Monday, February 11, 2008


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part one

1. What is the color of your shirt? It's a light gray sweatshirt with an orange-ish seal frolicking on a teal background.

2. Honestly, what's on your mind? How bloody COLD I am!

3. What's the first letter of the person you like's name? B

4. Honestly, do you like Britney Spears? I feel badly for her. I don't think I'd get along with her as a friend, but I'd be a better friend than anyone else in her life lately, too.

5. Honestly, have you done something bad today? Other than eating potato chips and cupcakes all morning and reading a book instead of the stuff I should be doing? No.

7. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Jenny.

8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? Honestly, anyone living someplace where the ambient outdoor temperature is 70 or higher.

9. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? Changing plans.

10. Honestly, do you bite your nails? Yes.

11. Honestly, I wish I lived... ...someplace warmer!

12. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? Nah, not really.

13. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret? Deep, yes. Dark, not really.

14. Honestly, do you have a friend that you really don’t like? I wouldn't categorize anyone like this as a friend. There are several acquaintances that I get along well with but would NOT consider friends.

15. Honestly, do you like/love anyone? Yes.

part two
1. What do you do when you get mad? Crying will occur eventually. I'm told I get a marvelous jutting-out jaw/chin.

2. What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad? I've said some really awful things. I slapped my mom once, which was bad but it cured her of coming after me.

3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Yes. Not that this is a source of pride, however.

part three
1. Honestly, when's the last time you cried? I don't remember. It's been awhile, which is good. I'm usually a once-a-week crier, on average.

2. Ever cried yourself to sleep? No. Crying makes my head hurt too much to sleep.

3. Do certain songs make you cry? Yes, sometimes. It's sorta unpredictable.

4. What usually makes you cry? Memories, other people's pain. Oddly, when I'm in pain, crying is not my first reaction.

5. What do you do when you're sad? Cry, feel miserable, eat.

part five
1. Is there someone right now that could do something to make you happy? I'm a strong advocate of the "no one can make you feel anything" school of thought. However, certain things people do have a positive effect on my mood: saying thank you, bringing me an unexpected but appropriate gift, listening to me vent, calling me when they need something....

2. Who can make you happy?See above re "making me feel" anything. Seeing those I love feeling joy is good though. And babies. Virtually any baby.

3. Does being with your friends make you happy? Sometimes it's happiness, but usually it's a deep-seated contentment and calm.


First, name your top 12 bands: (I'm including solo acts and bands)
1. U2
2. Melissa Etheridge
3. The Proclaimers
4. Joan Osborne
5. The Eagles
6. Alison Moyet
7. Annie Lennox
8. Howard Jones
9. Billy Joel
10. Angelique Kidjo
11. John Lennon
12. The Nylons
Ok, now answer some questions about band number one:
How did you hear about this band? They were all over MTV in the early 80s, and I noticed them because of the video(s) shot at Red Rocks.

How long have you been listening to them? Since 1982.

Name one band member. Der...Bono.

Does this band have a hot lead singer? I don't think he's hot in the Paris Hilton sense of that word. He looks like someone who would be fun to have a beer with, but probably fuckin' ANNOYING to work with!

How long have they been around? About 30 years? Maybe not quite 30.

Is this your favorite band? Overall, yes.
On to band numero DEUX! (nice: three languages in 5 words)
Write some random lyrics by this band. "This was our brother
This was our son
This shepherd young and mild
This unassuming one
We all gasp this can't happen here
We're all much too civilized
Where can these monsters hide" (Scarecrow)

Are they all girls? Or all guys? Or a mix? She's all woman, baby!

Can you name each member of this band? Well, yeah. I'm not sure who her backup group is; I suspect it changes a little from disc to disc.

What was the first song you heard from them? I dunno, but it was over 15 years ago.

How many guitar players does this band have? Just ME.

What kind of music do they play? Rock.
Band #3. HUZZAH!!
Do any of your friends like this band? I have no idea. They probably don't know anything but their one top-40 hit.

Is this band mainstream or indie? Indie.

What are their lyrics usually about? Sardonically humorous take on the world.

How many cds of theirs do you have? None.

Have you ever seen them live? No, and I'm not sure I'd want to.

Are they still together? I believe so.
Onward to band #4
Do you have any merchandise from this band? Three CDs.
Write some random lyrics by them. "I dreamed about Ray Charles last night.
And he could see just fine, you know." (Spider Web)

How many full-length albums have they put out? 3 or 4

Why do you like this band? I love her voice; it's low enough for me to sing along with, and bluesy.

Are they an older or more modern band? Very different in every CD she's done: blues, to rock, to country.

