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~Creative Adventure X~
Fill in the blanks.
1. While on vacation in Europe I decided to visit an old landmark Inn at the top of the cliffs. The Inn was the place to stay for the rich and famous during the turn of the 20th century. As I rode along the winding road up to the top I noticed that it seemed rather deserted for such a well-known place.
2. Gathering my senses I continued to the Inn grounds and drove the long unkept driveway to the now abandoned building. Stepping out of my car I walked to the door and found that it was standing open. In fact, it didn't look as if it could close because of dampness and because the floors and frame were warped.
3. Entering the enormous lobby I walked to the desk and opened an old falling-apart guest register and as I was reading the list of guests who were part of the past of this once famous Inn I thought I heard something moving behind the long reception desk. When I looked, I found a mother cat and her 5 kittens in a warm-looking nest.
4. Leaving this lonely ghostly place with a smile on my face I thought to myself , "Glad someone's making use of the place!"
Sunday night
5 years ago
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