Tuesday, April 15, 2008


(from here)


Alright, so have you ever actually sat down and thought about why you like the person you like? Yes, I have. I've had a couple of decades to work it out.

When people say, "Honestly I dont think I've ever talked shit about anyone" do you think its possible? No. But I'm feeling particularly cynical today, too.

Why do you think your favorite color is your favorite color? I love blue skies..."I've seen blue skies / Through the tears in my eyes / And I realize I'm going home..."

Do you know anyone who drinks/smokes to look cool? That's how it always starts...

Do you honestly think you could last a week without a computer or cellphone? Yup. The first couple of days would be rough, but I'd get through it.

Do you ever think about the world ending? I try VERY hard not to. I spent several of my teenage years obsessing about this topic. I'm not using that word lightly, either.

How do you feel about gay marriage seriously? I seriously feel that it's a non-issue for me--we breeders need to get over ourselves.

Have you ever made plans with someone for a really long time and then ditched out on them? Yes. Most recently it was due to the weather, but I've just bailed on a few occasions too (not recently).

Has someone ever said to you "don't tell anyone please" and then a second later you told someone? Not a second later, but...yeah. Not for a long time, however.

Do you care about how you eat? Not right now.

Is there someone you'd really like to hang out with and just talk about stuff? SEVERAL people!!

Have you ever gone out of your way to do something nice for someone? Well, sh-YEAH, of course!!

Have you ever gone out of your way to do something mean to someone? No, I just wait for the right moment to happen. :-{

When you get embarrassed what usually happens? I get red in the face and lose my ability to think and talk coherently.

Is there something that has happened in your past that you really hate talking about? Believe it or not...yeah!

Is there someone you don't really know but they bother you? Welcome to my life with the patrons at the library!!!

What teacher has left the biggest impact on you? Cope.

If going back in time was an option, would you? For observation purposes only.

What is your biggest fear? ...drowning... (for a change of pace)

Do you honestly LOVE your friends? No, but dishonestly HATE them.
What sort of stupid question is this? Of course I love 'em.

Have you ever done something really hypocritical? Yup. Regularly, unfortunately.

Do you think people dwell on the past too much? Some people do.

When you're mad at someone do you stay mad for a long time? Nope. For the most part, I blow up and then I'm fine. Every once in awhile something happens--usually a long series of somethings--and I'm VERY mad for VERY long. I think I'm there now.

Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you? Probably. Probably not as many who will if I don't keep a lid on my temper this week at work.

What's something you want to change about your life? Well, let's start with that temper thing....


1. You're a girl, right? I am woman, hear me roar.

2. Have you kissed any one on your top friends? I've kissed my husband. He's one of my best friends.

4. Do you enjoy drama? No. Hence my crap-ass attitude.

5. Are you a girly girl? Not so very much.

6. Who was the last person you hugged? Beast.

7. Small or large purses? No purse. Or, rather, a minuscule purse.

8. Are you short? In temper: yes. In height: no.

9. Do you like someone? plock

10. What would you do if someone smacked your ass? The ONLY person who had better do that is Beast--and I HATEHATEHATE it regardless. He just doesn't get it.

11. Do you care if your socks are dirty? I like them to be clean when I put them on.

12. Do you think you’re conceited? No, but I'm awfully self-referential.

13. Do you dress up on Halloween? Nope.

14. Are you double jointed? I'm barely single-jointed right now.

15. Where is the weirdest place you have slept? Outer Mongolia (on a train).

16. Has anyone touched/smacked your ass in the past 24 hours? What is this ass-smacking fixation? Beast probably has. {{eyeroll}}

17. Is there any type of rumor going around about you? I'm sure. I work with 22 women. What are the odds? Especially in light of my somewhat abrupt departure from work this afternoon.

18. Do you call anybody by their last name? Nope. Well, sometimes, I use our last name on Sparky.

19. How many guys will read this just because it says "girl survey"? WETFE. Besides, I'm not convinced any guys EVER read this blog. Too bad.

50 questions you've never answered. (I swear)
(I'm going to * the ones that are new...)

1. Who's the bands lead singer of the song you're listening to? I'm watching Deadliest Catch. No music, lots of swearing.

2. Have you ever been to a concert where there was moshpitting? I wouldn't know.

3. What are the color of your blinds? Some color that involves the word "wheat." I can't remember right now what it is exactly.

* 4. Ever put the drunk goggles on in school? I didn't realize till I read the previous person's answer that there are actually glasses that simulate being drunk. So, no. I wore the 'original' kind of drunk goggles, ones that begin with shots of schnapps and end with a close relationship with porcelain.

* 5. What are [is] your favorite brand of cigarettes? Pleading the Fifth.

* 6. Does your name start with the letter Q? No.

* 7. Ever seen the video on youtube "Charlie the Unicorn"? No, and I can't be bothered.

* 8. How about "Shoes"? No, and ditto.

