More from Kwizgiver, who is linked in the blogroll
1. Is anything wrong? That's vague-ish, no? I'm ok, except my feet and my eyes (lotsa walking/standing and allergies, respectively). My household is generally ok. Katherine and Alan...I'm worried about them.
2. Do you want to go to college? The occasional class, for fun, sure. Another degree...probably not.
3. How many kids do you want to have? One looks wonderful.
4. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? The one remaining one...well, we're getting along I guess.
5. What did you do for your last birthday? Absorutely nothing memorable. Which is fine.
6. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping. Just getting comfy.
7. Name something you CANNOT wait for! Tomorrow, 4:15 p.m.
8. Last thing you ate/drank? Working on a glass full of decaf diet DP, and crackers and cheese.
9. Do you like peanut butter? Within reason, yes.
10. Who’s making you feel the way you are right now? The Rockies are being retarded, Ohio State is winning so far, the computer is working. I'm vaguely at peace, with a tinge of annoyance over baseball. Which isn't unusual.
11. Most visited web pages?Bloglines. Or Blogger.
12. Last person to make you mad? Really mad? People at work. Low-level annoyance: Katherine. Today.
13. Coke or pepsi? Dr. Pepper.
14. Have you hugged anyone in the past week? Several. Today.
15. Fun thing to look forward to this or next week? DbD creation on Monday.
16. How many siblings do you have? There were originall 5 of us.
17. Do u have any pets? No, but Sparky duz. erg
18. Whats your favorite number? 16
19. What do you do after school/work? Go...home....?
20. Do you know how to swim? Nope.
21. Where were you born? Porter Memorial Hospital, now known as Porter Adventist Hospital, I guess.
22. Do you have a crush? There's a patron that I've developed a little thing about. Don't worry; I'm not going to get all freaky.
1. Are you jealous of one or more of your friends? I have moments of strong envy for one or two of them.
2. Have you known any of your friends your whole life? I've known Laura since we were in Kindergarten.
3. Are any of your friends taller than you? Beast is, as are several other male friends. I think that's it nowadays.
4. Have you ever been ditched by a friend? Good heavens! I should hope by this age I would have not only be the ditched but also the ditcher!
5. Have you lost or forgotten a friends phone number? See first sentence above. But I still know Laura's: same prefix as my childhood phone, then 8828. Her parents still use the same number, too!
6. Have you been to most of your friends houses? I have visited most of my IRL friends at home, yes.
7. Do you love most of your friends? Well, y'know, really: if I didn't at least like them a lot they certainly wouldn't be my friends, would they?
1. Do you play with things when nervous? I...yes.
2. Do you have an odd obsession with knives? Uh, no? At all.
3. Do you sleep with the door open or closed? Front door: closed and LOCKED! Bedroom door: I prefer shut tight, Beast prefers open. We compromise on "ajar."
1. Do you currently like/love someone? {eyeroll} Of. Course.
2. Who? Beast. Sparky. The rest of my family. Jenny. Amy. John. Kelly. Jacob. Deanna. Sarah. Sara. Jessica. Grace. Anne. Annie. Justin. Rachel. The multitude of Beths I know. Gwen. [get the picture?]
3. Do you want to kill one of your ex's? No. Why bother at this point?
4. You get bored of your girlfriend/boyfriend easily? Here's a hint: if you answer this in the affirmative, I might suggest moving on to someone who doesn't bore you. Just a thought. [My answer is an unquivocal "NO."]
Sunday night
5 years ago
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