Tuesday, April 1, 2008


(from here)


3 Of your Best Friends:
1. Jenny
2. Amy
3. Anne

3 Movies You Like:
1. Heathers
2. Matrix
3. Fiddler on the Roof

3 Good Video Games:
1. The Sims
2. Sim City
3. Civilization

3 Hot Guys/Girls:
1. Beast
2. Brad
3. Pete

3 Good Scents:
1. VS
2. Gossip
3. B&BW Romance

3 Fun Places:
1. Ydra
2. Ouray
3. Greenville

3 Good Foods:
1. Iced Sugar Cookies
2. Pasta Alfredo
3. Mac 'n Cheese (homemade)

3 Good Days:
1. Christmas Eve
2. Fourth of July
3. Thanksgiving

3 Good Months:
1. September
2. July
3. August

3 Fun words:
1. Borborygma
2. Triangular
3. Moink

3 Good Stores:
1. Kohl's
2. C0bble St0nes
3. ...our local independent bookstore

3 Great Bands:
1. Beatles
2. Beach Boys
3. U2

3 Types of Cars:
1. Old Jeep Cherokees
2. Honda Accord
3. Ford Ranger
...and anything Toyota...


1. how many people other than you have been in your bedroom today? Beast was just there.
2. how many different houses were you in today? Just mine. One of the disappointments of adulthood is the lack of house-wandering that can be done.
3. how many photo albums do you have? ...thanks for the guilt...probably two dozen, with several still-missing boxes of photos....
4. who paid for the computer you are currently using? We did.
5. who last gave you a ride home? I drove myself home both times today.

6. who was the last person you had a real conversation with? Sparky. Sorta. On the ride home.
7. are your feet touching the floor? No, they're on the recliner.
8. have you ever made a collage? Not for many many years.
9. do you use parentheses or brackets? I use a lot of both.
10. which of your friends has the coolest parents? Uh...hmmm, this is kind of not an issue so much anymore.

11. do your initials spell a word? Sort of. We used to have fun with it in college.
12. do you get rid of your clothes after you stop wearing them or do you keep them in your closet? WTF? Why keep them if they aren't being used?
13. has your basement ever flooded? God forbid! Actually, in our former house, the basement did flood one night while we were out: a pipe burst in the garage--it's a split level--and water seeped in through the stairwell. The babysitter didn't think to check downstairs. Beast was pissed.
14. if you traded in all of your jewelry would you get over one hundred dollars? I'd better!
15. have you been swimming in the past year? I Do. Not. Swim.

16. were you friends with everyone when you were younger, or were you the outcast? That's a sad question...I had friends. There were times when I didn't feel like it, though.
17. does it bother you when people put && before every sentence and ;; after? Don't know anyone who does those things, but yeah, I'd have trouble reading their stuff.
18. who did you eat dinner with last night? My boys.
19. is there any furniture in the corner closest to you? There's built-in cabinets.
20. do you have a certain spot where you do your homework? Right here, when I do work-work at home. Sometimes at the dining room table.

21. do any of your clothes have bleach stains? I don't think so anymore. Beast almost never uses bleach. I'm more profligate with it.
22. are there any kleenex in the room you're in? Of course. Speaking of profligate! We have lots of Kleenex boxes around the house, in almost every single room.
23. do your grandparents always give you lame presents for your birthday? All my grandparents died WAY before I turned ten, and I don't actually remember getting anything from them before that.
24. does your hair excessively fall out? Yes. Twice a year. Drives me nuts and Beast doesn't love it either. Clean-up's a bitch.
25. do you think that tom, from myspace, is planning to become a dictator? Fuck Tom. Fucking annoying jerk.

26. when was the last time it rained? Currently.
27. does it annoy you when people make small talk about the weather? Not this year!!
28. how often do you talk to family on the phone? Not often.
29. do you go to school year round? Every day, baby: School of Hard Knocks.
30. when is the last time you had a stomach ache? Within the last week. It's been a rough couple of months.


Do you hate the last guy you were talking to? Since that's Beast...uh, no.

When is the last time you took a nap? Yesterday.

Do you only drink bottled water? No. In fact, I rarely drink bottled water.

