Friday, July 4, 2008

Cinn's Friday 5

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Free to be... you and me

[01] What is freedom?
I think it's a sense of not being weighted down, not feeling anything looming. One can be imprisoned and still have a sense of freedom, though it's obviously much easier to feel that way while walking in the sun with no particular place to go.
[02] What does the phrase "The American Dream" mean to you?
For me it encompasses a sense of not allowing one's personal, family, or social history to stand in the way of becoming whoever one wants to become. It also includes making the same allowances for others, not standing in the way of others who are also striving to improve themselves.
[03] When is the last time you watched fireworks?
We watched the Big City to the East's fireworks on TV last night (yawn!!), and I think before that it was a sports event...or maybe last year's 4th.
[04] What kind of festivities happen in your part of the world today?
Well, there are the loud, nearly constant, apparently obligatory neighborhood arsonists doing their best to blow up the entire fucking zip code. And no work. And no sales (oddly) that I am aware of, not that I would be aware of them. And picnics. And evening fireworks, covered in bugspray.
[05] Hot dog or hamburger?
I prefer hot dogs, or actually bratwurst, with all the fixin's. I'm not a big home-made burger fan.

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