Friday, January 4, 2008

Five on Friday

(Link in blogroll)

1. Do you make New Year's resolutions or personal goals?
As a rule, I don't. I do have one sort of outstanding this year, and it's related to my word for the year: detox.
2. Have you ever kept a New Year's resolution? Achieved a personal goal?
I don't do resolutions primarily because they are impossible for me to keep. I do achieve goals semi-regularly, but they are amorphous rather than concrete, and I do better with short-term, rather than long-term, goals.
3. What things are you always resolving to do but never actually do?
Get organized. Generally and specifically.
4. Why do you think most people fail to uphold their New Year's resolutions?
Expectations are set too high; people bite off more they can chew, get discouraged and quit.
5. Share the thing you most want to do this year and describe five steps you will take to make it happen.
I don't have any grand plan, just stay away from stuff that makes me sick.

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