Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thursday Threesome

(Link at left)
::Going out to Dinner::

Onesome: Going out -- means what? Deal with this and plan that and...? ...or can you just leave and hit it ... where? Hmmm... Where is "out" for you?
Mostly we plan a little, but sometimes we need to plan more. I'd like to get to a nearby special exhibit that requires buying tickets ahead of's getting to be crunch-time between school starting and the exhibit leaving. Must do that today. Obviously, the planning "ahead" is frequently not done very well! "Out" could be a movie, or visiting friends, or just driving around the countryside.
Twosome: " -- the dogs?" Is that just a strange expression? ...or do you 'get' it? What's the most curious expression you've heard or you use and others don't 'get'?
I use "going to the dogs" on occasion, but I'm more prone to saying "going to hell." I don't know what other people get confused about that I say, but I do know that when Beast said, "Bloody hell!" kiddingly at my sister's dinner table about 10 years ago, everyone froze. It was like he had dropped a freeze-bomb in the room. What is the deal with "bloody" in England and its environs, anyway?!
Threesome: Dinner -- bells and chuck wagon triangles: what sound means food to you? Okay, okay, sure, the ice cream truck counts {g}!
What sound? Hmmm, I go with smells a lot of the time. I guess the sound of the timer on the oven, the sound of crinkling plastic or paper wrapping material.... I'm actually giggling now, because whenever we take anything plastic-wrapped out of the fridge, the guinea pig assumes it's for him and he starts "weeeaapp"-ing like crazy. "Feed me feed me feed me...."

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