from Kwizgiver (link at left)
How many keys are on your keychain? Work: 2. The Big One: 7? Or so. I finally got rid of the two keys I've had for over ten years that open our old church.
If you were given a canvas and watercolors, what would you paint? Stick figures. I'm totally not artistic, not with paint.
What do you regard as the most repulsive form of music? "Repulsive" music is hard to define and rather subjective, eh? I don't understand Asian music, but that doesn't mean it's repulsive.
Whose mind, besides your own, would you like to control? I can't even manage to keep mine in line, thanks! I'll just stick with that project for now.
What is the most dangerous occupation? Good heavens, don't ask me! Probably astronaut. Definitely NOT librarians, thank God!
What is the first thing you do when you get out of bed? Stand up...?
What do you consider the greatest threat to [hu]mankind? Ourselves.
If you could project yourself into the past, where would you go? The early 1960s, but only briefly.
What are you thankful you are not doing right now? Anything outside here. Also, sitting in a waiting room in a hospital.
What is your favorite kind of candy? Smarties
What is your favorite thing about the beach? I'm not that into beaches. However, if it's warm out, I like wading in the water.
If you were invisible, where would you go? I'd probably hang out behind some people who annoy me at work and freak them out.
What is one object in your home that you are embarrassed to own? Uh... I've got some embarrassing pictures, I guess (not THAT kind of embarrasing), but otherwise...nothing comes to mind.
Fill in the blank: When I dance, I look like a spaz.
Who is one person you wish you would have never met? MAS
What is your favorite fruit? Bananas.
What is your favorite kind of cookie? Iced sugar cookies. Or my mom's oatmeal cookies, which I'll never have again.
If you were an evil dictator, where would you rule? Prison, probably.
What do you need to get right now at the drug store? RIGHT now, I could use some Tylenol: I've got a killer headache. Otherwise...I don't think I need anything, but I should probably renew a prescription or two.
What song do you keep hearing over and over again? "Rock Me Gently" hee hee hee
What was the happiest age of your life? 5
What is your favorite piece of clothing that you own? My Lee jeans.
What two words describe your lifestyle? Casual, frantic.
Which ocean creature fascinates you most? Dolphins.
On a scale of 1-10; how religious are you? 6ish. I know, I know, but I know myself.
What historical figure would you most like to have a discussion with? King David
What color looks best on you? Blue or green.
What is your favorite thing about being sick? Sleeping.
What's new? Babies.
Why are you here right now? Catching up on the memes.
What commercial do you find most annoying? Most of 'em.
What was your favorite meal growing up? Pot roast, mashed potatoes, green beans.
If you had to spend the rest of your life in one place, where would it be? How long am I going to live? I'd like to continue to travel, but come home to Ouray.
Fill in the blank: I am so much smarter than I act.
What one person or thing reminds you of the 80s? Big Hair.
What is college really good for? Making endless stupid mistakes away from parental oversight.
Where is the most beautiful place you have ever been? Ydra, or really Greece in general.
What body part aches you the most right now? No contest: back.
When is the angriest you have ever been? I've had to force myself out of the room several times over the years with Sparky.
What do you waste your time doing? PC games, and blogging.
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you trust people? With what? I trust they will live down to expectation. Otherwise...probably 5ish.
If you were forced to choose your own death, how would you die? At an old age, and quietly and painlessly.
On a scale of 1-10, how photogenic are you? 4
What aspect of your personality could use a little work? Tact.
What is your greatest addiction? Caffeine.
What issue are you sick of hearing about? The presidential race.
If you were a professional wrestler, what would your ring name be? ...I just wouldn't be.
What language would you like to master? Ancient Greek. And/or Hebrew.
What is your favorite dish at a Chinese restaurant? Crab rangoon.
Who would you least likely expect a phone call from? Many billions of people.
What is the longest you have ever gone without a shower? Possibly three days. I dunno, it's been awhile.
What is the saddest movie you have ever seen? Sophie's Choice.
What time do you usually fall asleep? 10:30-11:00
Where is the worst place to be stuck waiting? Hospital.
What is the cutest animal on Earth? Baby anything. Well, ok, baby mammals, primarily.
Name one celebrity that has no right being a celebrity. Ann Coulter.
What hobby have you always wanted to pick up? ...can't think of one.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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