10 Things You Don't Like About Your Job
- People who talk, incessantly, in the workroom, where I'm trying to work. It's why I wear headphones.
- The more obnoxious and rude patrons, the ones who aren't funny, make for bad stories for the blog (as in stories I'd bother to pass along), and just generally piss me off.
- Being short-staffed almost all the freakin' time.
- We (all) are awful at communicating changes, not to mention basic policy and procedures, to the rest of the staff. However, we do excel at coming down with both feet on people who screw up, especially if they aren't in The Group.
- Oddball changes in national policy that make life very complicated (you don't want to know) to save pennies for the Big Guys while they spend hundreds of thousands on B.S. pet projects.
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