Have they ever written a song you hate? There are a few I don't love, yeah.
Numbah FIVE
How many members do they have? Five, I believe.

What's your favorite album of theirs? Hell Freezes Over

What was the first song you heard from them? "Take It Easy"

Are(were) they on an indie record label or a major? Major.

Do they have a logo? Yeah, probably. I would think so.

Name two members. Joe Walsh and Glen Frey.
Band number SIX
Write some random lyrics by them. "But baby - I burned Cupid's arrow
And here's the short and narrow" (All Cried Out)

How many albums of theirs do you own? None.

Is this band well-known? I think most people my age might have heard a few of her songs, but not too many Americans know who she is. Too bad.

How long have you been listening to them? Summer 1985.

Do you like their band name? She was the lead singer for Yaz, and that name sorta makes me giggle.

Do you know anyone else who likes them? The guys who introduced me to her, but that was over 20 years ago. No clue if they still like her now.
Number 7. YAY!
Is the drummer hot? Different drummer every album, I think. I don't pay attention.

Have they kept the same lineup through their whole career? She was part of The Eurhythmics when she was first famous, now she records mostly alone.

Is there an aesthetic aspect to this band? Uh...they were very new wave in the beginning, but she's settled down that part. I'd say she's rather intellectual and arty, moreso than poppy.

Do they have videos on MTV? Used to have loads. I doubt they play her songs anymore, however.

Name a band member. Just Annie.

What kind of music do they play?
New wave rock, with some ballads.
Number 8
Why do you like this band? I love his lyrics, and he writes good poppy music to go with them.

Are they better than, worse than, or equal to band #2? Different.

When did they first form? He was populare in the mid-80s.

How old were you when you first got into them? 20ish.

How many band members are there? I think it's just Howard.

Do you own any of their merchandise? Just one CD, from about 1984.
Are they closer to hard rock, or pop rock? Originally, pop. Nowadays, more classical.

Write some random lyrics. "Someday your child will cry and if you sing this lullaby
Then in your heart there will always be a part of me" (Good Night My Angel)

How old is the lead singer? Somewhere close to 60?

Are they still together? Barely!

Do they swear a lot? Define "a lot." He swears.

Do they write serious lyrics? Yes. And some very silly ones, too.
Band NUMERO DIX (again with the multiple languages!)
What record label are they on? Absolutely no clue.

When did they first form? Ditto.

Was their latest album any good? I've only listened to assorted tracks, not full albums.

How many members are there? Just Angelique.

What's something distinctive about them? She's from Benin.

Which of their CDs has the best artwork? Not my focus, frankly.
Number 11. You're getting closer to the end.
Name some lyrics. (this is the last time, I swear.) "Close your eyes,
Have no fear,
The monsters gone,
He's on the run and your daddy's here"

What was their best album? Oh, jeez. How about all of 'em?

Is the lead singer a guy or a chick? A guy.

Do they have any videos on MTV? It would surprise me a little if he was EVER shown on MTV anymore.

What kind of music do they play? Pop/rock

How long have you liked this band? I liked some of his early music (ahem) when I was a child, but I really didn't get to know him as an individual artist until I was in high school, about age 17.
Number 12! ALMOST FINISHED....
Why do you like this band? It's fun working out all the harmonies.

Can you name each band member? Not a single one, sorry.

Do they still have their original lineup? No clue.

Is it likely you'll find their CDs and merchandise at the mall? Uh, no.

How long have they been around? Early 80s?

Are they lyrically talented? Yes, though I'm not sure how much of their own music they actually write.
FINALLY, name you favorite songs by each band.
Band 1: Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Sweetest Thing, Vertigo, Angel of Harlem, Pride (In the Name of Love), Yahweh....
Band 2: Dance Without Sleeping, Brave and Crazy, Must Be Crazy for Me, Scarecrow, Silent Legacy, Me & Bobby McGee
Band 3: 500 Miles, D.I.Y.
Band 4: Spider Web, What if God Was One of Us, Right Hand Man, Righteous Love
Band 5: Take It Easy, Hotel California, Life in the Fast Lane, Tequila Sunrise, Get Over It, Desperado
Band 6: Love Resurrection, All Cried Out, Windmills of Your Mind, Weak in the Presence of Beauty
Band 7: Why, Would I Lie to You?, Sisters Are Doing It for Themselves, Walking on Broken Glass, Little Bird, You Have Placed a Chill in My Heart
Band 8: Things Can Only Get Better, What is Love, No One Is to Blame
Band 9: Goodnight My Angel, The Stranger, Innocent Man, Leningrad, Movin' Out, Goodnight Saigon, Piano Man...
Band 10: Idjé-Idjé, Wé-Wé, Oremi
Band 11: Beautiful Boy, Woman, Cold Turkey, Imagine, Give Peace a Chance,
Band 12: Rise Up, Town Without Pity, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Poison Ivy Up On the Roof

