Friday, May 23, 2008


(found here)



[Deuce]- are you happy about something today? I am happy that my hair is colored and cut, and I didn't have to work, and I got a ton of stuff done here at home today.
[Trey]- what about it makes you so happy (or unhappy)? I dunno: I think that is pretty obvious.
4- when was the last time you went out with friends? I spent a long day at a conference with Kelly about two weeks ago.
5- when did you last spend time with your family? I spent time with my nephews in February. We're going to see Beast's family this weekend.
6- when was the last time you kissed someone? Sparky gave me a kiss about 10 minutes ago when he went to bed.
7- when was the last time you went on a genuine date? Beast and I had lunch together on Monday; does that count?
8- when was the last time you had sex? ...yeah, as IF...plock! Nosyparker!
9- when was the last time you told someone you loved them? About 10 minutes ago when Sparky went to bed.
10- have you ever been in love? Yep. Innumerable times.
J- who knows more about you than anyone else? Jenny.
Q- who in your family are you closest to? Elizabeth
K- who is your closest friend? Beast, Jenny, Amy, Trud
A- who do you love more than anyone? Sparky, Beast, Jenny...etc.

[Deuce]- what's the first time you ever remember getting money? I may have gotten a dollar bill in a birthday card from a relative when I was very young, but the first time I remember being paid is when Mom agreed to pay me 2 cents for every trip to the garbage barrel. I think I maybe cleared a whole quarter before I got bored of it.
[Trey]- what did you do with it? Oh, hell, that was over 35 years ago--who knows!
4- what's the first thing you bought because everyone else was buying it? Barbie stuff. (Technically, it was a gift, though.)
5- what was your favorite gift from childhood? The A.A. Milne books, when I turned 6.
6- what is the most money anyone ever gave you as a child? I probably got $5 occasionally from relatives on birthdays; I don't remember.
7- what's your favorite toy from childhood? My favorite toys as a child were my jumprope and jacks set. My favorite toy that I still have ... uh, either Pink Mouse or some of the board games my parents gave me when they moved out of their house in the 90s.
8- what car do you drive now? Normally I drive a '98 Ford Ranger.
9- where do you live now? In the boonies, in the Great Flyover. (Quite literally: we're directly on the flight path of a major airport.)
10- what's the greatest thing you ever bought? My Lee Rider jeans. They cost me $15 or so about 10 years ago. I have worn them close to 1000 times.
J- what car do you most want? I'd love a jeep. Preferably one that runs on hydrogen. hah
Q- where do you most want to live? Someplace with minimal humidity.
K- what luxury (you'll probably never be able to afford) would you most like? A house on a Greek island and a private jet.
A- what do you consider the pinnacle of success? Appreciating deep-down what you have, what your life is, and being loved by others who recognize and know the real you.

[Deuce]- what was your first job? After the Garbage Removal Debacle? :-) Outside the family, it was babysitting. Outside of that, it was shelving books at the local library.
[Trey]- how much did you make? I think I made about $1/hour for the babysitting (see, told ya I was old!), and minimum wage when I was 16 was about $2.75/hour.
4- what was your favorite job? I actually loved planning Sunday School and VBS both summers I was a CE intern at my church. I like working at the library. I still like working at libraries. ;-)
5- why did you leave it? In a very real sense, I haven't left the library. The CE thing...disillustionment caused by my sister's experiences as CE director at her church.
6- did you further your education after high school? Got me my own Master's Degree. Whooptedoo!
7- what did you study? Undergrad: BAs in Communications and History (double minors: English and Spanish). And that MLIS thing.
8- what is your current job? Cataloger/Head of Tech.Svc. at a medium-sized public library in the midwest.
9- how long have you been doing your job? This job: about 6 years. I've worked where I work since 1994, but most of that time was general reference.
10- what do you plan to eventually go to? Huh? I plan to go to...well, ultimately, I hope I get in to heaven.
J- do you like your boss? Huh. Normally, the answer would be an unqualified yes. Lately, she's been a GIANT pain-in-the-ass, though.
Q- if money were no object, what would you do? I'd probably keep doing what I do, but I'd travel a lot more too.
K- what's the hardest thing you've ever done? Stick it out, stay put, get through it.
A- what's the hardest thing you've ever done, purely out of kindness? Listened to someone I wanted to beat about the head and shoulders. If you're reading this, I'm not talking to you, but I do have one specific individual in mind.

