Monday, October 20, 2008

"yes I'm guilty of this, you should know this."

(found here)
[I have no idea what the deal is with the title...]

What color is your toothbrush? I believe it is light blue and white. I don't really look. It's a different brand from Beast's, so I'm pretty unlikely to screw it up.

Name one person that made you smile today. Sparky is cracking me up right now with the game he's playing.

What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Finishing up dinner.

What is your favorite candy bar? Butterfinger. Had one today, in fact. (bad me)

Have you ever been to a strip club? No. Not really very likely to happen, either.

What is the last thing you said aloud? "You have a very understanding dad, Sparky."

What is the best ice cream flavor? Peppermint. Though I had a taste of birthday cake ice cream a couple of months ago and it was pretty damn awesome.

What was the last thing you had to drink? Milk, with dinner. I know: I nearly fainted, too!

What are you wearing right now? Jeans and aqua SRP T-shirt, and gray sox.

What was the last thing you ate? Homemade tacos.

Have you bought any new clothing items this week? Yes, I have. I bought 'spirit wear' from Sparky's school for myself on Saturday at the open house.

When was the last time you ran? I ran across a parking lot this weekend, though I can't remember why I was in such a hurry. And it was more of a trot than a run.

What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? I really prefer just salt and butter, though cheesy popcorn is ok too.

Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on MySpace? I haven't, ever.

Do you take vitamins daily? No, but you're right in assuming that I should.

Do you go to church every Sunday? No, but I am at church at least once a week.

Do you have a tan? Nope.

Do you like Chinese food over pizza? Nope.

Do you drink your soda with a straw? Sometimes, if I'm given one. Mostly, I drink straight from the can or bottle.

What did your last text message say? Dunno--I just plugged my phone in for the night and I'm not getting up to check.

Are you some one's best friend? Indeed.

What are you doing tomorrow? Working. Apparently spending a lot of time on various public desks, too.

Where is your dad? Physically, he's right where I left him. Metaphysically, heaven.

Look to your left, what do you see? Sparky at the other end of the sofa; a book and a magazine between us.

What color is your watch? Silver, with a {shudder} pink face.

What do you think of when you think of Australia? Warmth. Red-orange rocks. "Wanna go there!"

Do you use chapstick? I've been a chapstick junkie for over two decades.

What is your birthstone? Topaz. It could be worse, I suppose....

Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive through? Almost always drive through.

Do you have a dog? No. {sniffle--I wish I did/could}

Last guy you talked on the phone with? Chris from church, about a box of stuff I was dropping off at his house for his wife.

Last girl you talked on the phone with? Andy about tomorrow's schedule.

Have you met anyone famous? Yes-ish.

Any plans today? Watch Sarah Connors, watch the football game, meme, go to bed.

Ever go to college? Yup.

Do you dye your hair? Yup. Got an appointment this Friday in fact.

Biggest annoyance in your life right now? Annoyance? As differentiated from overwhelmedness? The car situation.

Last song listened to? Er...? Haven't really had the radio on much today.

Can you say the alphabet backwards? Yup. I can sing it too.

Do you have a maid service clean your house? Not anymore.

Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? My black fake Earth shoes.

What was your wedding song? "The Wedding Song." Original, no? My oldest niece sang it, and her sister played the piano. They were 17 and 14. They are now 39 and 36. Shit.

Are you jealous of anyone? Not really. A little envious of people who can keep it together better than I do.

Do any of your friends have children? Yup.

Do you hate anyone that you know right now? There are some situations that are 100% untenable right now, yes.

Do you use the word 'hello' daily? ...or some variation, yes.

Do you like cats? I'm allergic to them, but otherwise they're fine. I'm kind of 'whatever' about them.

Have you ever been to Six Flags? Yup. A couple of times.

How did you get your worst scar? Surgery.


What's the longest time you have ever been in Bath and Body Works? Uh, twenty minutes? I don't really have any idea.

If you could have any pizza in the world... What pizza would you have? I'd like to try a chicken alfredo pizza, but generally...I'd do a Paulie's or a California Pizza Kitchen.

Click the online button on your Top Friends; who is the 3rd person online? Er? I think this is a MySpace reference, and I don't do MySpace. My third Meebo person, however, is currently someone named "bandaids*r*cool." [The *s are mine.]

Look to the left of you screen, what does the ad say? No ads on Blogger. Thank GOD!!

Do you know any one who lives in California? I think so...actually, I'm not sure anymore.

Have you ever thought of going over 100 miles just to meet someone? I've done so.

What is usually the first thing you think of when you wake up? "mmmphfffffff" Eventually, I think about what is on my schedule for the day.

