Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday's a Bitch

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Random Joy, Celebrity Series

1. What was the last holiday you went on?
Last vacation was in July. Probably won't be another till summer, at this point, and maybe not then. We'll see.
2. Have you ever been to Chicago?
...uh...yeah. A few times. Quite often actually.
3. What's the best example from your life of the phrase "Truth is stranger than fiction"?
Almost every day at work! People are really weird. One day last summer, our janitor was checking on the a/c unit on the roof and found a recliner up there. On the roof.
4. How often do you take Taxis? Are they useful to you, or a waste of money?
I take taxis in Chicago. hee hee hee Actually, I don't usually use taxis, but they do come in handy when you don't know your way around a city and you don't have time to sort out the local mass transit system.
5. Do you prefer brown sugar or white sugar?
Mmmmmm, sugar!!! I'm not really fussy; they both have their uses.

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