Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday 9

(Link in blogroll)
How Do You Sleep?

1. How long do you sleep each night?
Depends Sometimes I sleep like the dead. Sometimes I wake up and spend hours sitting on the couch reading or doing crosswords before I can fall back to sleep. Sometimes I can't get to sleep at all until 2. I no longer wig out about it like I used to. As long as I get at least 3 hours or so, I can function the next day. Doing that more than a couple of nights in a row, though, is begging for trouble.
2. Do you fall asleep easily?
Sometimes. Actually, I usually have no trouble getting to sleep.
3. Do you fall asleep at times not in your bed?
I crash on the couch semi-regularly. When I'm really sick, I will camp out in the spare room.
4. Do you listen to music or use "white noise" to sleep?
I use earplugs. Awesome!! During the day, I can sleep with the TV on; it's more like a heavy doze.
5. Do you sleep through the night or get up a couple of times?
Most of the time, I get through the night in one chunk, but insomnia is an old friend. I know what to do about it when I wake up, and I no longer get overly stressed about not sleeping.
6. Do you have trouble sleeping away from your own bed?
Sometimes. I used to never be able to sleep the first night I was away from home, but I'm so tired anymore that nothing keeps me awake. ;-)
7. Do you need an alarm clock to get you up?
Yeah, though I can wake myself if necessary. I just won't sleep as well if I need to do that.
8. Do you ever take medication to help you sleep?
Yup, but only Tylenol PM. Or Benadryl straight.
9. Do you/have you slept with pets?
Our dog slept with us...till we figured out that I'm allergic to dogs. Duh.

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