Sunday, May 11, 2008

191-192, 194-195

(from here)


1. Where were you THREE hours ago? Sitting right here working on a database I'm compiling for work. It's finished. Now I have to put it into effect at work. Sigh.

2. What do you think of your LAST kiss? It was pretty weak, but that's because we were both kind of distracted.

3. Are you wearing SOCKS right now? Nopes. Why are there so many words in ALL CAPS in this meme.

4. When was the last time you went out of TOWN? Outside of the towns where we live and work...Friday I was in the car for 8 hours.

5. Have you been to the M0VIES [eh??] in the last 5 days? Nope.

6. is outside catching fireflies.

7. What was the last thing you had to drink? Just finished my latest Diet DP. Now the CAPS are gone. Weird.

8. What are you wearing right now? My newest jeans, my fairly new college long-sleeved T, blue mocs.

9. What was your last purchase? I think that would be food for my lunch yesterday.

10. Last food you ate? P@ul##'s pizza. It's Sunday after all. ;-)

11. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My retardo-brained sister yesterday. No, I did not call my mother today. I'll call tomorrow.

12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? No. I don't think so.

13. Do you have a pet? There are two guinea pigs in the house.

14. What did you do last night? Watched the end of the Darlington race, watched part of SNL, ...snore...

15. is waiting in line for custard.

16. If you could be anywhere you want where would it be? Anywhere with my two favorite boys.

17. What is the last thing you purchased online? Cap racks.

18. One thing you hate about your parents? Plock

19. What's your favorite soup? New England Clam Chowder.

20. Do you miss anyone? Yes.

21. Last movie you saw? Beowulf, on DVD.

22. What are your plans for the day? The day is nearly over. Finish watching Survivor. Sleep.

23. Did you have fun today? Pretty boring, but not in a bad way.

24. Who is your last text message from? Plock

25. Were you an honor roll student in school? Yes'm. All the way, K through grad school. Pathetic.

26. What do you know about the future? It will arrive.

27. Who was the last person you rode in a car with? The boys.

28. is stuck in traffic.

29. Do you have a tan? Hah!

30. How old do you want to be when you have kids? Done with all that. I'm hoping for grandkids before I get too old to appreciate them...but NOT too soon!!

31. Did you meet anyone new today? Uh...well, sorta, at church. Shook hands with some people I'd never met.

32. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? My earlobes are pierced.

33. How do you like your soda? Caffeinated and sugar-free.

34. Do you like hot sauces? Up to a point, yes.

35. What are you doing tomorrow? Taking the truck in for service, dropping Beast at Avis, grocery shopping, calling YouthWorks, calling the youth group kids, wet-mop the floors....

36. What day is tomorrow? Monday

37. What is your current mood? I have a horrible sinus headache. But otherwise...fine.

38. Why? I'd be much better without the headache, but it was a nice, productive relaxing day.

39. Do you remember the first person you ever kissed? Yes.

40. Do you have a crush on anyone right now? Yes.

41. If you could be on a TV show, which one would it be? Dirty Jobs.

42. Why? I love Mike Rowe's voice.

43. Have you ever watched a movie and just "had" to do what they did? What? No.

44. Do you have a "face" you make in the mirror? Not really.

45. Ever use someone else's toothbrush? Yes, but not intentionally.

46. Do you like/love the person you got this survey from? Don't know 'em. Well, her.

47. Can you whistle? Yes, tunefully but not loudly.

48. Can you wiggle your ears? Nope.

49. You have a song that comes on that you just "have" to turn up and sing to? Quite a few. Can't think of any titles right now.

50. Who are you thinking about right now? The Survivor people.


1. When is the last time you actually hung out with your top #1? Plock

2. What's bothering you right now? Headache. Have I mentioned that?

3. Would you share a drink with a stranger? Like, out of the same container? It would be pretty desperate measures if I did.

4. What were your plans today? Church, brunch, hanging out at home, blogging, project work, Survivor.

5. & 6. are on their honeymoon. They'll be back next week.

7. Next time you will hug someone? When Sparky goes to bed.

8. Where was your default picture taken? Plock.

9. Do you like messages or comments better? Whichever.

10. What was the last thing you ate today? Hello? Pizza.

11. stalked off in a huff.

12. What are you doing this weekend? Next weekend will be a cleanup/work-outside weekend.

13. is cleaning the chimney.

14. Who was the last person to send you a text message? Probably Amy.

15. & 16. are on their way to the square-dancing party.

17. Listening to? Survivor.

18. Have you ever kissed anyone named Nick or someone named Nicole? I don't think so.

19. Smell like? VS and me, I guess.

20. Eating? Nothing.

21. Have you hit someone today? Uh, no...?

22. Do you believe in a soul mate? No.

23. What do you wear to bed? Pajamas.

24. Do you burn easily in the sun? Oh yeah.

25. Have you ever been gambling? Yes.

26. What did you do last weekend? I don't remember.

27. What do you miss right now? Being able to eat anything I want--and as much as I want--with impunity.

28. What are you going to do after this? ...depends on when I finish.

29. What was the last text message you sent? Asking Sparky if he was ready to go.

30. is celebrating her birthday.

31. How good is your eyesight? Not good at all, to say the least.

32. What was the last thing you drank? Still that last sip of diet DP.

33. Whose house did you go to last? Haven't been to anyone's house lately. It may actually be Amy's...two weeks ago!

34. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? Dean.

