Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins

(Link in blogroll)

1. It's January; winter just officially started, and as usual, I hate it.

Sugar is what I crave most right now. Newsflash

3. Cork and wine go together like
Saran and leftovers. [I could have sworn, when I first read this, it said "Crack and wine..." I need new eyes!!]

4. Playing with animals and small children is so nourishing. [to me: YMMV]

5. Let us dare to dream big.

I love my home.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to
taking a long bath and packing up a few things for tomorrow, tomorrow my plans include SPA DAY, and Sunday, I want to have time to talk to my brother and nephews (I work, and that sux since I'll be gone most of the afternoon)!

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