Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday Stealing

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1. If you could say anything you wanted to say to George Bush, what would you say?
"See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!"
2. If you had to be the mother of Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan, who would you choose and why?
I'd choose suicide. It would be the best possible option.
3. You get to be Queen for a day. The kids are all taken care of, and you can spend as much money as you want. What do you do all day?
This is not such a big deal for me. I'd rather escape my life for much longer than one day. Having said that, I'd head to Amy's: good food, foot waxing, talking, laughing, warmth...yeah.
4. Is there a song that brings tears to your eyes every time you hear it? If so, which one?
There are several. One is "One" by U2. Another is "Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon, and another is "A Mighty Fortress."
5. A fairy taps you on the shoulder and tells you that you can either have a perfect face or a perfect body for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?
Do I get to define "perfect"? Do I get to keep the unchosen option as is? If not, no deal. If so, then body.
6. If you could live any place in the world and money was no object, where would you live and why?
Ydra, Moosehead Lake, Ouray. I'd move around a lot.
7. What is your biggest regret in life?
Things that have gone unsaid.
8. If you could go back and visit one person in your life who is now dead, and ask one question, what would that question be and why would you ask it? [oops I forgot to answer this one--]
I'd ask Grandma to tell me about the happiest day(s) of her life. She wasn't a happy person when I knew her, and she died when I was pretty young, so I never really knew her, except that she didn't smile.
9. If you had the choice to age forward (like we are now) or aging backwards (think Benjamin Buttons) which would you choose and why?
If we all did it, it would just be normal. I've said for years that we really do return to a version babyhood if we are lucky enough to grow very old.
10. What will the epitaph on your headstone say?
"See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya."

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