Saturday, November 15, 2008

"A lot"

(found here)

What was the last thing you made into a heart? Not my M.O. at all.

Tell us about your latest ex? Hmmm, I guess, maybe...I'm not sure if that would be Ken or LK.

How tall is the last person you hugged? About an inch taller than me.

Speaking of hugs, who is the best hugger you know? I'm not sure I rate the hugs I receive...I'll take any serious hug from a loved one.

What color is your underwear? I think I've got the peach floral variety today.

Do you normally sleep with clothes on? I sleep in pajamas. I used to sleep in a T-shirt and underwear but then I had a kid.

Think about the last pair of socks you wore: I'm wearing white sox.

What show/concert do you want to attend next? I think I'm good for a long time, actually.

What are you listening to right now? The early SNL. Why is there an early SNL? Who knows.

Last website you went to was what? ...duh...Blogger, like?

How do you look up new music? What? Launchcast, I guess.

What is your favorite color ice pop? Don't like ice pops.

Would you be in a porn magazine for $ 6,592.78? Not.

What is something you wish you had more of? Time. Inclination. Sleep. Take yo pick.

Last time you had the butterflies, who were you thinking of? Driving in a snowstorm in the mountains.

Who does your MySpace top 8 consist of? I was just informed that MySpace is closing No Top None No More. {yawn}

Have you ever made out with a member of the same sex? No.

Would you ever have sex with the last person of the opposite sex you were with? Well, shit yeah.

Are you gay? Nope.

Who is your favorite band? U2.

Do you have an addiction? What is it? Procrastinating.

What is the coolest band name you have ever heard? Sparky and I heard of a band playing at a club tonight called Penguins with Shotguns. We both burst into laughter.

Do you like poetry? Ayup. And that reminds me: I need to think about Poetry Month.

If the last person you dated said they were in love with you, what would you say? Fuckin' well better be!

What were you last sad about? Mom.

Do you mind when people talk about your sex life? Who the hell is talking about my sex life??

Are you a slut? Negatory.

Who is the hottest member of the opposite sex you've seen in the last week? Plock.

Let's just say you were a serial killer. Would you get caught? Eventually.

Has anyone ever said they would die for you? Not out loud.

What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Iced Stoli.

Does it annoy you when people type like they're ghetto? Not if they are ghetto. And I find myself doing White Chick Ghetto talk, so I guess I'd better not throw the first stone.

Do you always answer your phone? Nope.

Who do you text the most? The only people I text are Sparky and Beast, and it's probably a tie.

What did you last feel bad about? ...oh, plock

Are you mean? Sometimes I just can't control myself.

If you could start your name with any random letter, what would it be? X

Who were the last three people to send you a message on myspace? Plock

Who of those last three people would you marry, if you had to? Plock. Plock. Plock.

Do you like thunderstorms? As long as I'm inside, yes.

Do you like the rain? As long as I'm inside, yes.

When was the last time you were sick? Last week.

Have you ever been into drugs? Just those prescriptions that are keeping me alive.

Who was the last smoker you were around? Did they smoke around you? MIL. Yes.

Say you were dying tomorrow. What would you want to eat last? Nice juxtaposition of questions. I'm virtually certain that eating would not be on my priority list.

Does something hurt on you right now? Not really.

What is your current mood? I can't stop we'll go with tired.

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with an E? Not romantically.

What time do you normally go to sleep every day? 11ish on average.

Do you like cheese? I love cheese.

Last shirt you wore? I'm wearing a long-sleeved blue T.

How many times a week do you shower? Three or four. I take a bath the other days.

Name one thing that grosses you out: Fat Frank's odor.

If your best friend made out with your boyfriend/girlfriend, what would you do? N/A. If anyone messes with Beast--I'd leave. Both of 'em.

Have you ever cheated on a significant other? Not that I'm aware of.

Who do you know that can make you feel better if you're not feeling happy? Sparky.

What are you doing besides this? Watching the local news...for some reason.

Are you logged into any instant messenger programs? Nope.

Do you have any dishes in your room? Not in my bedroom, no.

Are you someone who remembers dates? Yup. Today is the birthday of a friend of mine from high school--I haven't seen her in over 25 years. Yesterday was my first boyfriend's birthday. My high school graduation happened on May 28, 1982. I started my first full-time job on June 6, 1988. Any questions.

What is your favorite television channel? Wherever my favorite shows are. Seems like CBS and Discovery lately.

What would you do if your ex died? I'm not sure I'd know.

Would you rather get shot or get injected? Shot with a gun? Uh, I'll have a needle please.

It's 10am. What are you doing? Depends on the day. During my work-week, I've been up for 4 or 5 hours. On a weekend, who knows. I'm probably at least NEAR a computer though, regardless!

Do you hate when people call you when you're sleeping? Earplugs: I never hear the phone.

What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Life.

If your friend did something bad and you didn't know, but it had to do with you, would you expect them to be a man and tell you? I guess. I'm not sure I could reasonably 'expect' them to tell me if I didn't know.