[Deuce]- are you upset about something? At this moment, things are pretty placid.
[Trey]- why does it upset you? n/a
4- are you not talking to someone? Schedule Nazi...well, I speak to her, but only to communicate information, not to actually chat. I just want to kill her. No, scratch that: I want her to go far away.
5- is someone not talking to you? Unfortunately, no.
6- were you personally affected by september 11th? Of course, though I don't know anyone who was injured or died. BIL lives in Manhattan, my niece Ellen was flying to the US that day from England, my inlaws were in was a nightmare of logistics, but in terms of perspective, a learning experience.
7- has it changed your personal habits? Well, flying anywhere nowadays is certainly a fuck of a lot more frustrating and annoying! Otherwise...I think I'm slightly less naive politically than I was.
8- if you were drafted, would you object? If I were drafted, we'd be in more shit than I could conscientiously object to. However, I would object if Sparky were drafted!
9- can you see yourself dying for your country? I would not die for George Bush/Dick Cheney, Inc. I would, however, die to protect the freedom and ideals this country actually stands for.
10- can you see yourself dying for anything else? Yes.
J- what is the worst news you ever recieved? This is depressing. So...plock.
Q- when was the last time you cried? Today, listening to music.
K- when was the last time you hit someone? In order to hurt them--it's been a very long time. A small, joshing punch on the upper arm--maybe a couple of days.
A- have you ever genuinely wanted to kill someone? No, mostly I just want them to Go Away, get offa my cloud.


I have a dog named Chewy.

I hate plain white socks.

My dad's name is Tommy.

I've been to Texas.

I have more than one cat.

My mother smokes.

I love wearing pajamas.

I have one best friend that I can always count on.

I love mac-n-cheese.

I hate the color yellow. [I'm not fond of it, but I don't hate it like I did in my 20s.]

I have a lot of money. [Define "a lot."]

I can drive.

I own a car.

I have a sister in college.

I have a brother in college.

I hate waking up early.

I have too many clothes. [However, I have WAY fewer clothes than the average American female!]

I like the tv show Lost.

I hate playing computer games.

I believe in God.

I go to church every Sunday. [Two or three times a month.]

I love roller coasters.

I have watched someone die.

I live with my parents.

I love talking on the phone. [I'd rather eat glass mostly.]

I can type really fast.

My favorite color is blue.

I have had a crush on the same person for almost a year.

My best friend is always over my house.

I own a baby pig.

I love pajamas. [Didn't we cover this earlier...?]

I think Good Charlotte rocks. [They're ok, not my favorite, but not the worst thing ever.]

Eminem is my favorite rapper.

I have over 20 good friends.

I love pink lemonade.

I get got really good grades in school.

I don't have a job.

My least favorite subject is math.

My uncle lives with me.

I own over 30 pairs of shoes.

I love to go to the beach. [I enjoy the ocean, but it's not "love" and I live a LONG way from it, anyway.]

I always fight with my parents. [I used to fight with Mom, but not anymore.]

My room is always a mess.

I like my own name.

I think rap is the best kind of music.

I love to eat crabs. [I like crabmeat, but I don't like the way the question is phrased.]

I can drive.

I have gone to the movies in the last week.

I have a boyfriend. [My husband frowns on me having boyfriends. I have friends who are men, though.]

My feet are cold right now.

I do drugs.
[Legal, prescribed ones and OTC ones only.]

My dad owns his own company. [He owned several over his lifetime.]

I hate going to the doctor.

One day I wanna swim in a pool full of jello. [Is it even possible to swim in jello??]


