Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday's a Bitch

(Link in blogroll)

1. What time do you usually go to bed on weekdays?
I'm usually in bed by ten, and asleep anywhere from immediately to midnight, depending on the book I'm reading or the puzzle I'm working.
2. Has anyone ever told you about bad habits you have during sleep? (Snoring, talking, kicking etc?)
I've been told I 'breathe heavily' (i.e. snore lightly), and when really freaked out I talk in my sleep. I also steal the covers in the middle of winter.
3. Do you prefer your sleeping environment to be warm and snug, or cool and crisp?
I like there to be a substantial difference in temperature between outside of the covers and under them, so I guess crisp outside and snug inside.
4. What was your favourite bedtime story as a child?
I don't remember ever being told a bedtime story. Storytime was before bathtime when I was growing up. After bath was bed when I'd either crash directly or read for awhile.
5. Is there anything unusual that you often do while in bed? (Unusual meaning something other than sleeping, reading, naughty fun, etc.)
Well, yeah--I am married after all! I read and do crosswords in bed, obviously. Sometimes I talk on the phone while lying on the bed, though not as often as I used to.
...check the time stamp; I would LOVE to be in bed, asleep, right now.

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