Friday, August 22, 2008

More from Amy

Your result for The What Greek God Are You Test...


You are most like the God Dionysis!

Dionysis is the god of wine, intoxication and creative ecstacy. In short, a party god! He was often having drunken orgies with both men and women, as well as with helpless maidens his centaurs would carry off for him.
he had a large following of women who had fallen into a frenzy or "mania". These women were taken by a madness that compelled them to run around in a craze and often times become violent. Many of these frenzied outbursts had a strong sexual content.
Just don't forget while having all this fun that there is more to life than getting off!

Take The What Greek God Are You Test at HelloQuizzy

This is SOOOOOOOO not me!

Your result for The Commonly Confused Words Test...

English Genius

You scored 100% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 80% Expert!

You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!

Take The Commonly Confused Words Test at HelloQuizzy

I think I did better the last time I did this one. Oh, well.

Your result for The Mythological God Test...


Indeed, you are 58% erudite, 54% sensual, 54% martial, and 8% saturnine.

More properly known as The Dagda, he was the Earth Deity-Father of both Gods and men. In this respect he was the Celtic equivalent to Cronus or Zeus of the ancient Greeks.

Being the Earth God meant that he controlled the orderly passage of seasons. This cycle was maintained through the guiding melodies produced by a magical harp only The Dagda could play. Since an Earth God is sort of a personification of matter and "stuff," The Dagda owned something called the Undry which was a gigantic pot of abundance filled with an infinite supply of "stuff."

One of The Dagda's many names meant "Good God”, but "good" in the sense of being good at doing things. He was a jack-of-all-trades, skilled and accomplished in all his endeavours. Well, for the most part. Apparently his imagination wasn't all that "good" - when his wife bore him three daughters in succession he named each one of them Brigit.

The Fifteen Gods

These are the 15 categories of this test. If you score above average in …

…all or none of the four variables: Dagda. …
Erudite: Thoth. …
Sensual: Frey. …
Martial: Mars. …
Saturnine: Mictlantecuhtli. …

Erudite & Sensual: Amun. …
Erudite & Martial: Odin. …
Erudite & Saturnine: Anubis. …
Sensual & Martial: Zeus. …
Sensual & Saturnine: Cernunnos. …
Martial & Saturnine: Loki. …

Erudite, Sensual & Martial: Lug. …
Erudite, Sensual & Saturnine: Coyote. …
Erudite, Martial & Saturnine: Hades. …
Sensual, Martial & Saturnine: Pan.

Take The Mythological God Test at HelloQuizzy

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