Here in My Car I Feel Safest of All

A soft-side jeep, similar to this one.

A Prius or something similar would be good, though I doubt I'd get a white car.3. What is the best thing about your current car? If you do not own a car, what is the best thing about the car you most often ride in?
No car payments is primary. The best thing about my truck is that it's a manual tranny and it has a good sound system...and it's a truck!4. If cars could be skinned the way cell phones, laptop computers, and iPods can, what would be a really cool skin for your car?
It would probably involve something to do with books.5. If you were going to decorate a friend’s car with a custom-made skin as a practical joke, whose car would you skin and what would it be?
I wouldn't do this. It just wouldn't be worth the hassle or the potential for disaster. Nor would I want it done to me.
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