(found here)
1. Perfect? Uh, yeah....NO!
2. Tall? Above average height for a woman.
3. In your pajamas? I'm wearing jammie bottoms, but my T-shirt is the one I was wearing all day.
4. Left handed? No.
1. Friend you saw: Besides Beast? Someone at work, I guess.
2. Talked to on the phone: Sparky.
3. Person to text you: Sparky, on Saturday.
4. Was today better than yesterday? No.
1. Number: 16 or 3.
2. Color(s): Blue.
3. Food: Iced sugar cookies.
4. Place: Bed. Or Ouray.
Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up? Took out the earplugs.
Q: Do you have anything bothering you? ...oh, ja...
Q: What's the last movie you watched in theaters? Speed Racer
Q: Where is the last place you went? Work.
Q: Do you smile often? Sure.
Q: Do you wish upon stars? No.
Q: Are you a friendly person? I can be.
Q: Where did you sleep last night? In bed.
Q: Why did you sleep there? Because it was the closest comfortable spot to a bathroom; I was a little unwell last night.
Q: When was the last time you cried? Started to this morning. I think I cried yesterday. I dunno. I cry a lot.
Q: What do you hear right now? 48 Hrs. Hard Evidence, one of the guinea pigs drinking water, Beast rustling his magazine....
Q: Does anything hurt right now? No pain right now. I'm a little tired, and the damn hives are making themselves known.
Q: What's your favorite month? September/October.
1. Are you missing someone right now? Plock
2. Are you happy? I'm much less unhappy than I was last week.
3. Are you sad? Yes. But in a sorta intellectual way, not so emotional.
4. Are you bored? I'm tired, not bored.
6. Are you nervous? Nnnno...? Should I be?
7. Are you single? There's only one of me, but I live with people.
8. Are you tired? Oh, for FUCK's sake, YES!
9. Are your parents still married? Well, yes, but also not so much.
10. Do you trust your significant other? Of course.
001. Real name? Hermangilda Gudrun Boadicca Feinwald. So much for anonymity.
002. Nick name? Would that be Cat.?
003. Eye color? Hazel
004. Zodiac sign? Scorpio
005. Male or female? Just checked again: I'm female.
006. Single? plock
007. Crushing? Uh, a little.
008. Slut? Me? Hah. No.
009. Smart? I consider myself smart. There are those who would disagree.
010. Hair color? The real color is brown with gray streaks. I've got red and ash in there too.
011. Long or short hair? Shoulder length.
013. Sweats or Jeans? Jeans.
014. Phone or Camera? Depends on what I need to do: make a call, or take a photo.
015. Health freak? Hella no!
016. Drink or Smoke? Given those two options, a drink, please.
019. Piercings? Ears.
020. Tattoos? No.
021. Righty or lefty? Righty.
22. has been kidnapped by aliens.
023. First piercing? Earlobes.
024. First best friend? Laura Dev0re.
025. First award? No clue.
026. First crush? J!m Ph!ll!ps.
027. First pet? Peppy the Parakeet.
028. First big vacation? We did vacations every year. They were always big in my eyes.
29. through 48. are at a square dance.
049. Eating? Nothing.
050. Drinking? Water.
053. Listening to? TV ads. The current one is a promo for Flip This House.
054. Plans for today? Bath, then bed.
055. Waiting for? There's always something happening around here; I don't need to wait.
56. through 67. are standing in line for Indiana Jones tickets.
068. Lips or eyes? Lips.
070. Shorter or taller? Tall.
072. Romantic or spontaneous? I'm more practical than either of those.
073. Nice stomach or nice arms? Uh...chest?
074. Sensitive or loud? Whatever is appropriate to the circumstances.
075. Hook-up or relationship? Relationship.
76., 77., and 78. are waiting for their luggage at the airport.
079. Drank bubbles? I have drunk them, but not since I was a young child.
080. Lost glasses/contacts? No.
081. Ran away from home? No
084. Broken someone's heart? Dunno.
085. Been arrested? No.
86., 87., and 88. are sitting around the fire, roasting marshmallows.
089. Yourself? Mostly, yes. It's been a little shaky lately.
090. Miracles? Yes.
091. Love at first sight? No.
092. Heaven? Yes.
093. Santa Claus? Kinda.
094. Sex on the first date? I believe it occurs. I think it may not be the best idea, generally.
095. Kiss on the first date? I don't see why not, if the spirit moves.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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