(Link in blogroll)
(but originally from here)
1. My uncle once ...(this is hard since I haven't seen any of my uncles in over 25 years)... took me walking in tall grass and Dad took a photo.
2. Never in my life have I had major weight problems...until the last three years.
3. When I was five my parents had been married 27 years, had two daughters in college and one who had graduated, one son aged 15, and one kid in preschool.
4. High school was alternately horrifically awful and tremendously wonderful.
5. I will never forget to breathe.
6. Once I met Sparky for real, I fell in love with him.
7. There’s this boy I know? He's adorable and more incredible than I ever would have thought possible.
8. Once, at a bar, I saw The BoDeans play 5 feet in front of me.
9. By noon, I’m ready for a nap.
10. Last night I was awake after 1 a.m., reading. Yay!
11. If only I had realized what life was about when I was much younger.
12. Next time I go to church will be Wednesday night for the annual midwest fest.
13. What worries me most is that I won't be able to fulfill my commitments to the youth group this year.
14. When I turn my head left I see a pile of stuff on the couch next to me including a couple of photocopies, a bibl, a plate, the fall recreation schedule for town, and a pillow.
15. When I turn my head right I see My DDP, a timer, my watch, a bag clip and a lot of other random stuff.
16. You know I’m lying when I ... (like I'm gonna tell you what the cues are!!)
17. What I miss most about the Eighties is weighing 125 pounds and being in college.
18. If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be Kate. Or one of the witches.
19. By this time next year I will have a kid in my house who can drive.
20. A better name for me would be unfathomable.
21. I have a hard time understanding intentionally mean and/or rude people.
22. If I ever go back to school, I’ll be shocked.
23. You know I like you if I hang around you a lot.
24. If I ever won an award, the first person I would thank would be Beast. But I probably would thank God first.
25. Take my advice, never let yourself get so low on toilet paper that you run completely out.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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