from Kwizgiver...natch
110. My middle name is not for public consumption online.
109. I was born in Denver, Colorado.
108. I am really honest. Unfortunately.
107. My phone is not answered about 50% of the times someone calls.
106. My eye color is hazel (mostly brown, vaguely green in parts).
105. My favorite colors are blue and white.
104. My ring size is bigger than it was when I got married...but not much. No clue of the number.
103. My height is 172.72 cm
102. I am allergic to life: dust, some trees, cats, dogs, mold, some grasses, mites, corn pollen...
101. I was born on a Tuesday in November, just before Kennedy was killed.
100. I am annoyed by snotty teenage girls.
99. Last book you read? "The Years of Rice and Salt" by Kim Stanley Robinson.
98. My bed is… comfy, warm and I can't wait to be in it!
97. One thing you hate about yourself? See #108. I wish I could learn some tact.
96. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
95. The perfect kiss is NOT sloppy!
94. The last three CDs I bought were dear God, I have no idea! I just bought some for gifts, so I'll count those: Green Day's "Nimrod", Lifehouse's "No Name Face", and Linkin Park's "Minutes to Midnight."
93. Are you living at home? definition.
92. Are your parents divorced? No.
91. What did you do yesterday? Cleaned the house, met with a lovely teenage girl, and rode around in a snowstorm like an idiot.
Do you believe in…
90. Love at first sight? I'm so fucking tired of this question! Yes, yes, yes yes, in theory.
89. Luck? Yes.
88. Fate? Kinda...but it's complicated.
87. Yourself? As long as my Xanax prescribtion stays updated.
86. Aliens? From outer space: meh, it could happen.
85. Heaven? Absolutely.
84. Hell? Not the traditional version, but I'm very aware of having been there.
83. Ghosts? Not really.
82. Horoscopes? Nope. 100% bogus, and I say that as someone who has compulsively charted several people's signs.
81. Soulmates? No. Romantic hogwash.
Which is Better?
80. Hugs or Kisses? Wow, the issue here is that I want both.
79. Drunk or High? Hello, I'm 44. I would hope that I'm past doing this by now.
78. Phone or Online? For what?? Obviously, I lean toward online communication.
77. Red heads or Black hair? Oh sure, I have to choose between Beast or Sparky? Uh-uh, not happening.
76. Blondes or Brunettes? Prefer dark hair.
75. Hot or cold? Totally NOT cold.
74. Summer or winter? Summer.
73. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla.
72. Night or Day? Day. Me loves the light.
71. Oranges or Apples? Apples, but I like oranges too.
70. Curly or Straight hair? For whom? Whatever, just take care of it.
Here’s What I Think About…
69. Abortion: hands off my body. No one has the right to tell me what I should or shouldn't do.
68. Backstabbers: it happens, but it should only happen once from a person before you realize that you shouldn't trust that person again.
67. Parents: Mine? Let's just not get into that.
When did you last…
66. Hug someone? Earlier at church, I got a hug from Sparky.
65. Kiss someone? I think I kissed Beast after we got home tonight.
64. See someone? ....uh, I'm sitting in the living room with Sparky and Beast, I can see them both...
63. Cry in front of someone? This morning at breakfast, I got a bit teary.
62. Who is the ditsiest person you know? Me.
61. Who makes you laugh the most? Sparky. Jenny. Amy. For variable reasons.
60. The last movie you saw in theaters? I need to go see another movie, because I'm tired of having to admit that it was Underdog.
59. What I don’t understand is… brain chemistry imbalances.
58. The most unsatisfactory answer I’ve ever received is… "...{shrug} whatever..."
57. Something I will really miss when I leave home is… warmth (tomorrow morning when I leave the house).
56. The thing that I’m looking forward to the most… finding all those pictures!!
55. The thing that I’m not looking forward to is… packing up all the Christmas decorations.
54. Tomorrow: I have an appointment for DbD, I need to get some giftcards and some gifts, and then I dunno.
53. Today: was long. I spent a lot of time at church.
52. Next Summer: is a long way away. I have no idea what's going on.
51. This Weekend: is nearly over.
50. People call me… lots of things. Especially snotty teenaged girls.
49. The most difficult thing to do is… keep my mouth shut.
48. I have gotten a speeding ticket… once.
47. The first person I talked to today was… Sparky, I think.
46. First time I had a crush… it was on J!m Ph!ll!ps, in 6th grade.
45. The one person from whom I can’t hide things: no one. You wouldn't think so, but I can definitely dissemble like a pro.
44. Last time someone said what you were thinking: Beast and I do this all the time!
43. Right now I am talking to… no one, I'm typing and watching TV.
42. What is your dream job? The job I have comes pretty close.
41. First job? Babysitter.
40. I want most: for Beast to be happy. He's not right now. Things pretty much suck.
39. I wish: my eyes would stop hurting already!!
38. The worst sound in the world is… nails on a chalkboard.
37. The person that makes me cry the most: Sparky.
36. Best sound in the world: laughing kids.
35. Person who makes you happy: Sparky.
34. Cats or dogs? I like dogs more than cats, but I'm allergic to both.
33. Didn’t want to be… at work today.
32. Which Golden Girl would you be? Maude. Someone has to be sane.
31. MySpace or Facebook: Facebook.
30. Mexican food or Chinese? Either, but not together.
29. My favorite piece of clothing: My Lee jeans.
28. My favorite color(s): stealing Kwizgiver's answer: have not changed since # 105.
27. Last time I cried: was still this morning at breakfast.
26. My friends are… awesome!
25. My computer is… my best friend (not really).
24. Last person at whom I got mad: ...uh, aforementioned snotty teenaged girl...however, it was more like extreme annoyance.
23. Person on whom I secretly crush: depends on the day.
22. Favorite Song: Silent Night.
21. Paper or plastic? Paper. Hard to find nowadays.
20. The all-time best movie(s) I’ve seen? So many: Sophie's Choice, Heathers, Fiddler on the Roof, Platoon, Groundhog Day, Matrix (the first one), Shoah.
19. The all-time best feeling in the world is… appreciating the good things in life, really deep down.
18. Favorite scent: 'clean' and vanilla.
17. What color is your hairbrush? Black and gray.
16. Favorite shoes: I don't really keep any that aren't wonderful. So there, JT!
15. I lose all respect for people who… whine all the time.
14. Color of your room? My bedroom is blue and brown.
13. TV channels you watch: The networks (mostly CBS somehow...), Discovery, Science, whatever channels the football games are on (we buy the NFL package from DirecTV), The Weather Channel, and E! Others pop in once in awhile, too.
12. Best feature: sense of humor?
11. Worst habit: Nail-biting. Especially lately. I'm surprised I have fingers left!
10. The worst pain I was ever in was… childbirth.
9. Best memory: giggling with my mom during prayers at church once.
8. Favorite TV show: CSI
7. My favorite celebrity couple is…Jada Pinkett-Smith and Will Smith.
6. Favorite stuffed animal: My Wolsey.
5. My weakness is… sweets.
4. What I like about the opposite sex is… that they amuse me.
3. Who broke your heart? Long list.
2. One thing that makes me feel great is… going to sleep.
1. One person that you wish you could see right now? Dad. I have some questions I want to ask him.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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