Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Take5 Tuesday

(Link in blogroll)

1. 5 things in your fridge, or pantry.
Going very stream-of-consciousness here...In the fridge: ketchup, baby spinach, DDP, pepper jack cheese cubes, yogurt, syrup. In the pantry: pasta, tuna, soup, gum, flour.

Ironically, I just cleaned out the fridge door about a month ago, and threw away a kitchen garbage bag full of (overflowing with) expired things from the door.
2. 5 browser tabs you have open right now, (that is if you have firefox, opera, or IE7.)
Somewhat unusually, I only have four open: Gmail, Bloglines, Blogger (where I'm typing this) and someone's blog on Wordpress.
3. 5 questions you’ve [been] asked recently.
I'm slowly learning not to ask. Mostly my questions are "How was your day?" and "How are you feeling?"
So instead I'll answer this one with the addition of hte bracketed word, and this is why I blog at the ref desk: "Is breakfast ready?", "Are you open tonight?", "How do we run the overdues?", "Can I borrow an eraser?", "Can I renew my books?"
4. 5 songs you’ve listened to lately.
"Picture of Jesus", "Rocky Mountain High", "Maybe Monday", "You Oughta Know", "Coming Out of the Dark." According to Launchcast, anyway.
5. 5 things you did to celebrate 4th of July, (or 5 things you did last weekend, if you're not in the US.)
Actually, even though I'm in America, we didn't do anything special around here for the 4th except get out of town to avoid one night of fireworks at least! So that's one. The other four: mopped floors, reorganized the back hall closet, did laundry, washed dishes. Big deal, eh?

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