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Janet says: "This week I'm going to use rather obscure song lyrics; you can fill them in with the correct words if you know 'em...but wouldn't it be more fun to do it a bit differently?"
I say: I'm going to be snarky. It's NOT directed at Janet. ;-) And, for what it's worth, I recognize only one lyric, and I allude to it in my reply.
1. If I was to walk into your life, one would hope that you would not turn tail and run OUT of it! Or would you?
2. Catch a bright star and place it inside Sarah Palin's head.
3. And you can send me anything but spam or junk mail. Flowers or tax-free money are the preferred choices, however.
4. I'm not a Republican (in case #2 didn't give it away), or an elephant but I'm dealing with a memory that never forgets.
5. I'm the innocent bystander / Somehow I got stuck doing all the work / It just figures. Yes: I know this doesn't scan / Maybe you understand now why I don't write songs for a living.
6. What's keeping us apart isn't selfishness, it's the damn airlines and TSA.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to a few hours to relax and time with Beast, tomorrow my plans include shopping with The A (if it's nice, maybe we'll just go for a walk) and Sunday, I want to get back into the swing of things at church!
Sunday night
5 years ago
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