35. Do you like someone right now? Lots of someones.

36. Do you have a chance with them? Plock.

37. What do you wear more: shorts, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants? Jeans.

38. Name Three Drinks You Drank Today: Diet Coke and Diet DP. That's it. We lost the CAPS and Now We Are Capitalizing. WTF?

39. What is your dream phone? My first, instantaneous, reaction was a mental picture of a Princess Phone. Not that I want--or wanted--one. I want, bascially, an iPhone, though substitutions are acceptable.

40. Favorite shoe? Sandals. Any of those I have upstairs.

[Made by Joo @ Do not Remove [: ]

[1] What colour are your nails? Unpolished.

[2] Is there anything you [almost] always have in your pocket? Chapstick.

[3] Does your best friend have their ears pierced? Yes.

[4] What make is your phone? LG

[5] What colour is the on button on your calculator? I use the computer.

[6] What is your favourite drug? I'm not happy with aspirin right now, as it doesn't seem to be working. I don't really have a favorite drug.

[7] Are any of your real life friends myspace whores? Absolutely not.

[8] What colour is your purse, or bag? The tiny "purse" I use is similar to these others from MayaWorks. Apparently, they don't make my kind anymore...

[9] Are you tired of people asking if you're excited for school? Uh, no.

[10] Is there anything weird you keep from every event like a souvineer [sic], and collect them? Nope.

[11] What is bus fare, for you, where you live? I think it's $2 in the city. Dunno what it is 'round here.

[12] What colour are the taxis where you are from? The local ones are white. The city ones are yellow, mostly.

[13] Last person you saw with a tongue ring? A tongue ring?? Never seen one of them, thanks.

[14] Do you think girls with tongue rings are slutty? Er, no.

[15] Do you think guys with tongue rings are weird? No.

[16] How long until your birthday? Just over 6 months.

[17] Do you get called cute or hot more often? Erk.

[18] When was the last time you were at work? Yesterday at 5.

[19] Do you enjoy post-it notes? Do I enjoy them?? I use them, I like them, they serve a purpose.

[20] What colour is the last sharpie you used? Black.

[21] How many belts do you own? Probably around 6.

[22] The first four letter word you see that is not on this screen? Bush. feh

[23] How many pictures are on your computer that were taken on May 26th? None.

[24] Do you ever write on the chairs on the bus? There are chairs on the bus?! I don't write on furniture.

[25] Do you know anyone with the same first name as your middle name? Yes. They're all old.

[26] Are you happy with the size of your nipples? WTF?

[27] When was the last time you were asked out by a stranger? Plock

[28] Do you ever think the U.S. will have a woman president? Sure.

[29] Do you have a birth mark on your breast? These are some weird questions. No.

[30] Do you live in a state, province, territory, etc.? I'm in a state.


1. If someone were to look on your bed, what would they find? It's looking all right.

2. Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed? Closed.

3. Are your underwear and socks folded in your drawer or just thrown in? Folded. OMG, I never wad and jam things in like that.

4. is off at the gym tonight

5. Are you a cuddler? Yes.

6. What would someone find if they looked under your bed? Just the (dust-free) floor.

7. Something that happened today that made you angry? Talk-talk. Just irritated, not angry.

8. What were you doing before this survey? I don't remember. That was in another lifetime.

9. What will you do after the survey? Bath-time!!

10. Marriage or living together? Marriage.

11. What shirt are you wearing now? Same one I was wearing before.

12. Do you sing? Yes.

13. Do you de-label your beer bottles? No, nor do I de-label soda bottles, or water bottles.

14. Do u talk about your feelings or hide them? Bit o' the both.

15. Is there something you regret and wish you could take back? Of course.

16. & 17. are playing cribbage.

18. Last argument you got into? I'm sure it was something stupid.

19. Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles? See #13.

20. What do you like most about the person you like? He tolerates me.

21. How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night? Once I turn the light off, about 20 seconds.

22. Current song on myspace? Plock.

23. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep? It's happened. Not often.

24. If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend woud [sic] you? At the monkey's place, yes. Not here.

25. What is the current advertisement on the side of the screen? Blogger doesn't have ads on this screen.

26. What are you looking forward to in the next few months? This is a bad question to ask me right now.

27. It's midnight. Who are you texting? Plock

28. It's Wednesday afternoon. Where are you usually? At work.

29. Honestly, if you could have ANYONE in the world, who would it be? Plock. (I don't 'do' people as property.)

30. Your Christmas list consists of? Air. It's over 7 months till Christmas for Pete's sake!

31. Your best friend just asked you out and you say? "Where to, dear?" (Hiya, Beastie)

32. You're going to Manhattan for shopping, where do you go first? I wouldn't be in Manhattan to shop. I'd be there to visit BIL and I'd rather take in some plays

33. You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first? Kohl's or Farm & Fleet.

34. How do you feel about your hair? Without being obnoxious, I have good hair.

35. What time do you wake up for school? I wake up for work at 6 most days.

36. What movie is in your DVD player? There isn't one.

37. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move? Colorado mountains, but I'd love a small house on a Greek island.

38. How much do looks matter to you in a guy/girl? They matter a lot; let's not kid around. But they aren't the only thing.

39. What's the greatest thing that happened to you today? Getting that project done.

40. How many TRUE best friends do you have? Three.

41. What would you change about your life right now? I'd like to have a lot less health issues in the family.

42. What's the best feeling in the world? Uh...depends. Love, but it's hard to explain.

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