Do you take your phone to the bathroom with you? My cell phone is usually in my pocket, and I don't make a point of taking it out before going in the bathroom, so yes, sometimes.

ONE: You.
What do most people call you? By my name.
How old are you? 45, as of Weds.
What colour hair/eyes/skin do you have? Brown/Hazel/White (really white, confirmed yesterday)
How tall are you? 5'8" ish
How do you feel right now? Fine.
Are you a generally open person? To a point.
What emotion do you experience most often? Irritation.
What do you want to do with your life? Use it up.
What are your religious/spiritual/etc. beliefs? I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am.
How would you describe yourself? Middle-aged, funny, emotional, straightforward, loyal.
How do other people describe you? Bossy, emotional, kind, ditzy.

Two: Your Best Friend
What's [her] name? Jenny
When did you meet? Freshman year in college when I asked her if she was a flute player.
Why are you two best friends? She puts up with me. (and vice versa)
What colour hair/eyes/skin do[es she] have? Brown/Blue/Pale.
When was the last time you talked to [her]? When will be the next time? I talked to her a couple of weeks ago, and we'll probably talk within the next month.
Do[es she] have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you like [him]? She's married. I'm not thrilled with her choice, no.
Are you protective of [her]? And vice-versa? Yes.
Can you talk to [her] about anything? Almost.
Have you ever had a sleepover? Yup.
Do you have nicknames for each other? Not really.

Three: Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush (or the most recent, if you don't have any of those)
What's [his] name? Beast
How old [is he]? 44, until Tuesday.
What colour hair/eyes/skin do[es he] have? Brown/Hazel/Pale
What's [his] personality like? Intelligent, funny, bossy, opinionated, stubborn, strong, helpful, honest.
Do your friends like [him]? I guess.
Are you two friends? Yes.
Have you kissed [him]? Yes--doy.
Do you have any of [his] clothes? Yup, I guess.
When was the last time you talked to [him]? We're in the same room, so there are occasional discussions.
How long have you liked [him]? About 24 years

Four: Sibling (pick one if you have more than one- sorry if you don't have any)
What's [his] name? Del
How old [is he]? 55
What colour hair/eyes/skin do[es he] have? White/Blue/White
What do[es he] for a living/what do[es he] want to be when [he] grow[s] up? He sells fire trucks.
Do you ever wish you were an only child? It looks good sometimes, but not really.
Are you more alike or different? We're very different.
What kind of music do[es he] like? Jazz, classical, rock from his era.
What would you label [him], if you had to? Cranky Old Man.
Do you ever do stuff together? Not often. He lives in Texas. I don't.
Do you annoy each other? I used to drive him nuts; perhaps I still do. I know he pisses me off regularly nowadays.

Five: An Ex-Friend
What's [her] name? Laura.
How old [is she]? 39.
How did you meet? We worked together.
What colour hair/eyes/skin do they have? Blonde/Brown/White
Why did you become friends? We shared similar interests and senses of humor.
How long were you friends? About 6 years.
Do you have any mutual friends? Beast, I guess.
Is it awkward when you see [her]? We don't, hence the issue of not being friends.
So... what happened? We just never contacted each other, and now it's been over 10 years, so it would be weird.
Do you miss [her]/do[es she] miss you? I miss her occasionally. I have no way of knowing if she misses me.

Six: The First Person You Kissed (sorry again if this doesn't apply to you)
What's [his] name? L.
How old were you? 16.
Were you dating? Yes.
What colour hair/eyes/skin do they have? Blond/Brown/Pale
Do you still talk to them? Nope. Haven't seen him for over 20 years.
How old [is he] now? 46.
Did [he] know [he was] your first kiss? I have no idea.

Seven: The Last Person You Talked To On The Phone (skip to the second last if that's someone already mentioned)
What's her name? Sparky.
What colour hair/eyes/skin do they have? Red/Hazel/Pale
How do you know [him]? He's my kid.
What did you talk about? He called yesterday to tell me he was home from school.
How long did it take? Probably 3 or 4 minutes.
Are you related to this person? Uh, yeah.
Are you going to see this person soon? Tomorrow morning.

