Monday, August 18, 2008


(found here)


1. Who will you be with Saturday? Looks like I'll be driving to Ohio, alone.

2. What woke you up this morning? Nothing...I slept through till 8:15!!

3. If you took a drug test would you pass it? Yup.

4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? Hmmm, could be. We'll see.

5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today? Nope. All alone at home all day.

6. Who was the last person you rode in a car with? Probably Sparky. Don't actually remember for sure.

7. How many myspace accounts do you have? One, I guess. Haven't accessed it in over a year, I think.

8. What was your first thought this morning? "Holy crap! 8:15!!!"

9. Do or did you like school? Generally, yes.

10. Would you take a bullet for anyone? Literally: my kid. Metaphorically: friends and (some) family.

12. Do long distance relationships work? Some do. They are working, by default for me right now.

13. What do you want to be when you grow up? Alive.

14. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I'll be nearly 50. Holy crap again!

15. Who is your number one on myspace? Plock.

16. Who do you wish you were with right now? No one. I'm actually THRILLED to be home alone!!!

17. Who was the last person that left you a comment? Looks like Becca.

18. How often do you log in to myspace? About as often as I at liver.

19. Would you rather talk on the phone or chat in IM? IM.

21. Do you listen to music every day? Yes, generally.

22. Do you still go trick or treating? No.

23. What was the last thing you ate? Cheese and crackers.

24. Are you a fast typer? Yup.

25. How many speeding tickets do you have? Just one. Not bad for 29 years' driving....

26. What are you doing tonight? Right now I'm doing this. When I get tired of memes, I'll unload the box o' crap that's been waiting for attention and deal with it.

27. If you had one whole day to yourself, what would you do? What I did yesterday and today.

28. Is anything bothering you? Many many things.

29. Do you miss someone? Yup.

30. What do you want to do right now? Finish this, move on.

31. Are you listening to music right now? Nope, just the soundtrack of the Olympics (currently equestrian stuff).

32. Are you in a bad mood? Seems to be an ongoing issue, yes.

33. What are you doing this weekend? Driving to Ohio, checking up on BIL, FIL and Sparky, and bringing Sparky home on Monday.

34. Are you talking to anyone while doing this? Nope.

35. When were you the saddest in your life? After Dad and Ellen died.

47. One wish? Time for Beast and me to sort out some stuff between us.

48. Have you ever loved someone and were too scared to tell them? Nope, not that I'm aware of.

49. Do you like somebody? No. I actually hate the world. (grrr)

50. Name one song that explains your current relationship? "One" by U2. Espcially this:
We're one
But we're not the same
Well we
Hurt each other
Then we do it again



What time did you wake up? 7:30ish.
Did you go to school? No, but I bagged church and went to work for 4 hours. Got lots done, and then was (gently) reprimanded for not doing something (specific)
Did you drive a car? Yes.
Did you eat pizza? Nope.

Did you take a shower? Yes'm.
Who did you hang out with? A couple of people were at work--we opened before I left--and I had dinner with Alan and Katherine.
Did something make you mad yesterday? The aforementioned reprimand, and Katherine's (and some of Scott's) general behavior...kinda pissed me off. As usual. I feel like I'm on the verge of fury all the time again.
Did you put on makeup? No, not like that's unusual.

What kind of makeup? Well, ok, you caught me: I did where Chapstick.
Did you go shopping? I did go to the grocery store for a couple of things.
Did you hang out with your boyfriend/girlfriend? No, surprisingly. ;-)
How many phone calls did you get? I think...two. Several texts.

What movies did you watch? Hah.
What TV shows did you watch? Olympics Olympics Olympics.
Did you play outside? Uh, no?
Was yesterday a good day? Overall, I'd give it a 75/100.

Did you go to school? I left the house for the first time today at 5, to pick up this morning's paper and the mail. So, no. I did call Sparky's school, however.
What did you have for breakfast? Cookies. Sigh...(they're gone now, thank God)
Did you walk your dog? Not even in any metaphorical or idiomatic sense.
What song did you last listen to today? Didn't. Yet, anyway.

Do you have plans for today? I did: make several phone calls, get ahead on the Curiosity meme and unpack and sort the box o' crap.
If you could go to a movie today, what would you see? Mamma Mia.
Has anyone asked you to hang out today? Nope. I did get a call from someone at church that I did not answer. Doubt they would hav wanted to 'hang out' though.
Is it sunny outside? It's fucking BRILLIANT outside, which sucks since corn is pollenating and I can't have any doors or windows open.

What is the temperature outside? 80
Are you expecting a phone call? Not really.
Did you play with your pets today? I fed the guinea pigs, but I didn't really do much else.
Did you say "I love you" to anyone today? Yup.

Did you eat any candy today?, shockingly.
Did you exercise today? Not as such.
What time will you go to bed tonight? 10 or 11 I suppose.
Did you see anything shocking? A couple of random weirdnesses on the Olympics: who walks off the podium in the middle of a medal ceremony? why are you allowed to hit batters 7 times and send one to the hospital before you are ejected from an Olympic baseball game?.

Will you go to school? No, but I will go to work.
What time will you wake up? 5:30-6
What outfit will you wear? Not sure.
Do you think it will rain tomorrow? Nope. At least, not according the experts.
Are you excited about tomorrow? Excited? No. Interested? Sure.

What will you have for lunch tomorrow? Easy mac and lots of fruit & veggies.
Is there something you don't like about tomorrow? Fifth.
Will you go to a party tomorrow? Uh, no.
Will you have fun tomorrow? There may be moments.
Will you go swimming tomorrow? Hah. About as likely as taking flight.

What makes tomorrow different from today, really? Beast may come home. I work. Otherwise, not sure.
If you could hang out with anyone, who would you hang out with tomorrow? Amy and/or Jenny.
If it's warm outside tomorrow, what will you do? W O R K.
Will you sing a song tomorrow? I may hum along.
Starting tomorrow, how many days until your birthday? It's about 12 weeks. Less than ten till Amy's though!!

Will it be summer vacation? Ha. For me? No. For Sparky? His last free week. It's been a completely fubar summer for him, poor kid, especially this month.
Will you play a sport? Nope.
Is it someone's birthday next week? YES! (I have two family anniversaries, two family birthdays, and three friends' birthdays in the next two weeks!)
Do you have any doctor/dentist appointments next week? Nope, not till October.
Will you go shopping next week? Probably.

Will you see your grandparents next week? Since they are all dead, I'm kind of hoping not to.
Will you see your cousins next week? I wouldn't recognize any of my cousins if I did see them.
Will the weather be cold next week? It does seem cool for August. I'm not complaining, exactly, but it is weird.
Will you have a lot of homework next week? Only if I choose to.
Is anything special happening next week? Jesse will be here.

Will you/Do you have detention next week? Define those terms.
Do you have no set plans for next week? I have some vague plans, mostly surrounding birthdays, family issues, cleaning the spare room for Jesse's arrival...
Will you go on a date next week? Hah. No.
Are you looking forward to next week? Somewhat.
Will you take more surveys next week? If there is time.

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