(found here)
1. Could you point out where Outer Mongolia is on a globe? Yup. Spent four days there (basically), so I ought to know.
2. Ever romantically kissed someone on your top friends? I have no clue what Top Friends are, ok? And I hate this question. But it's possible that I'm just really cranky!
3. Have you ever applied for a reality TV show? Hella no.
4. Jagermeister or Absinthe? Uhh, neither? I'd rather have Mongolian beer.
5. Did you pass your driving test the first time? Yup.
6. How bad was your first shag? Apparently quite similar to a lot of other peoples' firsts.
7. Ever used a femidom? ...no. Not precisely sure what it is, but I haven't needed birth control for over 10 years.
8. Does your school have tornado drills? We never had these when I was a kid. The local ones here do. Regularly. Necessarily.
9. How do you eat Oreos? Twist, lick...and pitch the outsides (if possible).
10. Do you read everybody's bulletins? What? I read people's updates on Facebook. In fact, they are RSS'd into Bloglines. Kewl.
11. Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work? Gahhh!!! If you worked where I worked, you would be throwing up at the thought of doing that!
12. What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you have dated? 4 years. But that was almost 1/5 of my age at the time.
13. Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more? Yeah.
14. Are you a good tipper? When I get good service, I'm an excellent tipper.
15. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Not really seriously, no. Just little 12(or older)-year-old wishfulness.
16. Have you ever had crispy bangs? What the hell...? Not intentionally.
17. First movie you can remember seeing as a kid? Paint Your Wagon. Tora Tora Tora was early as well.
18. Favourite drinking game? I'm not sure I've ever actually played one of these. I always enjoyed the concept behind "Bob" though.
19. What is your favourite sport to watch? Football. And long-distance running.
20. Who's your favourite celebrity couple? I have an odd fascination with Brangelina. Otherwise, I watch them like some people watch train wrecks. Oh, and Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward.
21. Favourite 80's teen movie? Heathers.
22. Do you know anyone who wasn't born in the United States? Four members of my family, and at least two people at work...and a few others.
23. Will you keep your last name when you get married? I did.
24. What does your license plate say? It says I'm driving a truck.
25. Do you like marshmallows? Meh, they're barely ok.
26. Did you see Harold and Kumar go to White Castle? Nope.
27. Have you ever been to White Castle? I have not.
28. Have you ever made out in front of your parents? I could barely kiss Beast (chastely) in front of them!
29. Have you ever done a photo shoot, professional or no? Sorta--senior pictures for high school.
30. Do you like those red flowers they put out during the holiday season? Uh...poinsettias? No. They are leaves though. Y'know?
31. Have you ever ridden in a U-Haul? Yup. 2400 miles in one weekend. Not really comfy.
32. What was the last movie you saw on TV? Uh...don't remember. Been watching CSI:NY on DVD lately.
33. Do you like Auntie Anne's pretzels? I'm not that huge of a pretzel fan. Not sure if I have had these kind.
34. What colour highlighter do you prefer? Not yellow and not pink. But I rarely highlight stuff anymore.
35. When given a present, do you usually keep the gift bag it came in? Well...yeah, till I recycle it for a gift I'm giving...?
36. Do you like to play Scrabble? Not really. Beast is a HUGE fan, though.
37. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party? Both my baby showers were surprises. I think that's all--I'm not a huge fan.
38. On men, what type of facial hair is most attractive? As opposed to the attractive sorts of facial hair on women? I like facial hair. I'm not too fussy, but I really don't like the razor cut look that clearly involves a LOT of time.
39. Are broken mirrors, spilled salt, and black cats really things to be afraid of? Broken mirrors are dangerous in their own right. Otherwise...not really.
40. How long could you really live without the internet? Coupla weeks. Actually, by then, the habit would be dead, right? So then it would get easier after that.
41. Do edible undies really taste that great? uUh...?
42. Coolest thing you've gotten in the mail lately: Got a new, on-sale-for-cheap blouse from VS the other day.
43. What's for dinner? Wheat bread, margarine, honey. Slurp.
44. Do you have any collections? Dust. Used SPs.
45. What was the last board game you played? Apples to Apples.
46. Who won? Jesse.
47. Do you subscribe to any magazines? EW, Ms., and Bookmarks
48. Do you have any special traditions only you or your family does? Uh, yeah.
49. Are you reading any books right now? Yep.
50. Have you ever randomly bumped into a actor/actress/or other generally famous person on the street? I'm extremely unlikely to notice.