9. Can you say the alphabet backwards really fast? Given a little warmup, yes.

* 10. Do you wear underwear that goes up past your hip? Sometimes. I am that old, after all.

* 11. What's your favorite techno song? I have no idea right now, but I do like techno.

* 12. Ever heard "Hell Song" by Sum 41? Possibly.

* 13. Aren't you just a huge fan of Panic at the Disco? I do like them, but I'm sad about the missing "!"

* 14. Or, do you think they just need to die? splage

15. What song makes you just burst into tears? "A Mighty Fortress"

16. What's your favorite college football team? I'm not a college football fan.

17. Where would you like to go to college? I think I'm done with college.

* 18. Do you think surveys are just pointless to take? Think about it: if I did, would I be doing this?

* 19. Do you see myspace as a place for rapists? What? I think the whole internet has a certain percentage of creeps using it. I trust no one. (OK, that's a little harsh, but I trust damn few.)

* 20. Is your favorite sport a "co-ed" sport? No.

* 21. Have you ever visited match.com? Yes, but I haven't created an account. Or, if I did, I don't remember what it is.

* 22. Have you found the love of your life there? Uh, no.

* 23. On the Sims, do did you make a family that's very strange? I have. And sometimes I kill off people. But not often.

24. Did you have a birthday party for every year it was your birthday? I had two, total, while I lived at home.

* 25. Is your underwear very lacy? Not into the lace thing.

* 26. Do you remember who won antm cycle 1? I have no idea what this is, so no.

* 27. Isn't Shanequia a cool name? No.

28. What age do you plan on losing you virginity? Too late; you missed it.

29. What age did you lose your virginity at? Well, aren't you the nosy one...!

* 30. What's your favorite place to be when you feel depressed? In bed.

* 31. Don't you love steven's untitled rock show? No.

* 32. Your stuck on an island with an ipod with one song on it, which song is it? Plock.

* 33. Do you have a[n] icon,quote,survey,pixel,etc. site? Huh? Feeling really out of it....

* 34. Finish this.. I fell in love with the girl at the...? ...rock show." Sadly.

* 35. Do you not know what song that's from? Yep...can't remember who does it, though.

* 36. Don't you love flavor ice? My teeth are too old for them.

* 37. Do you dig in at the costco samples? Never been inside a CostCo.

* 38. Did you know there is an actual place called Hollister, CA? Nope. Do I care?

39. Is it just me, or is abercrombie sending a bad message? Define "bad message." I don't like Abercrombie....

* 40. What's your favorite store without using vowels? Easy: VS.

* 41. Is there a store that you and your friends go to hang out? Yeah, cuz we all have THAT much time.

* 42. Does your school serve pizza? The local school district does, yes.

* 43. Are you in a star wars fan club? Oh, HELL no.

*44. Do you anounce when you have to pee sometimes? Sometimes, at home.

* 45. Do you go to staples to play with the swivel chairs? Again, I do NOT have time for that shit.

* 46. Can you say a name that starts with Se? Serena.

47. What rhymes with orange? I think it's been pretty well established that nothing rhymes with it in English.

48. Are you a big fan of something? I can tell you an awful lot about a lot of random things.

* 49. What color are your school pencils? Plock.

50. Have you answered any of those 49 questions before? Yep, some of 'em. And many of those I hadn't answered were really fuckin' lame.


1. Do you own uggs? I'd rather wear anything but Uggs.

2. How did you do on the last test you took? I did; I'm now a certified cataloger in a database I don't use/never used.

3. Who was the last person of the opposite gender that you hugged? Beast.

4. What are you most looking forward to? Bedtime.

5. Do you wear Hollister? No

6. What food makes you sick? Liver.

7. Do you get shy around the guy/girl you like? Not anymore.

8. Do you remember what you were like a year ago? This is why I blog.

9. Who was your last text from? Amy.

10. When was the last time you saw this person? A month (?) ago.

11. When was the last time you got butterflies? Been awhile. I was nervous on Sunday, but not butterflies nervous.

12. Why is the first person the first person in your top? Plock.

13. Who is the first guy on your top? PLOCK

14. Do you have pictures of you with your friends? Yes, but they aren't online if that's the underlying question.

15. Where are you right now? On the couch.

16. Do you give special ringtones to certain people? Plock (too tired to explain)

17. What's the weather like outside? Warming up again. Thank God.

18. What are you listening to? Still fishing in Alaska.

19. What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving.

20. Where'd you get everything that you're wearing? Sox I get delivered, pants from Kohl's, shirt on vacay a couple of years ago, underwear from VS and ??

