Thursday, September 11, 2008

So random there are 51 questions

(found here)
58 Questions, put to you by nemesis_surveys
Made, of course, by nemesis_surveys, thanks for leaving the tag on =)

[1] Look in the mirror. What do you see? Normally, lately, the only thing I'm looking in the mirror at is my sore eyes.

[2] Ever been shot at? No. Tryin' to keep it that way.

[3] Do you ever count down the days or months until your next birthday? Nope. Way too frickin' old for that.

[4] Incidentally, how old will you be? 45

[5] Anything particular on your birthday / Christmas list? Piece of mind.

[6] C'mon, give us a clue as to who that special person is. Well, duh: Beast.

[7] You reading any good books lately? Yeah, a couple. I'm listening to "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson; so far it's pretty good. He is bartering for lumber for his first school, where I left it last.

[8] Do/did your parents want you to take up something you've never had any interest in? They pretty much left me alone to figure it out.

[9] If you're eating at a friend's house and they serve you food you don't like, do you try it to be polite? Of course!

[10] If I gave you a piece of paper, what would you do with it? Probably make an airplane out of it.

[11] What was your favourite candy as a kid? Smarties. Or red licorice. Some things don't change.

[12] Can you draw manga? No way!

[13] Is this question unlucky? Well, it is stupid....

[14] What's for dinner tonight? We had brats.

[15] What does your Xanga name mean? I have no Xanga.

[16] Ever solved a rubix cube? No. And it's "Rubick's" being as how it's named after someone, moron.

[17] What was (is) your favourite science subject? English grammar.

[18] What colour is you refrigerator? Under all the paper and magnets, it's white.

[19] Given the opportunity, would you rather go to Paris or London? London, hands down, no contest.

[20] What is one song in the charts that you can't stand right now? I have no idea what is currently on the charts.

[21] The world is going to end in 48 hours. What do you do? Pray. Hug my family and friends a lot.

[22] What's the best thing about the place you currently live? and friends. (My house is awesome, though.)

[23] Would you rather live somewhere else? Where? I'd rather live someplace warmer with some landscape that isn't flat, and that is way less humid.

[24] What's worse, antisocial people or people who never shut up? Right now, I'd be happy to work with at least one person who would SHUT THE FUCK UP once in awhile!

[25] Look at your keys. What's the largest one for? Beast's car key.

[26] Do you prefer taking photos or being in them? Taking.

[27] How many email accounts do you have? I have access to six. I think.

[28] What's better, diet coke or normal coke? Diet. I can't handle the sugar.

[29] Or maybe pepsi's better than coke? I prefer Coke over Pepsi, but Diet Pepsi over Diet Coke. Go figure.

[30] How did your last relationship end? Plock.

[31] Out of all your friends, who has the best music taste? Uh...that's pretty subjective. Amy, Jenny, meh.

[32] Are you going anywhere tomorrow? Where? Haircut, and a coffee date.

[33] What time do you prefer to get up? When I'm fully rested. So, like, 2011.

[34] But what time do you usually have to get up? 6ish.

[35] How many songs are there on your mp3/iPod? I have no clue.

[36] White, milk or dark chocolate? Milk.

[37] Describe your favourite pair of shoes. They are sparkly.

[38] Even though everyone hates them, how do other people usually stereotype you? I am a librarian. What do you think I usually get?

[39] Hot or cold weather? I love hot DRY summer weather.

[40] How do you take your coffee/tea? Black. But the coffee I'll take to the sink and pour out.

[41] Why do you like that special someone? It's in the vows: I have no choice. ;-)

[42] Some random politician has decided everyone should stop speaking English and has left it up to you to decide the new global language. What's it going to be? I think it's going to be Chinese.

[43] Who's birthday was it last? In the family: Sparky. In my wider circle of friends/family: Jenny.

[44] Are you the shoulder to cry on or the person who cries on everyone's shoulder? I'd say it's very close to evens.

[45] How many bedrooms are there in your house? 3.

[46] Which feature of your body do you hate most? My EYES!! They are killing me tonight.

[47] And which do you love most? My hyoid process. Never causes me the slightest problem.

[48] What song are you listening to if any? Not.

[49] Are you religious? I go to church regularly, and I believe in God, but I'm not sure about the definition of religious here....

[50] What's your toothbrush like? I dunno--I've never asked.

[51] Are you going anywhere on holiday in the remainder of this year? Probably not. :-(

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