Sunday, July 27, 2008

Merged Miscellany

(two combined into one, but both swiped from Allison)

In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies? It's pretty cold here: a jacket, or better yet, a coat.

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? Nah.

How long can you go without your mobile phone? If I had to, forever. But I only actually use it 3-4 times a week, beyond checking the time and for messages.

Who did you last call babe/baby? Probably Sparky, and it was definitely "babe."

What time did you go to sleep last night? Which time? 10:30 and again at 2:15.

What/who woke you up today? ....stupid alarm...

Do you own a polo shirt? An actual 'polo'? No. Knockoffs? Yes.

How old do you look? No one has mentioned it lately, so I probably look my age.

Where are your siblings? Heaven, England, Texas, and Colorado.

What are you going to do after this? No clue.

Whose car were you in last? The Honda (ours).

What was the last thing you drank? I'm drinking ice water tonight.

Would you marry the last person you kissed? I can't remember if I kissed Beast or Sparky last. I'm already married to Beast. Let's just not even go the other place. {ugh}

Your ex shows up randomly at your house, what do you say? "May I help you?" I'm sure I wouldn't recognize him!

If it was free and it would work would you get plastic surgery? Nope. Having had emergency surgery, I would never do it by choice for something like this.

If you were to die today would your life be complete? I guess, by definition, it would have to be, eh?

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? ...I don't, but that's why I'm not God.

How do you handle stress? Not as well as I could. Better than I was doing in the winter.

Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom or your dad? Plock. Because, I can't spend it with Dad, and a day with Mom now is no fun. Thirty years ago...different story.

When was the last time you ran into your most recent ex? Plock!

Do you think you're approachable? Yup.

What is the last concert you went to? I have no idea.

The last person you argued with? Sparky and I are in a detente situation today.

Do you prefer warm or cold weather? Warm. Not humid, though.

Is any part of your body sore? Yup. My head is awful.

Do you commit to anything? ...der? Yes.

The funniest person you know? Uh...I know a lot of funny people. My brother can make me almost throw up laughing. But Don and Trud and Beast and Sparky and Redneck and Annie...they make me laugh a lot too.

Do you like change? I'm good with it. Mostly.

Do you get offended easily? On occasion. Not so much, though: I tend not to notice that people have said something 'off' till later.

Do you have a piggy bank? Yup. It's in the spare room.

Have you ever punched a girl? Not with intent to hurt, i.e. only on the arm.

Slept in a different bed lately? No. I did doze on the couch recently in the middle of the night, though.

If you could pack up and leave your life now to move away, would you? Nope.

Can you take a bra off with one hand? I could, but not easily--I'd have to practice.

Do you still talk to the first person you kissed? Nope.

Do people underestimate you? Regularly. It's quite amusing.

Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward? I'm usually too busy making myself feel awkward.

Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow? Nope.

Can you make yourself cry? Yes. Pretty easy, right now.

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Can we combine that with invisibility?

Have you ever been too drunk to remember anything? Yes. Not a good thing.

Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming? Yes. Used to know lots of people there, now just a couple.

Have you ever been white water rafting? Nope. Dang.

Do you think you would make a good parent? I AM a good parent!

What is your current place of employment? MPOW.

Have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap? Not recently.

Has anyone ever borrowed something from you and never returned it? Yep. Still missing those Stephen King books, Chelsea.

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What kind of printer paper do you have? No clue. I know that what's currently in the printer is pre-used (i.e., we're doing back-of-the-page printing).

What kind of toothpaste do you use? Crest. I need to replace the Sensodyne tomorrow, though.

Have you ever had a splinter anywhere other than your hands? Well, YEAH!

Have you accidentally kissed an animal? I don't think you can accidentally kiss anything.

Do you own a copy of Microsoft Visual Studio? Not that I'm aware of.

Do you have a pool? No.

When was the last time you sat in a port-o-potty? May.

When was your last spider bite? I'm not sure I've ever had one.

Have you been to Europe? A few times.

Have you ever written a song? No.

What is your opinion of Canada? I like.

Disneyland Resort or SixFlags? NEITHER!!!!!!

How many fans are in your house? One with the furnace, and I think three others? Oh, and the 5 ceiling fans. [Trading Spaces is not allowed in my house!]

Have you ever licked a DVD to clean it? I gave up licking things for this purpose a LONG time ago.

If your keyboard had a turn computer on / off button would you use it? WTF? Actually, ok, our desktop does and yes that's how we turn off the PC. Our other computers are laptops so the off button is about 1/2" from the Del button.

What would you do if a water heater randomly fell out of the sky into your front yard? Take photos, say several prayers of gratitude that it missed the house and any people, and then call the police. Hmmm, how are we going to get rid of it...?

If you could pee on somebody's car w/o getting caught would you do it? Why the HELL would I do that??

What is your favorite instant messenger? Meebo.

Do you have a Microsoft Natural Keyboard (has a windows logo key)? No. No clue what it is.

Who manufactured your landline telephone? No clue. Too lazy to look.

Do you own a Bible? {Insert guffaw here} Yeah. There are probably 30 versions and incarnations around here.

Do you have a fire safe? Yep.

What would you do if a tarantula was in your mailbox? I probably wouldn't know until my hand was already in the box. I just read today that they really aren't that poisonous, but the thought of those hairy legs.... {shudder}

Have you ever eaten something that was not meant to be eaten? Not intentionally. Oh, except paper, when I was considerably younger.

Do you know what USB Stands for? No, but I could go look it up if necessary.

Does the lady in the Vonage Commercials seem like a perky morning person? She seems awfully perky for a Romulan, yes.

Do you crack your neck? Not intentionally.

Have you ever used a magnifying glass to kill ants? No, I was busy being productive as a child.

Do you like the smell of bleach? Only in the sense that it means "clean" to me. I don't use it as an air freshener, or a cologne.

Do you own a cool phone? I have no idea if my phone is cool.

Do you like the sound of thunder? I sorta do.

Do you use the word[s] 'skid mark' a lot? No.

Who has changed your life the most? ...oh, I dunno. My head hurts to[o] much to think this [through] properly.

How many profile views do you have on your MySpace? Since I haven't visited MySpac[e] more than twice this year, I wouldn't know.

Did you ever have a neopet? Nope.

If you were a writer what genre would you write? I'd prefer to say I wrote fiction, but I fear I'm more of an essay/nonfiction writer.

Is there one thing you would never eat? I'm with Allison: liver

Describe yourself in 5 words: I don't tolerate pain well.

Ever meet anyone famous? Yes.

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