Who do you want to be online when you get on? Plock. Just really: plock.

Why did you get your MySpace? Wanted to see what it was about. That lasted about 10 minutes.

If you look outside can you see a field? Not right now. Normally...sorta. Depends on your definition of field, I suppose.

Have you ever seen someone smoking weed? Well, duh. Even I'm not that naive!

Do you know someone who has recently been in jail? Probably a few of the people who are in the library daily are also semi-regularly jailed.

If caterpillars could be domesticated would you have one? I used to LOVE caterpillars. I sort of think they can be domesticated as much as any other pet.

What is your favorite color of flower? White? Orange? I dunno.

What do you think of the Wii? I want one.

Do you enjoy Indiana Jones? I liked the first 3, haven't seen the last one.

Is Ashlee Simpson pretty? {eyeroll} plock

Do you love anyone who is blonde? Yup.

Do you love anyone that is over 100 miles away? Yup. Some of them are blond/e.

How bored do you have to be before you take a survey? Not very.

Last person to leave you a comment? Allison.

Do you have this survey up in another window or in another tab? Uh, I copied it and closed the window...?

How do you spend your free time? Here. And sleeping. And reading sometimes!

If you were in a really bad mood who would you talk to to make you happy? Normally, the hands-down answer is Beast. Right now...anyone else! Too many other problems to solve, so I'll take mine elsewhere.

Last person's house you stayed at besides your own? I rarely spend the night at people's houses; normally I stay at hotels. I can't remember, in other words.

How old will you be 6 years from now? Almost 51.

What did you always dream of being as a kid? An adult. Couldn't happen soon enough for me.

What are your biggest fears in the world? Failure, pain, and dying alone in a cave or underground.

If you had 3 wishes what would they be? Lose weight, feel better about [stuff], and a long memory-free vacation.

If you wrote a autobiography what would it be called? Right now? "Flurried" would work.

Do you have jealous tendencies? Not usually, unless my Spidey sense tingles. It rarely does.

Ever used Proactiv on your skin? Nope.

What is your biggest dream at the moment? No time for that.

Have you ever had your heart broken? Not today. But, yes.

Are morals important to you? Yes. Muchly.

If you were a millionaire what charity would you start? Why start a new one?

Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare that wouldn't go away? The way this is phrased makes the question completely surreal. All of my recurring dreams have eventually ended once I handled the situation in question.

Are you a friendly/approachable person? Sometimes.

What do you do for a living? I'm a librarian. And a mom/wife/daughter/etc.

If given the choice, what genre of movie would you like to star in? Comedy.

Have you ever ended up in a hospital bed? Yup. A few times.

Do you have any pets? Sparky has two guinea pigs.

Who out of your friends has the next birthday coming up? There are two on the 26th: my sister and a penpal.

Have you ever changed your cell phone number? Nope.

What are you watching/listening to right now? Cameron just TOTALLY pretzeled another Terminator.

What's your favorite breakfast food? Bagel mit kaese.

What do you want to go to college for? I don't, not anymore. Not nearly enough patience.

What are your plans for this weekend? I work Saturday, and I think we'll be taking Sparky & a friend to a haunted house, and maybe a play at the other high school.

Who are your top 5 best friends? Beast, Jenny, Amy, Beth, Arlene.


Who was the last person you kissed? Beast, I think.

Are you a virgin? No. I do have a son, but my name is not Mary.

Are you currently in a relationship? With who? I'm in a lot of 'em. I'm married to one of the people.

When was the last time you drank? Saturday.

Have you ever had a hangover? Uh, yeah. Duh.

Where will you be vacationing to next? No clue. I'm going to see my mom next month, but it will hardly be a vacation. More of a change of venue.

Have you ever gotten sun poisoning? Not that I know of. I do know someone who did, though. She was orange, Oompah-Loompah-colored.

When was the last time you went to the beach? June 20 or so.

Do you have a job? What is it? Still a librarian, etc.

Do you ever watch HGTV? No. I have, but not often, and not recently.

Who is watching TV currently in your house? Beast and I. Sparky just went to bed. The football game is on.

What is the color theme of your living room? Pale green with oak accents.

Do you own a pair of red shorts? I don't think so. I think I got rid of a pair this summer, though.

How are you feeling right now? Fat and slightly ill.

Do you enjoy sewing? Not particularly.

How many trophies do you have? When I was a child, I didn't do organized sports. The 'trophies' I got were called awards and I had many. I don't have most of them anymore, nor do I dwell on them. I do still have my certification that I passed The Barcoding Test, however. It was just as Fucking Retarded as it sounds.

