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Back to School
With summer nearly over, most of us are getting ready to go back to school.
Whether you are getting your kids ready or yourself, it's always a busy time.
So lets have a few back to school questions.
Take your seats please and listen up or you'll get detention!
1. As a kid, how did you feel about going back to school? If you go now, how do you feel about it?
With a couple of exceptions, I was always really excited about school starting back up. New clothes, new supplies, seeing friends--the first week (or day) was always good! The two exceptions were freshman year college (I was 100% terrified) and 6th grade (all my friends were a year older and had left the school for junior high).2. How do you/did you prepare for going back?
School supply and clothes shopping were de rigeur in August. I usually got a new lunchbox (in grade school), too. I don't remember any of my personal preparatory routines, but I've no doubt I had 'em!3. Ever had a crush on a classmate or teacher? Who was it?
D'er. Yeah. As a grade-schooler, we only had two male teachers. The gym teacher wasn't my idea of great (tho' I liked him as a teacher), but Mr. W had a very romantic limp and craggy face. Don't remember teachers I crushed on after that...there were too many cute boys around: Troy U., Ron M., Larry C., Warren G., Joel S.... SO many!4. What is/was your fav school subject?
I liked everything except science and (later) math. I wasn't good at art, but I had fun, which means I had teachers who graded on effort and not skill!5. What's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in school?
Being noticed for anything other than knowing answers or doing well was always horrifying. I can't think of a specific time where I balled things up badly in front of people.... Having glasses in the 70s and 80s was not fun; my parents wouldn't spring for contacts (it wasn't even discussed) and glasses were HUGE back then. So I heard "Four-Eyes" a lot!!
6. What did you like better, grade school or high school?
The beginning of grade school...actually most of grade school was fun and easy and so forth. I don't have too many memories of specific incidents, just a general feeling of knowing my 'place' and being comfortable there. High school had more, and higher, peaks, but it also had the valleys to go along with them. I'd say it's a wash. ;-)
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