...from Kwizgiver, font of all good things
if you were an animal, what would you be? a wolf
if you were really famous, you would be famous for... ...foot-in-mouth disease
if you were the richest person in the world, what would you spend your money on? medical research and reorganizing the world's food-and-water-supply chain
if you were a school lunch, what would you be? baked cheese sandwiches (do they still make those??)
if you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? bread-and-butter (unless I had a death-wish, and then it would be ALL-SUGAR, ALL THE TIME!!!)
if you could change your name, you would change it to... I like my name, though I'd get rid of the part 'donated' by my husband in a heartbeat if it wasn't such an emotional subject. Otherwise, I'd probably go with Cat. something or other. Cat Standing?
if you could change one thing about the way you look it would be... better skin
if you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life it would be... Amazing Grace (it has been sung by virtually everyone, so it wouldn't get boring, at least!)
if you had a baby boy you would name it... I would have liked to have found a way to use my brother's name for Sparky, but his initials would have been ... problematic. I would find a way next time, however.
if you had a baby girl you would name it... Jo
if you could shop at one store only it would be... Meijer's (they have food AND clothes, and about everything else...and it's NOT Squal-Mart!)
if my life were a movie it would be called... You Have GOT to Be Joking!
if i had a rock band it would be called... F--kme!
if you could have one super power, what would it be and why? removal of pain
if there was one thing in this world you could stop what would it be? selfishness
if you were a bird, where would you fly to? away...right now that would be good
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Greece
if you could name a town, what would u call it? I would go with what the people in the town wanted
if you could have any kind of dog, what would it be and what would you name it? Some kind of lab, or greyhound, and I'd have to meet the animal before I named it.
if you could get a job anywhere, where would it be? working with refugee children
if you could name a casino, what would you call it? Steelyo-Monet
if you were a desert what would you be? the Gobi (if I were a dessert, I'd be white cake with icing)
if you could own any sports team, what team would you choose? not.in.a.million.years
if you could make one wish, what would you wish for? an end to suffering
if you had a purple cat, what would you name it? I wouldn't bother; I'd take it to the vet!
if you could bring someone back to life, who would it be? normally I'd say Ellen, but not this week
if you could change your birthday, what day would you make it? I would research the sunniest month of the year and choose the same day in that money
if you could change anything about your life, what would you change? I'd do less worrying
Sunday night
5 years ago
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