21. Do you text with T9 or ABC? I just discovered T9--awesome!!

22. Have you memorized your social security number? A long long time ago.

23. Have you ever had a dream about people you love dying? Well YEAH! Duh.

24. Are you spoiled? Yes, but not enough.

25. Do you like water? I'd love it to accumulate in the tub so I can go up and climb in without waiting....

26. Do you have a pet in the room with you? Well, just around the corner....

27. When is the next time you'll see the person you like? He's across the room from me, closer than the pets.

28. If you died today, would there be anything you wish you could've said? Yeah.

29. Are you on YouTube? I will be posting my first video this week sometime.

30. What was the last book you read? I'm still slogging through Her Story.

31. Are your nails painted right now? Nope.

32. When is your birthday? 7 months from now.

33. Do you think your best friend(s) is the coolest person ever? Pretty much, yeah.

34. What was the last food you ate? Cereal.

35. What's the last food you ate that was salted? Uh...not sure, actually.

36. What are you watching? Still crab-time.

37. Do you talk to people on the phone or IM more? IM, no contest.

38. What type of cell service do you have? AT&T.

39. What color are your eyes? Hazel.

40. Do you have your ears pierced? Yes.

41. Would you ever pierce your own belly button? FUCK NO!

42. Do you want any more piercings? Nope, I'm good; move on.

43. Have your friends seen you cry? Yep.

44. Who was the last person you cried in front of? My boss.

46. Are you annoyed with anyone right now? Who? Yep. Several people who work the circ desk at work.

47. Have you ever had a panic attack? I believe so, in retrospect.

48. Name the last time you got really bored? This afternoon, but honestly it was a weird combination of bordeom and anxiety attack.

49. Who is the last person you talked with MySpace Messaging? I'm not sure I've ever used it.


1. Who's your favourite character on Boy Meets World? Never watched it.

2. Do you have underbite or overbite? I have a corrected overbite.

3. Do you like those red flowers they put out during the holiday season? Those are called poppies. Yes.

4. When was the last time you used poster board for? For the posters on Sunday.

5. Have you ever ridden in a U-Haul? In the cab of one, yes.

6. Who was the last person to message you over myspace? plock

7. Do you like Auntie Anne's pretzels? What's your favourite flavour? I'm not a real pretzel-holic.

8. Do you like folk rock? Some of it.

9. Do you ever go to bed with her hair wet? It has been known to happen.

10. Do You hate it when people post bulletins on myspace like "today was amazing" "I'm off to bed" ? PLOCKKKKKK!!!

11. What colour highlighter do you prefer? Blue.

12. Do you wear socks that have holes in them? I try not to.

13. When given a present, do you usually keep the giftbag it came in? Recycling is good.

14. Have you ever bought anything off of amazon.com? Of course.

15. Do you like to play Scrabble? Not particularly.

16. How often does your school have assemblies? Do you show your school spirit or just sit there? We had them, and I was in band, so I was often on stage tootling along.

17. Which is your classes is so slow it bores you? Which class is so fast that you can't keep up? Plock.

18. What are you saving your money up for right now? Vacation. And, Sparky's college costs.

19. Do you hate how cold you get after a shower? I'm fortunate enough not to have to deal with this.

20. Have you ever played with one of those tiny plastic flags with the metal rod sticking in the ground? Played it?? WTF?

21. What do you do when you spy a bug in your house? Generally, I ignore it, unless it's an ant. If I were to see a roach, I'd kill it, clean up the mess, and call Orkin, all in the space of 2 minutes.

22. Do you like watching old western films with those corny jokes? Not really into black-n-white movies, and I'm not so sure what this question is talking about.

23. Are your peers over the Chuck Norris faze or are they still into it? My peers? Which ones? Most of the people I work with never got it. And that actually includes me.

24. Do you like the show Drake and Josh? No. Sparky watches it.

25. Do you make hot chocolate by using Swiss Miss hot cocoa powder? No, but I don't make hot chocolate often anyway.

26. What do you normally drink at lunch during school? n/a

27. Which one of your friends is the most indesicive? Me, and maybe Jenny.

28. Have you ever made rice krispie treats? Do you prefer the homemade kind or store bought? Homemade; they are slightly less cloying.

29. Who's your favourite Disney princess and why? I hate princesses on principle. Give me Fiona or give me nada.

30. Are we all going to run out of good surveys in the near future? Heh.

31. Do you wash your hands for the recommended 20 seconds? Sometimes.

32. Do you like celery and peanut butter? No.

33. What was the last giftcard you received? No clue.

34. Do you look at people in other cars when stopping at a red light? nope. Or at least not often.

35. Do you use double negatives in your sentences (like, I don't know nothing about that)? Only as a joke.

36. What's your favourite type of girl scout cookie? Those lemon ones.

37. Do you like pulp-y orange juice? YUCK. No. No pulp.

38. Are you growing your hair/bangs out right now? Nah.

39. How often do you iron your clothes? Only when I have to.

40. Have you ever tried putting on fake eyelashes? How did it look? No. It looks p[a]inful.

41. What was the last show you saw on TV? Still watching Deadliest Catch.

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