1) Finish this sentence: "I hate myself when I fail to live up to my standards."
2) How much time do you spend on the phone or IMing with friends every day?
Phone: less than 10 minutes/day. IMing: probably averages about 15 minutes/day, but very sporadic; some days it's literally hours, and several people at once, but I can, literally, go a week without a single IM.3) What strategy would you implement to deal with drug abuse in today's world?
Well, some of the drugs need to just be legalized and dealt with more or less as we deal with alcohol. I'd actually be ok with legalizing and then slapping all sorts of taxes and so forth on the lot of 'em. Heroin? Sure: $100 for a hit, $150 for a needle and a hit...no bargaining, no sale prices, nothing like that. And then 80% of the money goes right back into education, without passing through the hands of the U.S. Government.4) What thing about your family are you least proud of?
It'll never happen.
Our argumentativeness.5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

There are days when I sort of feel like this is how other people picture me: which Cat. fits here to open this door or fix this problem. It's not always a bad feeling--I certainly feel useful and needed!
However, sometimes I just feel overwhelmed. Like when Mom needs to deal with Sparky's school situation, Wife is asked to run a couple of errands, Daughter should be visiting with her sick mom, Cataloger is called on to explain Meebo again to the boss, Youth Leader has to solve a "crisis" with the kids, Clerk of Session needs to decorate tables for a dinner she's coordinating, Daughter-in-Law should be doing SOMEthing useful, Reference Librarian must find "Guns, Germs & Steel" where it isn't on the shelf, Sister really should do some more research on MSA and treatments, and ... yeah. Xanax, please.
I actually don't feel this last thing right now, somehow, in spite of yesterday being sort of that way.
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