[Bold the true statements]
1. I have a boyfriend
2. We've been together for more than 3 months
3. I love balloons
4. The TV in my room is silver
5. I actually don't have a TV in my room
6. I thought the movie Camp Rock was really good
7. I own a lot of jewelry
8. Chris Brown is my favorite singer
9. I've never been in a long term relationship before
10. I love ice skating
11. My favorite color is red
12. Watching the Olympics is fun
13. I have a cat and a dog
14. I never leave the house without putting lotion on
15. The last magazine I read was CosmoGirl!
16. I love going to the beach
17. Honestly, I don't really like the's too sandy
18. The Red Sox will always beat the Yankees
19. Something really exciting is going on this month
20. I'm always on AIM
21. The background on my computer is a tropical picture
22. I can't wait to go back to school
23. Whoever bolded the one above is crazy
24. I've been on a website before to translate my dreams
25. I don't believe that your dreams can be translated, it's a bunch of crap
26. I think that I'm a pretty good kisser
27. I'm comfortable with my physical appearance
28. Fireworks are awesome
29. Today is going to be a really good day
30. I'm really optimistic
31. I would never want to see a live volcano
32. Aqua is a cool color
33. Palm trees are so pretty
34. I own more than 4 bathing suits
35. I have a bar in my house
36. I've been in a cave before
37. I have been told that I have a big imagination
38. I am an innovator
39. I'm very extroverted
40. I have been to New Jersey before
41. Actually, I live there!
42. I have two goldfish
43. I love the zoo
44. My birthday is coming up real soon
45. Mini golf is so much fun
46. Jackass 2 is one of my favorites
47. I watch HGTV a lot
48. I think Zac Efron is overrated
49. I am a really big procrastinator
50. I eat Special K

In the past 24 hours..
[x] brushed your teeth?
[x] taken a shower? [if you count the shower turning on when I got in the tub to clean it today]
[x] spilt something?
[x] dialed a phone number?
[ ] watered a plant?
[x] licked something?
[x] had a glass of water?
[ ] listened to an mp3 player?
[ ] been to school?
[ ] smoked weed?
[ ] had a cigarette?
[x] buckled a seatbelt?
[ ] shoplifted something?
[x] felt sickly?
[x] played a video game?
[ ] stepped in gum?
[x] had a slice of pizza?
[x] consumed alcohol?
[ ] fought with a friend?
[ ] gotten in trouble?
[ ] written in red pen?
[ ] opened a window?
[ ] rung a doorbell?
[x] washed your hands?
[ ] fed an animal?
[x] unlocked a door?
[ ] struck a match?
[ ] cried?
[x] laughed?
[x] watched a movie?
[x] hit a lightswitch?
[ ] bitchslapped someone?
[ ] put something in the microwave?
[ ] played ping-pong?
[ ] instant messaged someone?
[x] sent an email?
[ ] changed your underwear?
[ ] lost something?
[ ] taken a picture?
[ ] ate a piece of fruit?
[ ] put up a poster?
[x] looked in a mirror?
[ ] applied makeup?
[x] listened to music?
[ ] put money into a vending machine?
[ ] doodled in a notebook?
[ ] thrown a ball?
[ ] been on
[x] kissed someone?
[x] looked at an analog clock?
[ ] played with a deck of cards?
[ ] ate a salad?
[ ] worn flip-flops?
[x] put your hair up?
[x] cut yourself? [not intentionally]
[x] made a bed
[ ] folded a piece of paper?
[ ] played a musical instrument?
[x] received a present?
[x] bitten your fingernails?
[ ] made a wish?
[ ] been over at a friend's house?

[Back to bolding things...]
i have poor circulation
pain is pleasure
i dress modestly, with no cleavage showing
i don't care what others think of me, ever
hell, i don't care about a lot of things
i never get offended
i'm very optimistic
i'm very empathetic
i suck at sympathy
i can relate to just about anything and everyone
sarcasm is my weapon of choice
i'm very passive-aggressive

i absolutely love meeting new people
it's very hard for me to think of things to say
i have a lot of patience [and yet, not enough]
i always say things at the wrong time
i can't explain things worth a shit
cursing is a bad habit of mine
i never lie
procrastination rules my life
i'm an internet junkie

ranch dressing makes everything taste better
it's peanut butter jelly time!
I'm surprised i'm not obese
i have a freckle in my eye
i had a twin but my mother miscarried
i'm lucky i'm alive
i have very good luck
i currently have a band-aid on my middle finger [I do have one on my index finger, though]
i grew up way too fast
i've practically been on my own since i was 14 (well, before that even)
i wish i weren't so uptight
i once held an opponent's wife's hand in a jar of acid... at a party
that's a lie
i'm just a huge youtube junkie
i don't have a lot of junk in my trunk
i have a piece of shit car
i always have to get things done and get them done right
i'm easily amused
when you talk, i actually listen, even though it may not seem like i am
i have a lot of concentration
i get distracted easily
i'll eat anything with a face on it
i'm pretty rude
i won't say anything if you don't say anything first
i say very little in big crowds
i feel as if i always stand out
i hate being the center of attention
i love serious one on one conversations
i use a lot of hand movements when i talk

if you're standing next to me, you're gunna get punched or fondled or something like that
don't take me seriously
i talk about myself too much
i hate conceit
i complain too much
everyone always disagrees with me
i'm not who i was a year ago [who is?]
peaches are the best fruit
i'm a hornball
i fit in with the guys
i never wear makeup
i'm always working
i live with my boyfriend
partying with friends is my favorite pastime
i didn't graduate high school
i'm a grammar nazi
yeah, i never make sense

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