How about medals? I think I had a couple of medals for band competitions; God knows where they are.

What was the last time you drank? I'm going to start drinking if you don't stop asking this!

Do you regret anything you've done? I wish I hadn't slept all afternoon today.

How many times have you had a canker sore? Not too many. Not for years, in fact (watch: I'll get one next week now).

Are you tan right now? Getting paler everytime you ask.

List all the make-up you are currently wearing Chapstick. I don't wear makeup.

Who's house were you last at, other than your own? Cin and Ar's.

Do you like Relient K? They are certainly not in my top ten/twenty/fifty....

Why or why not? I like other bands better.

Is there a trash can in the room you are in? Yep. The paper recycling bin is out here too.

How many stuffed animals do you own? Loads. Too many. It's ridiculous at my age.

When you were younger, did you ever play vet or school? School. Never, ever, vet.

What is your heritage? Angry ACoA, which is rather redundant, and workaholic.

What are your plans for this weekend? Finding whoever wrote this survey and doing a check on their memory.


Last Place You Went Out To eat out at? The Clock. (and why are we doing Random Capitalization Suddenly?)

Have you cried today? Nope.

How many tattoos do you have? None. And it will remain that way for the forseeable future.

How many piercings do you have? One in each earlobe.

What time did you fall asleep last night? Which time? The first time at about 11, then about 2, and again at 4.

What's your favorite type of soda? All together now: Diet.Dr.Pepper.

When was the last time you talked to someone on the phone? 5:30ish.

What is usually the first thing you do when you wake up? Depends on whether I'm out of bed at the time or not.

What is usually the very last thing you do before bed at night? Take off my glasses, or lotion up the hands.

How many people do you hate, if any? I don't hate any, but there are several that annoy me.

Where's one state you want to go you haven't been already? West and slightly north of here. Oh, you want a name? Idaho.

Do people often spell your name wrong? Of course: my name IS spelled wrong!

Do you like potato chips? I could easily live without them.

Your ex? What about him/them?

Do you have a secret that no one knows except for you? Multiple.

Are you a good secret-keeper? Obviously so.

Last thing you received? A hug from Beast. A box from Target. A fist-bump from Grace. W.T.F.?

What do you usually eat for breakfast? Still that same bagel...

Are you good with directions? I'm pretty good at following them. I can read a map, plus I have a GPS.

If you had to be one, would you rather be deaf or blind? Easy: deaf.

What do you like to put on your ice cream? Nothing. I'm a big fan of Plain.

Name one word to describe your mom. Failing.

Name one word to describe your good friends. Reliable.

Rate your personality on a scale of 1-10. On a good day I'm a 9. On a really bad day, I'm a 4.

What is the last thing you made fun of? You, the author!

What is your favorite board game? Sort of a tie between "Life" and "Trivial Pursuit" though "Apples to Apples" is picking up steam.

Do you like to sing? Yes.

Liars, cheaters, or backstabbers? A-ha! I know this answer: politicians!

What's your favorite thing about school? Learning.

What's your least favorite thing about school? The other students, and some of the teachers.

Do you use a highlighter when you do word searches? I can't remember the last time I did a word-search, but it wasn't with a highlighter!

What is your favorite restaurant? Six Balls.

What are you addicted to? Blogging and DDP.

What is your favorite color(s)? Blue.

Do you have a curfew? Yeah, NO! (Actually, I never have had one; my parents trusted me.)

What's the last thing that annoyed you? This survey. On a big scale...nevermind.

What is your favorite Disney movie? I love The Lion King.

When is the last time you vacuumed? Been awhile. I set up Roomba recently though Beast did the last round.

Are you a fast typer? Yes'm. I can't remember, but I think I scored a 60 on the most recent half-assed typing test I did here at home.

What subject were you best at in school? All of them. I didn't really enjoy Science or Math much, or Communications.

Can you cook well? I could, probably, but I don't like to cook.

What room do you spend most of your time in in your house? My bedroom, overall. When I'm awake, though, the living room.

What are you going to be doing five hours from now? Since that will be 1:30 a.m., I'm hoping to be sound asleep.

Do you go tanning? Are you on crack?

Do you like ketchup? In small amounts, and only the good stuff.

Who was the last person you talked to in person? Beast.

If you died, who would you want all your stuff to go to? Beast. And Sparky.

What was your last embarrassing moment? I have so many.... I embarrass VERY regularly.

What song are you listening to? I'm not. MNF is on.

Good start to the year? Huh?

It's now 8:45. Just to warn you: this one took awhile.

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