(Swiped from Allison)
Do you believe in Santa Claus? Not as a physical being, but as a metaphor, yes.
Do you put up a Christmas tree? It is up.
Do you decorate the outside of your house? We hang greens from the porch and garage door-frame.
Do you decorate the inside of your house? What, the tree isn't enough???
White lights or colored? I'm not a fan of all white; we use multicolored.
When do you usually start listening to Christmas music? With intent, a week or so before the holiday. However, I believe I heard my first Christmas muzak the week of Thanksgiving this year. BEFORE Thanksgiving, by the way.
Do you peek at presents? Nope.
Do you make gingerbread houses? I did a knock-off once with graham crackers, when Sparky was little, and it was a huge pain in the ass.
When do you start your shopping? I try to make lists or purchase all year long, but I have been very bad about doing that the last couple of years.
Do you like snow? If I don't have to be out in it in a vehicle, yeah.
Do you like to build snowman or have snowball fights? I really don't.
When do you get up on Christmas? The rule is "not before 7" but lately I think it's been even later.
What do you do first eat or open gifts? Hey, we are talented: we do both at once! This year, I think the first project will be coffee since we'll have coffee-addicts in the house.
Are you in the Christmas spirit yet? Pretty much.
What's Christmas Eve like for you? Normally, we have Chinese for dinner, then drive around and look at lights until time for the late Christmas Eve service. This year will be a little different.
What about the day before that? Last-minute wrapping, some shopping (usually groceries). I've just been tapped for babysitting tomorrow, however.
Are you anticipating Christmas? Not as much as I was a week ago. I'm not 100% thrilled with the company I'll be sharing the holiday with.
What is your favorite Christmas memory? My nephew James, when he was 2 or 3. He could not get to sleep on the Eve because he was SO excited about Santa coming, and he kept leaving bed to see if Santa had arrived. Consequently, "Santa" couldn't fill the stockings. At first it was annoying, but then it got to be very cute. My dad took a wonderful photo of James kneeling in the chair under the big lamp and looking...angelic. That photo IS Christmas in my mind.
Who do you usually spend Christmas with? For the last 5 years, we've been home alone, just the three of us. This year...not so much.
Is Christmas usually celebrated at your house or someone else's? We have Christmas for several days usually. The big one is here, but we visit relatives on other days some years.
Do you get everyone in your family a present? There are only three of us in the house, so yes. And of course our parents get something. Over 15 years ago, my sibs and I started doling out calendars. I took this year, so everyone got a calendar from me. Next year will be either Marie or Del's year.
What is your favorite Christmas tradtion? I like Silent Night at the end of the Christmas Eve service.
Do you like eggnog? Yup, although I'm finding this year that it has become a bit too rich for me.
Do you have any shirts or sweaters with a Christmas design on it: One mock turtleneck with poinsettias on it. Several pairs of sox. That's it.
Oh, and a few pairs of earrings.
What is your favorite Christmas album? I'm pretty partial to the Nat King Cole Christmas album I had as a child.
Do you open your presents Christmas morning or Christmas Eve? One on the Eve, the majority on the morning.
Do you go to church on Christmas Eve? Yup. See above.
Do you get a real or a fake tree? Fake all the way.
Who decorates the tree? Beast deals with the lights and Sparky and I do the rest.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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