Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday Memepile

(All of the following memes can be found in the blogroll, to the left)

Monday's a Bitch
Crackin' Up

1. What's your favourite brand of cracker?
Wheat Thins.
2. Do you like crackers in your soup?
When I was a kid, we always had to have soda crackers in soup. We don't even HAVE soda crackers in the house, and I almost never put them into restaurant soup, unless it's deadly-boring-tasting without them.
3. What's the best kind of cheese to put on a cracker? Or do you have a different favourite cracker topper?
I'm in a phase of Merkt's Swiss Almost cheese. But anything cheesy will do. I love cheese. We may not have Saltines in the house, but we definitely have cheese!! Cheddar, Swiss, Wensleydale, Leicester, Gouda, mozz, you name it....
4. Have you ever set off firecrackers? For what occasion?
I'm not a fan of fireworks. Too many gory stories of people blowing their fingers off, I guess. I like the big shows, but even then, I'm always ready to take off running or call 911 in case of a misfire.
5. Have you ever seen The Nutcracker ballet?
Not all the way through in one sitting. I have seen The Firebird Suite, which I loved, but also found really hard to understand. Not exactly boring, but well toward that end of things. I'm uneducated. However, I love Baryshnikov and Nureyev, so go figure.... ;-)

Manic Monday

Who is the black sheep in your family/group?
In my family, it has always been my brother, although it's entirely possible that at this point I've been added to the "Hopeless" list. At work, it's CT.
If you were a character from a book, what character would you be?
Can I PLEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZE be Laura Ingalls?? Otherwise, I'll settle (ahem) for Kinsey Millhone.
What's your favorite accent?
Italian. And Russian. I don't know why.
My least favorite: New Jersey, extremely nasal Midwest (sorry, peeps), and French.

1) If you could have participated in any political march (protest or support or other), which one would you have chosen.
I don't do big crowds; they really terrify me. I wish I could honestly say I would have participated in any of the various marches on Washington, but I wouldn't have. I would love to have heard King speak in the 60s, though.
2) Talent show tonight!! Give us a preview of your act.
The way I feel right now, it will consist of me sleeping on stage. Otherwise, I guess I could show y'all how fast I type.
3) What architectural wonder would you like to be in charge of, or own?
It would be awfully cool to work in the Library of Congress, or in the Winter Palace (St. Petersburg). Frankly, I'd love to work somewhere in the Vatican, too, but that's clearly not happening. I wouldn't want to own any 'edifice' though--upkeep is a bitch!
4) What is the hardest test you've ever taken?
I keep flunking parenting tests. Another failure this morning.
Academic tests: the History GRE. Lowest score I ever received on ANYthing, ever.
5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
Public Domain Photo
I like the 'messiness' of the rockets compared to the clean lines of the architecture and light around it. The whole photo screams 1960s to me--Star Trek, boxy buildings, the whole schmear. I think I've seen this in real life...?

I wish we were still sending rockets into space, not just the shuttle. The moonshots were very cool, very positive-thinking, very America-patriotic-woo-hoo, and very "someday I could do that." I guess kids today dream about the shuttle, but the Apollo program just seemed way cooler for some reason. Kind of the difference between Conestoga wagons across the West in 1850 vs. a cross-country railroad trip in 1870. Both cool, but the wagons seem so much MORE cool to me.

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