swiped from Kwizgiver
What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now? Dial Aloe soap
Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator? Not if I can help it. ick
What would you change about your living room? I'd like a new couch and another end table.
Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty? I believe Sparky just emptied and then added the dirty dishes.
What is in your fridge? Carrots, plums, salad, grapes, lots of different kinds of cheese, water, milk, lots of DP, leftovers, yogurt, baking soda...and some other stuff.
White or wheat bread? I prefer something with a little heft to it, but I'm willing to eat Wonder bread if necessary.
What is on top of your refrigerator? the banana hanger and a cup with dry-erase pens on it (for the board on the front of the fridge)
What color or design is on your shower curtain? It's a lighthouse with dolphins in the foreground.
How many plants are in your home? Only plastic flowers. I kill plants.
Is your bed made right now? Yep.
Comet or Soft Scrub? Soft Scrub
Is your closet organized? Well, I think so! :-) The shoes are sorta out of control, but otherwise you can see the floor just fine.
Can you describe your flashlight? We have a kabillion of them because we have lots of power outages at weird times. There's one one either side of our bed, Sparky has one in his room (which he mostly uses to read after bedtime, as if I don't know!), one in the hall upstairs, one in the living room, two or three in the kitchen, several in the basement.... They run from mini-maglites to full maglites to camping lanterns, cheap plastic crap and expensive ones. We also have a kabillion candles, and an oil lamp.
Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home? Glass at the table, plastic most everywhere else.
Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? Not likely! It's a whopping 57 degrees out right now!
If you have a garage, is it cluttered? Beast would say no. There's a LOT of crap in there, though.... Part of that is because he's refinishing three pieces of furniture at the moment.
Curtains or blinds? Blinds on most of the downstairs windows, some heavy, insulating curtains on windows that need insulation, including bedrooms. Sparky gets both, since he can't sleep with any light.
How many pillows do you sleep with? One, but we each have two--I read with both pillows and then remove one to sleep.
Do you sleep with any lights on at night? The hall light is usually on, sometimes the light on the headboard too, depends on when I crash.
How often do you vacuum? Rarely.
Standard toothbrush or electric? Combination of both; it's a Crest toothbrush with a battery in it. Works great!
What color is your toothbrush? I think it's blue and white...maybe green and white.
Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch? There's a mat....
What is in your oven right now? Air, and ash from when I did the self-cleaning thing last.
Is there anything under your bed? That's where I keep my socks.
Chore you hate doing the most? Anything related to floors.
What retro items are in your home? I guess the furniture my dad made in the 40s and 50s is retro, eh? Actually, a lot of our furniture is old, but only cuz we're too cheap to buy new replacements for stuff that still works fine.
Do you have a separate room that you use as an office? Yes.
How many mirrors are in your home? One big one in each bathroom, one on each medicine chest, one on our closet door, one over Beast's dresser (not that you can see anything in it--it's VERY silvered...more retro, heh), one in the spare room, a couple of hand mirrors, and beer mirrors (sigh)....maybe 12 total? It occurs to me that Sparky doesn't have a mirror in his room.
Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home? Uh, not so's you'd notice....
What color are your walls? Greens, blues, a little red, a little yellow, and too much Builder White!
Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home? That's what Beast is for, that plus the Louisville Slugger and the phones.
What does your home smell like right now? Warmed up leftovers (spiced, grilled capon halves)...and cleaning solutions.
Favorite candle scent? Linen, pine, vanilla...kinda depends on my mood.
What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now? I don't think I have any.
What color is your favorite Bible? They mostly have covers on them, but The Message is sort of orangey-browny-yellow.
Ever been on your roof? Uh, no. It's not...likely. Ahem. [If you could see our roof...hah]
Do you own a stereo? Yes.
How many TVs do you have? Two.
How many house phones? Five.
Do you have a housekeeper? I pay someone to come twice a month and vacuum, mop and dust. Hence the smell of cleaning today.
What style do you decorate in? Whatever.
Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints? I prefer primarily solids, or very small prints. I definitely DO NOT like large prints, like flowers!
Is there a smoke detector in your home? They are ALL OVER THE PLACE!
In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you’d grab if you only could make one quick trip? Assuming Beast and Sparky are safely out, cell phone, family phone book, photo albums, my wallet, and the guinea pig.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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