What are you listening to right now? Commercials.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Telemarketer.

To text you? plock

To send you a Myspace message? plock

What's on your mind most today? How very little I actually accomplished at work. I moved a shitload of stuff around, but in the end that's all I felt like I did. And I have a meeting with our major vendor tomorrow morning about starting to download order records.

Something that happened today that made you angry? Sparky being a TOTALFUCKING dork on the drive home. OK, it was more annoyed than angry, but it's the best I can do. No anger today.

Are you happier when your single or in a relationship? Haven't been single in almost 23 years. Don't remember what it's like. ;-)

Have you dated anyone that wasn't good to you? Hellayeah.

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them? Blurt. Blurt. Blurt.

Do you wear makeup? Nope.

Are you missing someone? Is there such a think as "pre-missing" when you know you're going to miss someone?

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Depends on who will pay for the second fuck-up and whether you've reimbursed the first one yet.

What instant messaging service do you use? Meebo.

Would you date/hook up with your brother's best friend? That would have been very cool when I was in college, but not now!

Have you ever had a panic attack? Major anxiety, no panic though.

What color is your hair? plock

Who was the last person you hugged? Sparky.

Who was the last person you talked to in person? Beast...about three questions ago.

Things you would always want in a relationship? Honesty, humor, common sense, honor.

What do you want most right now? A vacation.

What are you doing tonight? This.

Are you happy right now? I'd say more "content" than "happy."

Is your phone right beside you? The land line is. My cell is charging.

Are you cold? Not really. A little chilly, but nothing major.

What are you looking forward to in the next few months? Couple of interesting work-related meetings are coming up, including a weekend jaunt to California in June, and our mission trips and Youth Sunday for church.

First thing you do when you wake up? I'm usually not fully awake until I'm in the bathroom turning on the shower or washing my face.

How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night? I don't even try until I'm unable to keep my eyes open.

40 Things You Have NOT Been Asked In A Survey... Promise!

1. Do you know anyone in prison at the present moment? Nope. TG.

2. Have you ever logged onto a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush's myspace? plock (I don't use MySpace)

3. When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly? I had a peanut butter and honey sandwich for dinner tonight.

4. Do you have a desk in your bedroom? Nope.

5. Have you ever gotten naked at a party? Erk.

6. What kind of car do you have? Ford Ranger pickemup truck.

7. Are you named after one of your parents or grandparents? Nope. All the good family names were gone before I showed up. I coulda been "Miriam" or "Hilda" though--ack.

8. Do you use throw up gang signs? Whateverthefuckever...NO! I'm in my 40s--how ridiculous would that be??

10. Have you ever broken a rib? Not of my own. ;-) No.

12. Who is the most spoiled person you know? All 'round? Hmmm, ten years ago, I would have said Katherine. In fact, I might still say that.

13. Would you rather have a million dollars or true love? Love.

15. Is your boyfriend/girlfriend a marine? I don't know any Marines.

16. Do you watch the Grammys? We watched this year's show.

18. Which one word would describe how you feel right now? Tired.

19. Would you rather date someone 2 years younger or 20 years older? Twenty years older would make him 64...so I'm going with younger. If I were dating. Which...I'm not.

20. Have you ever had an eating disorder? I eat too much, but I don't think that's what this question is about.

21. Do you have a porn collection? No. Unless Chris counts. ;-)

23. Have you ever been in a bad relationship? Oh, well, let's see...I'm in my 40s...YES! Of course.

24. Is your birthday on a holiday? It's one day after one.

26. Do you have any friends or family in the war right now? No. Well, family of friends....

28. Do you worry about global warming? I'm not freaking out about it.

29. Do you like polar bears? ...yeah, whatever.

30. Have you ever been cheated on? I believe so, in hindsight.

32. What slang word(s) do you call marijuana? Pot. Weed, sometimes.

34. Are you religious? I guess.

35. Did or do you think your childhood dreams will come true? Of course I did.

36. Do you wear your sweetie's clothes? Sometimes.

37. What's your opinion on gold? I like spending it.

39. Is your car a 2000 or higher? My car is never high! It is a '98. The Honda's a '99.

40. who are your closest friends? plock

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