Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday's a Bitch

(Link in blogroll)
Fool Me Once, Shame On You

1. Have you ever pulled an April Fool's Day prank, or had one pulled on you?
In school, and when Sparky was younger. Not much since then. I don't like this sort of artifice anymore.
2. What's the most tasteless joke you've ever heard?
I dunno: college was full of Helen Keller and dead baby would be hard to pick just one out of those.
3. What's your favourite funny movie?
Speaking of tasteless: Heathers. But I also like Caddyshack, and I think Paint Your Wagon is hysterical.
4. How gullible are you?
On a scale of 1-10, I'm about a 7, but becoming slightly less so every day.
5. Are you a good sport when it comes to being the butt of a joke?
Sometimes. OK, it depends on whether I would laugh at someone else in the same circumstances.

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