Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wednesday Weirdness

(Link in blogroll)

1. If you could only eat one fruit for an entire year and that fruit would magically be in season and ripe that full year, which fruit would you choose and why?
Apples. They are very very versatile.
2. What is something that makes you sad?
Other people's pain. OK, my pain too.
3. What would you do if you came home from an extended vacation and found that someone else was living in your house?
I'd call the cops. Duh. What a horrible thought! I'd probably be calling the insurance company...and my neighbors, too.
4. What US President, alive or otherwise, would you like to have dinner with?
Jimmy Carter. Not even a contest. The rest of the ones that are left around would be Absolutely AWFUL (for varying reasons)!!
5. What is your opinion on multitasking while driving? (Reading a book or work documents, changing clothes, fixing hair, applying make up, shaving your face, et cetera)
All of the above should result in immediate arrest and lengthy community service in an emergency room.
6. Do you ever multitask while driving? If so, how often would you say you are guilty of it?
My multi-tasking is strictly around changing CDs, using the phone (occasionally), or picking stuff up off the floor. I can barely change clothes normally!
7. Do you tend to be early, on time, fashionably late or LATE to work and work related events? Do you tend to be more or less punctual for non-work related events?
I'm always early. I hate being late to ANYthing!
8. What is a quirk your significant other has that you would define as "cute"? If you have no SO, what is a quirk you find cute in a potential SO?
LMAO. Beast? Cute? Uh, he's a giant goofball. He just got through making a bunch of comments along the lines of "I'm Barack Opigma and I approve this SQUEEEEEEEEE!"

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