Otherwise, no.

Q: What is in your left pocket? Nothing.
Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie? Not in my books, but Sparky loves it.
Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house? There is carpet in the basement, the office and all the bedrooms except ours. That's it--the rest is laminate flooring and linoleum.
Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower? Stand. No place to sit.
Q: Could you live with roommates? I have. I sorta do already. It would depend greatly on the people.
Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own? None of the traditional sort. I have a lot of flippy sandals.
Q: Last time you had a run-in with the cops? I got a speeding ticket about 18 months ago. The cops came to the library about 2 months ago to deal with some idiotic teenagers, but I don't really know if that's a 'run-in.'
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up? At this point, I'd go for healthy.

Q: Last friend you talked to? Beast. Outside the family, uh...Mar R.?
Q: Last person who called you? I understand that Marie called this afternoon re mom. I was asleep.
Q: Person you hugged? Beast.

Q: Season? Autumn.
Q: Color? Blue.
Q: Food? Carbs.

Q: Missing someone? Not really.
Q: Mood? My mood is fine. I don't feel good, though.
Q: Listening to? America's Most Wanted, which is a clear sign that I don't feel good. I just
Q: Watching? See above.
Q: Worrying about? Mom.
Q: Wearing? New Lee jeans, blue socks, blue tank with floppy decoration at the neck and a large blue denim overshirt. And underwear.

Q: First place you went this morning? I staggered into the bathroom.
Q: What can you not wait to do? Breathe without pain.
Q: Do you smile often? Normally, yes.
Q: Are you a friendly person? Within reason, yes.

[List 8 friends]

#1: Amy
#2: Trud
#3: Beth A.
#4: Jenny
#5: Dee
#6: Anne
#7: John W.
#8: Paul N.

Number 1: Amy
How old are they? 37
Where did you meet them her? At the first cataloging meeting she attended with her boss and coworker. That would be...uh...6? 7?...years ago whenever their library came online.
When was the last time you saw them her? Monday. W00t.
Who's their her favorite band? I think it depends on the day, but I know she likes Sister Hazel among others.
Are you related to them her? Yea he’s my father
Are they single or taken? Single and smart.
How long have you known them her? I've known her well for about 6 years? I think....
Have you ever gone out with this person? On a date, no. We go places together though.
Have you ever spent the night with this person? No, actually. This should change. I hear her bed is comfy.
Do[es] they she drink? I've heard rumors of this, yes.
Can they she drive? Contrary to parental opinion, yes.
Ever danced with this person? Hmm, don't think so.

Number 2: Trud
How old are they is she? Approx 60.
What are they is she to you? Coworker and friend.
When is the last time you saw them her? Wednesday? I don't remember.
How long have you known them her? 14 years.
What color is their her hair? Salt-and-pepper.
What kind of music do they listen to? I have no idea. Show tunes, for sure.
Ever broke the law with this person? Huh, no. Bent the hell outta AACR2 though.
Single or taken? Married and NOT looking.
Do you know their her parents? Mom is gone, Dad is terminally ill. Never met either of them.
Do[es] they she have any siblings? Two sisters and a brother.
Ever gone to a concert with them her? No.

Number 3: Beth A.
How old are they is she? Exactly the same age as me: 44.
Are you friends? Yes. (duh)
Describe them her in one word: Smart.
Are you in their her top friends? I doubt she uses MySpace.
Ever hung out with this person? In high school, we were in a LOT of classes together.
Have you ever rode in a car with this person? Yes, quite often.
Do[es] they she smoke? Not to my knowledge.
Are they Is she always in trouble? NEVER.
What type of music do they does she listen to? I believe she likes country, but I have no idea if that's accurate at this point.
When's the last time you saw them her? Just under a year ago.

Number 4: Jenny
How old are they? 43
Ever spent the night with this person? Yeppers.
What stereotype would you put this person in? Small town Sconsinoid.
Are they Is she smart? Yes she is.
Are they Is she going out with anyone? Not to my knowledge. Her life is a little goofy already without that monkey wrench.
If not, do you know who they she like[s]? I will be pleading the 5th on this.
Who's their her favorite band? Men Without Hats? :-)
Do[es] they she have any pets? There's a dog. I think? And a three-year-old.
Can they she drive? I should hope so!!
Do[es] they she go to your school? She and I met in college, so yeah. She went back for four more years after we got our degree, for a second degree.
Do you have a crush on this person? No. But I love her dearly.

Number 5: Dee
How old are they? 15
Have they Has she ever been in your house? Yes.
Are you in their her top friends? I don't think so. We are frieds in Fb though.
Do[es] they she play sports? Not exactly.
Are they Is she on drugs? No. She had better not be!
Do[es] they she live in the same town as you? No, but she lives in the town where I work.
Do[es] they she have a car? No. And she can't drive, legally, yet.
What color is their her hair? Dishwater blonde.