[1] My name starts with a "C".
[2] I am 17 or younger.
[3] My birthday is in November.
[4] I am not currently in school.
[5] I dye my hair
a lot. [Every 5-6 weeks...?]
[6] My eyes change colors.
[7] I have two sisters.
[8] I am an aunt
[9] I live with only one parent.
[10] I live in North Carolina.
[11] I'm a Republican.
[12] I support the war. [I support the soldiers fighting, but I think the war is a scandal of major proportions.]
[13] I have at least 10 people on my favorites.
[14] I'm in love with my boyfriend/girlfriend.
[15] I'm pro-choice.
[16] I am a Christian
, though I don't practice it a lot.
[17] I support the war in Iraq, and I support George Bush. [see #12]
[18] I am obsessed with a celebrity.
[19] I love to go to the movies as often as possible.
[20] My boyfriend is my best friend. [My husband is...]
[21] I work at a restaurant.
[22] I love comments.
[23] If you talk to me, I talk to you.
[24] I am obsessive compulsive.
A little....
[25] I am also clinically depressed. In the winter, I definitely am. In the summer...usually not, but this year that seems to be incorrect.
[26] I'm a daddy's girl.
[27] I can watch the same movie over and over again, and it never gets old. [That would be Beast. It drives me Nuckin' FUTS!!]
[28] I have at least 3 pets.
[29] I want to go to college or have been to college.
[30] I love sports.
I love watching some of them. Others bore the crap outta me (
[31] I wish I could go back to high school or I am in high school.
[32] I don't like shopping at the mall.
[33] When I do go to the mall, I crave Dippin' Dots everytime.
[34] I like popcorn at home, but I don't like it at the movies.
[35] I'm very picky about what I eat.
[36] I love chewing gum.
[37] I'm saving my money for something expensive.
[38] I have a car.

[39] Which is irrelevant because I have no license.
[40] I don't talk to my mom. [OK, did she put you up to asking that???]
[41] I'm a very honest person.
[42] Sometimes too honest.

[43] I'm also a very jealous girlfriend.
[44] Cheating while in a relationship or helping someone cheat is repulsive.
[45] I write in my blog/diary a lot.

[46] I feel if I don't do chainletters it's bad luck.
[47] But I'm not superstitious, really.
[48] I don't think Kurt Cobain killed himself. [Well, then who the fuck DID he kill?]
[50] I'm paranoid about having the car doors locked at all times the vehicle is moving.
[51] I don't give a damn what people think about me. Though sometimes I probably should.
[52] I wear my jelly bracelets all the time.
[53] I have a new love for Sheri Moon Zombie. [who...? Oh nevermind]
[54] I have AIM, YAHOO, and MSN. [By default, yes: I use Meebo.]
[55] I have a passion for writing.
[56] I can multi-task listening to music and doing anything else.

[57] My goal in life is to have a "New York Times Best Seller" novel.
[58] I love Shakespeare.
[59] If Oprah is still around when I finish my novel, I would love for it to be in the "Oprah's Book Club".
[60] One of my books will be somewhat of an autobiography, my life has had plenty of up and downs to keep the reader hooked.
[61] I want to publish one of my songs after finding someone to write out the music to suit it and have someone great sing it.
[62] I have been a model.
[63] I am very smart, though of course I have my ditzy moments.
[64] I have an obsession with spelling and punctuation.

[65] I have never been popular at school, but on the internet people love me. [If the last phrase here said that on the internet I've made new friends, I'd highlight this one...]
[66] I don't think I'm pretty.
[67] I can't apologize well in person, but if I write you a letter saying sorry there's no way for you to not forgive me.
[68] I can't stand the smell of leather. [I lovelovelove the smell of leather...!]
[69] But I love the smell of gasoline.
[70] I am in love with someone right now.

[71] I love talking on my cell phone more than the house phone.
[72] I have tried to work out often, but I've failed. [I've succeeded at times too. Not recently, mind you...]
[73] My favorite website is MySpace.
[74] I wish I weighed less.
[75] I hate competition. [I thrive on competition.]
[76] I love the color black.
[77] I hate Abercrombie and Fitch.
[78] My head currently hurts.
[79] I smoke marijuana... on occasion. [I would if I weren't paranoid about getting caught.]
[80] I sometimes drink alcohol.
[81] I have almost perfect teeth.
[82] I love bubble baths.
[83] I have had braces.

[84] I love Chuck Taylor Converse. [I'd like to get some someday.]
[85] I watch all sorts of reality TV shows. [only two]
[86] I am addicted to Pepsi.
[87] I smoke cigarettes.
[88] The only makeup I would ever consider wearing is black eyeliner.
[89] I am bisexual.
[90] I watch porn. [I have done. I don't really make it a habit.]
[91] I collect pictures of friends and family and they're all over my walls.
[92] I don't wear contacts or glasses.
[93] I only have one middle name.
[94] I am not happy with my body.

[95] I am a nympho. [ if I'm going to admit to that here!]
[96] I want a tattoo or a few tattoos.
[97] I've had a lot of peircings, and I want some more.
[98] I want kids when I'm older or I already have kids.
[99] I weigh more than 150 pounds.

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