51. Are you more likely to read a book you've never read before if it's been made into a movie? No!
52. What's that noise? Depending how fast noise travels, CSI:Miami or CSI.
53. When was the last time you were scared shitless? Been awhile.
54. Name a friend who's name starts with E: Emily.
55. Does it boggle your mind? Many things do.
56. Favourite song by the Spice Girls? I did like that video. You know, the "reallyreallywant" video.
57. Did you always have a dollar handy just in case the ice-cream man stopped by? That's not why I always have a dollar handy....
58. Did you ever think you could get sucked down the drain in your bathtub? Heh. Not seriously, but my mom used to sing this song to me at bathtime.
59. How old is "old" to you? 70-plus, in general, but it depends a lot on the person.
60. Do you know any Furries? I do know one.
61. Ever have those moments when you realize that you somehow just cheated death? Yes.
62. Have you recently been insulted? Not directly. Indirectly, yes.
63. If you had to write a brief message on a dollar bill, that many people would see as the currency circulates, what would you write? "Did you know that writing on money is illegal?"
64. You suddenly have to flee the country and adopt an alias. What is it? I guess Cat A. Loger is out, since I've abused that one for years now. I'd probably go with a first name that sounds a lot like my own and use Abe Lincoln's wife's last name.
65. Are you friends with any "MySpace celebrities"? Not that I know of, since I'm not sure how you quantify celebrity in MySpace. Does it travel elsewhere, to my corners of the universe?
66. Do you make your bed daily? Most days, eventually, yes.
67. Do you think crop circles are real? Well, yes, they are real. I believe the real question is where they came from, and my answer then is that it's not supernatural.
68. What is your favourite faux lunch meat? Bologna. ;-)
69. Do you know all the first and last names of every person you had sex with? Yup.
70. What is the number of your sluttiest friend so that some of your single friends can get some action? Oh, yah, so NOT going there.
71. When is the last time you went on a date? A very long time.
72. Are you an illegal immigrant? I frequently feel like I came from outer space around my workplace. Would that make me illegal?
73. If you could change your birthday, what would you change it to? How about June sometime? But I don't mind when it falls either.
74. Favourite cotton candy flavour? I don't care for cotton candy.
75. Do you think it's possible to drown a rubber duck? heh OMG the timing...hee hee hee Yes.
76. What stupid misspellings have been done to your name? Well, uh, the normal spelling is wrong, and people confuse it with a character in "Dr. Zhivago" occasionally.
77. If you wanted to give flowers to someone you hated, what colour would they be? They'd be dead. Color is immaterial.
78. If you had an exotic pet, what would it be? Kinda thought about getting a lizard for awhile, but I think I'll just go pet-free.
79. After watching Jaws for the first time, were you afraid to back to the water/beach? I have not seen the whole movie the whole way through. I was a little freaked after reading the first few pages of the book.
80. Which of your friends would you let see your baby pictures? All of them. I was a cute baby.
81. What would be the coolest fight to see? I don't like watching fights.
82. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Like I'd post that answer on the Internet???
83. Have you or anybody you know ever been through a teen pregnancy? I knew someone--a few girls actually--who got pregnant in school when I was there.
84. Which one of your friends is the most indecisive? Jenny used to be. I think I'v taken over for her.
85. Do you wash your hands for the recommended 20 seconds? Sometimes.
86. What's your standard greeting when you answer the phone? If I know who it is: "Hi!" If I don't: "H'loh?"
87. What was the last gift card you received? Bag full of fun stuff from Amy.
88. Do you use double negatives in your sentences (like, I don't know nothing about that)? ONLY for effect.
89. What's your favourite type of Girl Scout cookie? The Caramel DeLites. Frozen.
90. How often do you iron your clothes? Rarely, though I am taking the board and iron out tomorrow to do a few things.
91. Can you sing? Giving a slight prod, yes.
92. How many cassette tapes do you own? 50-70ish.
93. Ever bought a CD for just one song? Yup.
94. Do you floss? When I remember.
95. Would you or have you ever shaved your head? No and not likely.
96. How about someone else's? No. I'm not a paid professional in this field.
97. Are candles romantic or a fire hazard? Both. I like 'em though.
98. How often do you change the sheets on your bed? Weekly.
99. When you're talking, do you ever use your hands to do quotation marks in the air when saying certain words? On occasion. Not often.
100. What's in your fridge right now? Lots and lots of stuff.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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