--I Love the 90s--

1. First of all, were you born in the mid to late 80s? Nope.

2. If so, what year? N/A

3. Did you own any jelly shoes? No. Never understood the attraction of plastic shoes, frankly. Still don't.

4. Do you still have them?: N/A

5. What was your favourite Power Ranger? Lame-o!

6. Could you name all the Ninja Turtles? I can now because of Sparky, and my interest in medieval/early Renaissance art.

7. Name as many as you can: Donatello, Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Raphael.

8. Who's cooler: Alex Mack or Clarissa? Sorry, no.

9. Did you ever try to climb a ladder to your best friend's room? My best friend had a one-story house.

10. How many times did you watch 'Scream'? Never have.

11. Did you think it was scary? N/A

12. Did you own a pair of Zubaz? No, and I had to Google them to find out what they were. Yaack!

13. If so, how many and what colour? N/A

14. Weren't Koosh Ballz fun? I loved 'em cuz they kept Sparky entertained and were inexpensive.

15. What were they for, anyway? The were for Rosie to shoot into the audience of course!!

16. How many Beanie Babies did you own? We probably have two or three dozen in the house, mostly in Sparky's room.

17. Did your mother ever have to tackle someone for one? My mother would never tackle anyone for a TOY!

18. Did you/your parents cry when Kurt died? No. I never understood Nirvana.

19. Do you think Courtney did it? No.

20. Did your parents vote for Bill Clinton? No. But I did and so did Beast.

21. How did they react to the whole "Monica" ordeal? My dad was dead by then--thank God!--and Mom & I never discussed it.

22. Did you watch Friends? I watched for a year or so.

23. Who's your favorite character? Phoebe and Chandler.

24. What's your favourite Friends expression? NOT.

25. What is your favourite Seinfeld expression? I never really understood the humor in Seinfeld, but I did like the concept of eating a Snickers with a fork & knife.

26. Who's worse: Seinfeld or Friends? Uh, neither/both.

27. Did your family ever have a fallout shelter for Y2K? Of course not!

28. Where were you and what were you doing on New Year's Eve of 1999? We watched the whole thing on TV as the world celebrated. VERY cool.

29. And finally, what was your favourite thing about the 90s? Sparky!


1.) Firstly, what is your name? Cat.

2.) How long have you been breathing? 44 1/4 years.

3.) When did you take your first gasping breath? Late in 1963.

4.) Are you a parent? Yup.

5.) Do you want kids? I've got what I want, thanks.

6.) Are you taken or single? Taken.

7.) Do you take drugs/smoke? Only OTC or prescribed drugs.

8.) What about drink alcohol? Occasionally.

9.) Do you have unprotected sex with various partners? No. Beast frowns upon that sort of thing.

10.) Are you a school slut, if you attend school? Are you proud of that? I'm not in school, nor would I/did I 'aspire' to be the school slut. Ugh.

11.) Do you get good grades? I did, when I was receiving grades.

12.) Are your parents divorced? No.

13.) What is your religion? Presbyterian...or more accurately, Christian.

14.) What is your style? Free-

15.) What traits do you like in friends? Humor, patience, and kindness.

16.) How about a boy/girl friend? Ditto.

17.) What do you really want in life? To find my place in the world.

18.) Do you drive? Yes.

19.) What type of car do you have, if you drive? A Ford Ranger pickup, though this week I'm all about driving a Honda Accord.

20.) Do you think sex is overrated? I think it's over accentuated in culture.

21.) Does heavy music give you headaches? Sometimes.

22.) Who is the hottest celeb of today? I really couldn't possible care any less than I do.

23.) Are guys like Chris Brown, T-Pain and Bow Wow appealing to you? I prefer men to have actual names, but I don't know Chris Brown from Charlie Brown.

24.) Are you racist? I hope not. I try very hard not to be.

25.) What REALLY pisses you off? People Adults with no sense of pride in themselves or ressponsibility for the world in which they live.

26.) Do you fake sick to get out of things, and how often? It's been known to happen....

27.) Have you ever truly thought of murdering yourself or someone else? No, not except as a theoretical exercise to keep my mind off how much I hate being near someone specific.

28.) Would you have an abortion? I can't now, but if I had gotten pregnant under the wrong circumstances or if the baby was endangering my life, I'd have had to consider it.

29.) Would you ever rape someone? OMG, this brings back an embarrassing memory! But, no.

30.) Would you ever burn down a home? Because of early aversion therapy, I do not MESS with fire. Ever.

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