Number 6: Anne
How old are they is she? 39.
How long have you known them her? 39 years.
Single or taken? Married.
Do[es] they she have a car? Uh, yeah. She puts a lot of mileage on it, too.
Have you ever seen them her dance? Well, she danced at her wedding last summer....
Do[es] they smoke? No.
Ever been shopping with this person? Yes.
Do[es] they she have a cell phone? Yes.
When did you last see this person? Last July.
Do you have a crush on this person? That would be distinctly problematic.

Number 7: John W.
How old are they is he? 44.
Where did you meet them him? He's hard to miss. Probably known him about five years.
Are you best friends? No.
What color car do they does he have? Big. Red. Truck.
Do[es] they he listen to Avril Lavigne? I'd be VERY surprised at that.
Do think this person is hot? Actually, yes. Hot-ish anyway.
Does this person wear pink? {giggle} I'm sure he's done it, but I'm sure it's not on his top ten colors list. He'd do it for his kids though.
Are you in their his top friends? I'd faint if I found out he had a MySpace.
What kind of music do they listen to? Loud. Christian.

Number 8: Paul N.
How old are they is he? Somewhere around 56.
Are you friends? Yes. (duh again)
Ever been in a car with them him? I drove him and his wife to the airport on their first visit here.
What color hair do they does he have? Sandy brown, slowly turning gray.
Have they Has he ever done community service? I am pretty sure he's never committed a crime that would require community service. His job is sort of community service though....
Is this person more serious or more goofy? Generally serious, but he's occasionally pretty silly.
Are they Is he in a band? Uh, negatory on that one.
Do you have a crush on them him? Uh, no. That would be beyond freaky, though I've heard of plenty of women who are into that sort of thing.
How long have you known this person? Just about 7 years.
Do[es] they he have their his eyebrow peirced? ROFL. Wow, that would be shocking. Would now be a good time to mention that Paul's an ordained minister?

Name the people below, then answer the questions. Don't use the same person twice!

Name Someone...

1. With blonde hair: Sarah O.
2. Younger than you: Jessica
3. In your class: Warren
4. That you hate dislike: CT
5. You can tell anything to: Beast
6. Of a different race than you: Annie
7. You used to date: Ken
8. With bad grades: Sara
9. Who lives far away from you: Laura
10. You love: Pete

The Questions...
How old is #3? 43.
Are #9 and #1 friends? Never met.
Have they even meet?
Does #2 have any pets? I'm not sure. Don't think so.
Why do you hate #4? She's really annoying. I don't hate her, I just wish I didn't have to deal with her so much.
Does #5 hate #4 too? On my behalf only.
What is #6's mom's name? I don't know, actually. Mrs. W? :-)
Where does #10 go to school? University of Experience.
Who do you talk to more, #2 or #8? #2.
In how many years does #7 turn 21? He's in his 40s.
What's #5's favorite band? Styx.
Would you ever have sex with #1? For a couple of reasons, no.
Do you love #7? I never did. But I liked him, and he was a good kisser. Probably still is, too.
How far away does #3 live from you? Around 1,000 miles.
Do you hang out with #8 a lot? Unfortunately, no.
Who is crazier, #6 or #9? Neither of them are particularly fun-crazy. #9 is more mental-crazy, though.
Where does #10 work? On the road, in a truck.
How long have you known #4? 14 years.
Does #2 like #10? Never met. She probably would; they've got similar personalities and he's got a certain aura that tends to attract women. I wish I could figure out how to describe it. Insouciance? Stoicism?
Would you ever kiss #6? Well, on the cheek...yeah.
How old is #1? 15.
What is your favorite thing about #8? She's silly.
Are you even [set up] friends with #7? Uh, no.
Have #3 and #5 made out? What a picture! No.
Would they? Not in this lifetime.
Is #9 related to you? No.
What would you change about #10? That he'd settle down with a nice girl.
What color of hair does #4 have? It's a rather indescribably color. Kind of graying strawberry blonde, brownish.
Is #1 immature? She's her age.
What is #2's favorite color? Pink? Maybe green.
What's your relationship with #3? I had a huge crush on him in high school. We're friends, not close, but friends, now.
Is #8 still in school? Yes. Hence the poor grades.
Where does #7 live? I have no idea. He has a rather common name, so Googling him just doesn't work.
Does #9 have any siblings? Yes: two brothers.
What sports does #5 play? He used to play football. Now he golfs.
Have you ever held hands with #1? Kinda, yeah.
Who is #2's boyfriend/girlfriend? I think she is currently single.
What color of eyes does #4 have? I try not to look to closely.
Have #6 and #8 ever dated? Let's see: one is 43 and living in Missouri whiel the other is 15 and living about 800 miles away. One is married, the other is in high school. They've never met. So, no.
Would they? See previous answer.
Have you ever seen #3 cry? Yes. {sigh}
When was the last time you saw #6? Over 25 years.
Do you have any classes with #10? I don't take classes anymore.
Does #9 drink alcohol? Probably.
When is #7's birthday? October.
Have you seen #5 naked? Yup.

