Sunday, February 17, 2008


Found this at Allison's

1. What event most shaped your character? In ways I am mostly unaware of: my sister's illness when I was a young child. In ways I have some control over, the deaths of my father and sister in 1994.

2. What is your earliest childhood memory? Blah blah blah

3. Have you ever witness a miracle, or seen something that could not be explained? If so what was it? Yes, my sister's survival, and those occasional flashes of extreme clarity that happen rarely.

4. Do you belive in God? Yes.

5. Do you belive in the afterlife? I definitely don't think we're done when we die.

6. Do you belive in evolution? That humans evolved from apes? OK, first of all, humans are not proposed to have descended from apes. Get your fucking facts straight! The theory states that humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor--we took one genetic path, apes took another. Gawd, how I hate how people screw this up!! And I'm not even a scientist.

And, yes, I think it fits given the information we have now, but we don't know everything we?

7. What place would you most like to travel to? Australia and New Zealand.

8. Do you believe in till death do us part? Well, yes...within reason of course.

9. Do you support same sex marriage? Naturally.

10. Why or why not? None of my business, and who other people love doesn't matter to my personal relationships.

11. What changes would you like to see made in our government? Keep out of our lives, stop picking at each other, and just do the jobs you were hired to do.

12. Who or what was your biggest inspiration in life? My parents and grandparents, and parents-in-law as well.

13. Have you ever had a near death experiance? Not really. Not of my own.

14. Do you belive you can learn from elderly persons? We can learn from everyone, regardless of age. Respect of everyone is good for everyone.

15. What decade would you most liked to have lived in? Of the 20th century, I'd go with the 20s or 00s.

16. What historic person do you most admire? Why? Albert Schweitzer.

17. Do you think prisons reform people? You can't reform anyone who isn't interested in changing. Just like an alcoholic, the only person who can change the behavior is the person him- or herself.

18. Do you belive in global warming? I believe we have abused our planet, potentially beyond repair.

19. Do you do anything to conserve energy, or help the environment? We keep the heat turned low, we use the funky lightbulbs, we try to combine errands into one trip rather than making three trips, and we recycle pretty religiously.

20. Do you think space exploration is necessary? I dunno about 'necessary' but important. I think stuff here on earth outranks space though.

21. Do you think world peace is possible? Humans have some evolving yet to do before that happens.

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