Your freshmen year in high School is supposed to be "the worst year of your life" or "the best year of your life."

Let's see how much you remember.
(I'm going to go with freshman in college since it's a little more recent...)

1. Who was your best friend? Sh#rr!
2. What sports did you play? Hah.
3. Did you take your lunch? I ate in the college cafeteria or fast food stop.
4. It's Friday night, where were you? Hanging out somewhere.
5. Were you a party animal? Not in the same league as most of the rest of my dorm floor.
6. Ever skip school? Only on official skip days.
7. Ever smoke? No.
8. Were you a nerd? Probably more towards that than party animal.
9. Did you get suspended/expelled? Hah.
10. Can you sing the alma mater or the fight song? I can sing the fight song and the school hymn. The school song was stupid.
11. Who was your favorite teacher? Freshman year it was Bud and Becky and Cope.
12. Favorite class? Religion and history.
13. What was your schools full name? It was named after one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
14. Who was the worst teacher? Peanut Butter Cookie Man
15. Did you go to the dances? They were called "schl@gs" and yes.
16. If you could go back and do it over, would you? It would be interesting to relive. I'm not sure I'd change much, except being calmer about not getting 8 hours of sleep.
17. What do you remember most about freshman year? Obsessing over lack of sleep. And all the BOYS!!!
18. What is your favorite memory of 9th grade freshman year? How much I didn't want to go home for the summer. Success!!
19. Least favorite memory? Jerry.
20. Who did you like or date? I liked (almost) everything male. I didn't really date anyone, just hung out with a lot of different guys.
21. Where did you go most often for lunch? The Pit or the dining room.
22. Who did you sit with at lunch? Sh#rr!, Jenny, and whoever was around.
23. Did you go to that school for all 4 years? Yes.


When was the last time you washed your hands? A couple of hours ago.

What is your favorite city? Hmmm, Denver. Or Milwaukee. Or London.

Would you rather get fast food, or go on a picnic? Do I have to cook the food for the picnic?

Have you gotten your hair cut recently? About 10 days go.

What's one song that gets stuck on your mind a lot? Amazing Grace.

Is there a movie that you've seen countless times? A few.

When was the last time you felt really excited? Not this week!

Have you ever heard of the band Strawberry Alarm Clock? Oh dear God--yes.

Will you be old enough to vote in the next presidential election? Yes, please.

Is it still dark out when you wake up for school? I don't actually wake up for school.

Have you ever watched an entire season of a show at one time? Uh, no.

Do you like 90s music? Some of it.

Would you rather buy clothes or jewelry? Clothes.

Do you ever work out? Not often.

Is your family close? Not physically.

Do you go to a big school or a small school? I went to small schools until grad school, but that was a small department.

What was you last comment on facebook/myspace about? Can't remember. I think I updated my status.

Are your parents strict? They were.

Are you opinionated? Yes, dammit.

Do you like watching any sports? FOO'ball!

Have you ever seen a Broadway show? Not on Broadway. I've seen a couple of shows in London, and a couple of touring Broadway shows elsewhere.

What's on your mouse pad? blick

Do you like small dogs? Some.

Do you like red hair? Hee. Yes.

Have you seen the show "America's Next Top Model"? I think I'd rather eat liver raw.

What's the longest book you've ever read? Finished: Lonesome Dove. Or the Diana Gabaldon books.

Do you like short surveys, or long ones? Whatever.

How many days a week do you work, if any? Four, sometimes five.

Have you even been in a tree house? ...hmmm, I think so...?

Do you like coffee? Love the smell, hate the taste.

Is there a swing set in your backyard? No, but our next-door neighbors have one and it's very close to our yard.

What time do you normally fall asleep? Sometime between 10 and midnight.

Who is one person that frustrates you easily? Sparky.

What day of the week would you like it to be? Whatever.

What does the nearest lamp took like? It's a small adjustable clip-on.

Do you like camouflage? To wear? Not particularly.

How about stripes? Sometimes.

Do you like the color pink? Not.

Do you like debating? That's been mentioned in the past as something I apparently enjoy.

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